Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades
The Only Constant Is Change!
Today, traders have got the opportunity to purchase and download popular Forex magazines ( right from MetaTrader 4. You can now stay abreast of the latest financial news and events, read relevant articles and interviews with industry leaders right in the platform, while continuing trading and running market analysis.

The magazines are distributed via the familiar MetaTrader Market and can be purchased in the same way as trading robots and technical indicators. All you need to buy a magazine of your choice is a account and sufficient amount of money in it. The rest is simple - with a couple of clicks the required information is brought right before your eyes. No more searching and paying for the necessary publication using a third-party website - you can now do it right in MetaTrader!Today, traders have got the opportunity to purchase and download popular Forex magazines ( ) right from MetaTrader 4. You can now stay abreast of the latest financial news and events, read relevant articles and interviews with industry leaders right in the platform, while continuing trading and running market analysis.

The magazines are distributed via the familiar MetaTrader Market and can be purchased in the same way as trading robots and technical indicators. All you need to buy a magazine of your choice is a account and sufficient amount of money in it. The rest is simple - with a couple of clicks the required information is brought right before your eyes. No more searching and paying for the necessary publication using a third-party website - you can now do it right in MetaTrader!
Congrats! sky is the limit
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Сегодня пройдем планку в 200 000 зарегистрированных пользователей...
MT4 New Build 600 - This videos gives a few tips on how to smoothly upgrade from MT4 build 509 to 600.
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
MT4 New Build 600 (how to upgrade to build 600) - suggestion of Christina Li :
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Commento all'argomento Indicators: Trade Sessions Indicator
FX 24 Hours per Day (based on dailyfx article ) The Forex Market trades 24 hours a day 5 days a week , The greatest amount of volatility happens during market open overlap. , Forex traders can enter
Indicators: Trade Sessions Indicator
Forex Market Size
Sergey Golubev
Sergey Golubev
Commento all'argomento Press review
Forex Market Size (based on this article ) The Forex market is the largest and most liquid market in the world, The US dollar makes up the majority of Forex transactions, The Forex market’s deep
Press review
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Mobile Applications for Android Updated
We are actively working on improving MetaTrader mobile applications for Android. First, working with charts has been optimized for the latest MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 versions of the most popular mobile OS in the world. This means that all
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Mobile Applications for Android Updated
Merhaba! MQL5 Reference Is Now Available in Nine Languages Including Turkish!
Over the past six months, MQL5 Reference has been translated into Italian and Portuguese , and now it has also become available in Turkish. You can download the Reference right now from MetaTrader 5 terminal or Docs section of Millions of
Merhaba! MQL5 Reference Is Now Available in Nine Languages Including Turkish!
Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades
On behalf of MetaQuotes Management and Team,

We wish you a wonderful holiday season and health & prosperity for you and your families.
MetaQuotes Warriors!
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
MetaQuotes Boxing Academy: Boxing Academy:
Rodrigo Malacarne
Rodrigo Malacarne
Screenshot pubblicati
WINZ13, H1XP Investimentos CCTVM S/Atemp_file_screenshot_13035.png
MNI FX Bullet Points News Now Available on MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5!
MNI FX Bullet Points news feed and analytics are now integrated into the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms. MNI is a leading real-time news agency dedicated to providing global capital markets with relevant trading information. Thus
MNI FX Bullet Points News Now Available on MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5!
Spanish MQL5 Website Launched:
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Запустили испанский сайт

Впереди еще месяцев 6 плотной работы переводчиков по переводу статей и библиотеки.
Commento all'argomento Traders Joking
Traders Joking
Renat - MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Soon I will write a new article about the use of DLL in MT4/MT5, compiling C / C directly from the editor and new methods of catching errors.

You just need to wait for the new builds.
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Скоро напишу новую статью про использование DLL в МТ4/МТ5, компиляцию C/C++ прямо из редактора и новые методы отлова ошибок.

Надо только дождаться выхода новых билдов.
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Renat Fatkhullin - MetaQuotes
Рекорды нашего городка:

Еще вчера этот бесплатный торговый сигнал имел около 8 000 подписчиков, а сегодня стал платным по 30 долларов в месяц. В результате за несколько часов набрал уже 989 платных подписчиков и практически каждую минуту получает новых.

Нехилый у него заработок в 24 000 долларов в месяц в первый же день :)
MetaTrader 4 iOS Features New Chat - Interact Freely with Traders in Your Mobile Terminal!
MetaTrader 4 iOS Features New Chat - Interact Freely with Traders in Your Mobile Terminal!
At the start of the year, MetaTrader 4 iOS users received an opportunity to communicate with friends in the internal free chat . In the latest version of the mobile platform , we have thoroughly revised the chat making it even more convenient
MetaTrader 4 iOS Features New Chat - Interact Freely with Traders in Your Mobile Terminal!
MetaQuotes Software Corp. Video tutorial: MetaTrader Signals Service
Video tutorial: MetaTrader Signals Service
Trading Signals - it's a convenient and easy-to-use service for traders. We have already published several articles in the past, explaining how to subscribe to copy trades from more experienced traders and how to become a signal provider in our
Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades 2013.10.04
A very good and detail explanation for any trader on using MetaTrader Signals...
One Billion Tasks Executed with MQL5 Cloud Network!
This February, we have reported on an important milestone in the development of MQL5 Cloud Network - 500 million tasks were executed using the network capacities. Over the past six months, this figure has doubled and thousands of the network users
One Billion Tasks Executed with MQL5 Cloud Network!
codice condiviso dell'autore MetaQuotes
Velocizza i Calcoli con il Cloud Network MQL5
Velocizza i Calcoli con il Cloud Network MQL5

Quanti core hai sul tuo computer di casa? Quanti computer puoi utilizzare per ottimizzare una strategia di trading? Qui mostriamo come utilizzare il Cloud Network MQL5 per accelerare i calcoli ricevendo la potenza di calcolo in tutto il mondo con un click del mouse. La frase "Il tempo è denaro" diventa ancora più attuale con il passare degli anni e non possiamo permetterci di aspettare calcoli importanti per decine di ore o addirittura giorni.

Fivos S. Georgiades
Fivos S. Georgiades
New Version of the MetaTrader 5 iPhone: Now with Technical Indicators!