Sergey Ershov
Sergey Ershov
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Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. As expected, both the Fed and the ECB have left their interest rates unchanged. Accordingly, the reaction of the markets to their decisions was almost zero...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The Euro rose sharply on Monday. This is not to say that no one expected it. 35% of analysts and graphical analysis on H4 and D1 predicted the pair's rise to the height of 1.1100...
Sergey Ershov
"We only trade with NordFX!"- this motto was supported by hundreds of beginners and experienced traders who took part in a series of seminars that were held in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines...
Sergey Ershov
«Мы торгуем только с NordFX!» – этот девиз поддержали сотни начинающих и уже опытных трейдеров, принявших участие в серии семинаров, которые прошли в Восточном Минданао, на Филиппинах...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. it looks like the thanksgiving celebration in the US started not in Thursday 28 November, but as early as on Monday 25...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Такое впечатление, что День Благодарения в США начали отмечать не в четверг 28 ноября, а уже в понедельник 25-го...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Recall that the previous forecast focused on the uncertainty that has been reigning in the markets recently. At that time, the preponderance of the bulls' supporters over the bears was only 10...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Напомним, что в предыдущем прогнозе был сделан акцент на неуверенности, которая царит в последнее время на рынках. В тот момент перевес сторонников быков над медведями составил всего 10...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. President Trump is plannng to be re-elected for a second term thanks to the strong growth of American GDP. Major US indices continue to storm historical highs. Futures on the S&P500 rose above 3100...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Президент Трамп собирается переизбраться на второй срок благодаря уверенному росту американского ВВП. Основные американские индексы продолжают штурм исторических максимумов. Фьючерсы на S&P500 поднялись выше отметки 3100...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. On Thursday, November 07, the US markets updated historical highs after reports of the US and China willingness to remove duties as new parts of the Trade Treaty are being signed...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. В четверг 07 ноября американские рынки обновили исторические максимумы после сообщений о готовности США и Китая снимать пошлины по мере подписания разделов торгового договора...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. What was expected did happen: on Wednesday, October 30, the US Federal Reserve lowered the interest rate on the dollar from 2.0% to 1.75...
Sergey Ershov
One of the main priorities of NordFX is to improve the skills of traders, aimed at improving the results of their trading in the financial markets. Constantly developing this direction, the company offers its customers the opportunity of both online and offline training...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The main theme last week was undoubtedly Brexit...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Last week was marked by two events. The first is progress on the next stage of trade negotiations between the US and China, the beginning of which was called by president Trump "very, very good...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Most experts (55%) expected a correction of the pair up to the zone of 1.1000. This scenario was also supported by 15% of the oscillators on D1 and W1, giving clear signals about the pair being oversold...
Sergey Ershov
At the end of September, the largest metropolis of Vietnam, the ten millionth Ho Chi Minh city, saw an event that attracted the attention of not only numerous specialists, but also those who want to gain experience in online trading and investing in financial markets...
Sergey Ershov
В конце сентября в крупнейшем мегаполисе Вьетнама – десятимиллионном Хошимине, состоялось мероприятие, привлекшее внимание не только многочисленных специалистов, но и тех, кто еще только желает приобрести опыт в сфере онлайн-торговли и инвестирования на финансовых рынках...