Sergey Ershov
Sergey Ershov
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Sergey Ershov
Trading on the financial markets is becoming more dynamic, and competition is constantly growing, requiring brokers to make non-standard, innovative solutions in a variety of ways...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The situation in the financial markets is completely under the control of the coronavirus for many weeks in the run...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The dollar index has already gained 2.5% since the beginning of February, reaching the highest since May 2017. The euro continues to lose ground. Beginning on January 01, the advance of the dollar has weakened the European currency by 440 points...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Stop-loss orders on long positions for this pair are triggered one after another for the second week in a row. The bulls retreat, successively surrendering all their lines of defense...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Вторую неделю подряд stop-loss ордера на длинных позициях по этой паре срабатывают один за другим. Быки отступают, поочередно сдавая все свои линии обороны...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The statistics in the United States (including ISM and NFP) look rather optimistic. The US indices have updated their record levels over the past five days: The Dow Jones is 29393 and the S&P500 is 3345...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Статистика США (включая ISM и NFP) выглядит достаточно оптимистично. Американские индексы за последние пять дней обновили рекордные уровни: Dow Jones – 29393 и S&P500 – 3345...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The past week passed under the sign of the coronavirus, which determined the lion's share of what was happening in the markets. Commodities and currencies that are most clearly linked to China have suffered the most...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Минувшая неделя прошла под знаком коронавируса, который определял львиную долю того, что происходило на рынках. Больше всего пострадали сырьевые товары и валюты, наиболее явно связанные с Китаем...
Sergey Ershov
The broker company NordFX has offered its clients one more opportunity for profitable trading and investment in the financial markets in 2020: Copy Trading service...
Sergey Ershov
В наступившем 2020 году брокерская компания NordFX предложила своим клиентам еще одну возможность для прибыльной торговли и инвестирования на финансовых рынках – сервис «Copy Trading»...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. The euro is falling again, and it has lost about 70 points to the dollar over the past five days. There are two reasons for this: the coronavirus epidemic in China and the very cautious new ECB Head Christine Lagarde...
Sergey Ershov
Для начала несколько слов о событиях прошедшей недели: – EUR/USD. Евро снова падает, за минувшие пять дней он уступил доллару еще около 70 пунктов. Причин этому две – эпидемия короновирусной инфекции в Китае и очень осторожная новая глава ЕЦБ Кристин Лагард...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Starting from November 29, 2019, the pair moved along the ascending channel. On December 31, it reached the upper limit of the channel at 1.1240, and then changed direction and on January 08, it broke through the lower limit of the channel at 1...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. As you know, life is like a zebra: a black stripe comes after a white one, and vice versa...
Sergey Ershov
At the end of 2019, NordFX was prized with three more professional awards. Thanks to this, the company can now claim to be one of the most titled brokers in the world: the total number of honorary prizes and awards it has received since 2008 has reached 50...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Holidays are for people to get distracted for a while from daily problems, plunging into the magic atmosphere of miracle expectation. And miracles happen, and financial markets are no exception, as we have already warned our readers...
Sergey Ershov
What to expect from major currency pairs in the New year. There is no doubt that the vast majority of brokerage companies and private traders consider the EUR/USD pair as one of the main tools for their work. Different sources say that this pair holds from 22% to 32% of the Forex market...
Sergey Ershov
First, a review of last week’s events: - EUR/USD. Starting on Monday from the level of 1.1110, the pair went up, as expected by most experts. The market did not react to the initiated impeachment of the US President Trump, and the S&P500 Index once again updated the historical maximum...
Sergey Ershov
December is the month of summing up the results of the year...