0 recensioni
38 settimane
0 / 0 USD
crescita dal 2023 -3%
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
  • Equità
  • Drawdown
Profit Trade:
92 (57.86%)
Loss Trade:
67 (42.14%)
Best Trade:
273.87 EUR
Worst Trade:
-133.41 EUR
Profitto lordo:
2 323.48 EUR (191 200 pips)
Perdita lorda:
-2 351.18 EUR (192 797 pips)
Vincite massime consecutive:
13 (131.97 EUR)
Massimo profitto consecutivo:
273.87 EUR (1)
Indice di Sharpe:
Attività di trading:
Massimo carico di deposito:
Ultimo trade:
1 giorno fa
Trade a settimana:
Tempo di attesa medio:
2 ore
Fattore di recupero:
Long Trade:
85 (53.46%)
Short Trade:
74 (46.54%)
Fattore di profitto:
Profitto previsto:
-0.17 EUR
Profitto medio:
25.26 EUR
Perdita media:
-35.09 EUR
Massime perdite consecutive:
16 (-588.66 EUR)
Massima perdita consecutiva:
-588.66 EUR (16)
Crescita mensile:
Previsione annuale:
Algo trading:
Drawdown per saldo:
246.33 EUR
588.66 EUR (42.31%)
Drawdown relativo:
Per saldo:
42.31% (588.66 EUR)
Per equità:
4.27% (41.53 EUR)


Simbolo Operazioni Sell Buy
Usa500 73
UsaTec 34
UsaTecJun24 29
Usa500Jun24 15
UsaTecMar24 4
Usa500Sep24 2
UsaInd 1
UsaTecSep24 1
20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80
Simbolo Profitto lordo, USD Perdita, USD Profitto, USD
Usa500 99
UsaTec -59
UsaTecJun24 -165
Usa500Jun24 -15
UsaTecMar24 130
Usa500Sep24 7
UsaInd 8
UsaTecSep24 -37
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
Simbolo Profitto lordo, pips Perdita, pips Profitto, pips
Usa500 1.2K
UsaTec -9.1K
UsaTecJun24 -5.9K
Usa500Jun24 1.7K
UsaTecMar24 11K
Usa500Sep24 275
UsaInd 3.2K
UsaTecSep24 -3.5K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
  • Carico di deposito
  • Drawdown
Best Trade: +273.87 EUR
Worst Trade: -133 EUR
Vincite massime consecutive: 1
Massime perdite consecutive: 16
Massimo profitto consecutivo: +131.97 EUR
Massima perdita consecutiva: -588.66 EUR

Lo slippage medio basato sulle statistiche di esecuzione sugli account reale dei vari broker è specificato in pip. Dipende dalla differenza tra le quotazioni del fornitore da "ActivTradesCorp-Server" e le quotazioni dell'abbonato, nonché dai ritardi nell'esecuzione dell'ordine. Valori più bassi indicano una migliore qualità di copiatura.

2.63 × 6083
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
My algo is spcialiced in day trading, with a primary focus on NQ and ES Futures/CFDs. My approach is anchored in capturing the market’s nuanced rhythms and flows through AI. While intraday operations form the core of the strategy, it's not confined to them. When the algo anticipate a pivotal market shift, it may hold trades for an extended period, transcending the typical day trading window. Every trade is informed by a meticulous analysis of market reactions to significant movements, ensuring a responsive and adaptive strategy. The algo leverages a blend of technical and fundamental analysis on its training, painting a comprehensive picture of the market landscape. Each decision is the result of careful training, balancing risk and reward while navigating the market’s inherent uncertainties. As with any trading approach, this one carries inherent risks and rewards. I encourage prospective followers to exercise discretion and consider their risk tolerance and investment objectives before following the trades.
Non ci sono recensioni
2024.06.25 09:59
No swaps are charged
2024.06.25 09:59
No swaps are charged
2024.06.21 18:52
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.06.21 14:27
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.06.17 21:31
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2024.06.10 20:34
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2024.06.07 20:21
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.06.05 22:05
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 0.42% of days out of 238 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.06.03 09:29
Low trading activity - only 4 trades detected in the last month
2024.05.30 22:37
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2024.05.30 15:52
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.05.30 11:05
Low trading activity - only 6 trades detected in the last month
2024.05.28 20:48
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2024.05.28 09:48
No swaps are charged
2024.05.28 09:48
No swaps are charged
2024.05.28 09:48
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.05.27 13:49
No swaps are charged
2024.05.27 13:49
No swaps are charged
2024.05.24 14:56
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.05.23 14:03
No swaps are charged
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
Expert Advisor
Vincita %
Profitto previsto
Leva finanziaria
30USD al mese