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Utilità di trading per MetaTrader 5 - 23

StopLoss and TakeProfit Utility MT5 for automatic setting of stop loss and take profit levels. Created by a professional trader for traders. The utility works with any market orders opened by a trader manually or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously.
WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Set virtual stop loss and take profit from 1 pip Real stop loss and take profit W ork with each order separately ( stop loss and take prof

EA Ordem Fácil helps you open pending buy and sell orders (buy or sell stop) using the SHIFT, CTRL keys and mouse left button click.
To create a buy stop order, press the SHIFT key (only once) and click on mouse left button on the chart above the price.
To create a sell stop order, press the CTRL key (only once) and click on mouse left button on the chart below the price.
While the order is not opened, when you moving the mouse cursor on the chart, on the left and above corner of the chart ap

Control Panel iForex The script allows users to easily one click for adjust lot order, buy, sell and close positions if their profit/loss reaches or exceeds a value specified in USD. BUY - Click for order long position. LOT - standard 0.1 lot. You can adjustable in control panel. SELL - Click for order short position. CLOSE ALL - Click for close all position. CLOSE BUY - Click for close all only long position. CLOSE SELL - Click for close all only short position. TAKE PROFIT (USD) - stan

As simple as title, this is a telegram notificator to be always updated about your open position. It send basically 3 message: When you reach a stop loss; When you reach a take profit; When you reach a margin call; If you want I'm available to do all customization for you, like send chart pictures, particular message or to interact with Metatrader with Telegram custom command.
How to configure: Go to Metatrader, "Windows->Options->Expert Advisor-> WebRequests for URL" and write "

Another simple but effective tool that answer to one important question in a rapid way: If I want to risk X money and I want my stop loss here, how many lots I need to use? You can easily attach this tool to graph, draw an horizontal trendline and this tool give to you a suggested lot values to lose/gain money you have specified into setting page. Interface is also fully customizable.
I'm available for further customizations based on user needs.
Best, Mirko

This utility keep you notified about r eal-time increase of volume on every simbol you have into your market watch. Basically it compute the 30 days back volume and compare it with current volume: if you set, for example, 75% into setting page, you will receive telegram (and also on-screen) notification when current volume is above 75% of maximum of last 30-days volume. To configure Telegram notification: Go to Metatrader, "Windows->Options->Expert Advisor-> WebRequests for URL" and write "http

Telegram Simple
is an APP that allows you to send your technical analysis or operations, directly to your telegram channel, quickly and simply, without complications. - Scroll through the symbols from the panel - Fully configurable list of symbols - Quick change of Time Frame from panel - Send comments and Screenshots
for more details:

Easy & Customizable.
Simple & Easy to close all trades and pending orders automatically at a specific time each day. Just drag this EA into any chart, any currency. It will be automatic close all opening positions and pending orders.
Input Parameters
1. Close All Opened Positions If = True : EA will close opening orders at your time, days setting. If = False : EA will not close opening orders. 2. Delete Pending Orders If = True : EA will delete pending orders at your time, days se

The Trading Control Panel EA let you: - Calculated lot size based on the (% or $ risk) - Place multiple (Market/Limit/Stop) trades at same time - Manage all open trades (move SL to BE, take partial profit, close all trades) This is a handy tool for those who wont to open multiple orders without spending time on lot calculations. When opening multiple orders the first order has the first TP and all other orders get the second TP.

Quick Close Button provides you with a quick, fast, effective, and handy way to close orders, positions, bearish and bullish open, profiting and losing positions. Available options: Close All: close all orders and positions. Close Profit: close all positions in profit. Close Loss: close all positions in loss. Close Stop: close all stop orders. Close Buy: close all buy positions. Close Sell: close all sell positions. Close Orders: close all orders
Close Positions: close all positions # : Hides /

This utility copies graphic objects from the MASTER chart to the SLAVE chart. Install it as an indicator. The version for MT4 is here: It can work in the following modes: Master CHART to Slave CHART in one MT4 or MT5 Master MT4 to Slave MT4 (one or more) Master MT4 to Slave MT5 (one or more) Master MT5 to Slave MT5 (one or more) Master MT5 to Slave MT4 (one or more) You can use multiple Master-Slave groups by setting the ID parameter . You can copy al

This Tradepanel is an Utility for Traders Who want ot use Basic MoneyManagement for Calculation of Lotsize and have Some automated Functions. Auto Stoploss and Auto Takeprofit are available. BE AWARE: This Panel does not work in StrategyTester a Demo "Auto TradePanel Basic" Version is available to get an Overview. The Tradepanel Calculates Lotsize based on RiskFaktor and checks if Marginrequirement is met . Each Position is Opened with a StopLoss, defined in percent. if a Position already exis

Overview The Expert Advisor sends notifications to a mobile phone, via e-mail or plays a sound in case any changes are detected on the trading account: opening/closing positions, changing order or position parameters, balance or leverage. Also, the Expert Advisor can inform that Equity on the trading account has dropped below a specified value or Free Margin is small compared to Margin. The Expert Advisor does not trade, it only monitors your account.
Launching the Expert Advisor You should all

RENKO PRICE ACTION ATR is an "Expert Advisor" developed through the construction of the Renko Chart where each BRICK has the size calculated through the ATR of the period selected by the user. Renko charts are designed to filter out minor price movements, thus making it easier for traders to focus on important trends. Due to its efficiency in detecting price trends, it is also possible to clearly identify supports and resistances as well as top and bottom divergences, thus making better use of t

"Support or Resistance Alert Broken" is a simple and very intuitive tool that allows you to create or eliminate horizontal and trend supports and / or resistances with a simple click.
When the support or resistance line is broken by the closing price at the end of the current candle, the "Support or Resistance Alert Broken" tool will send an alert with sound, as well as a notification to the MT4 or MT5 mobile application. This tool can send alerts from multiple pairs at the same time.

Moving averages are a simple and serious indicator for evaluating the development of a price. But which configuration to choose? 12 periods ? 20 periods? There is not a single moving average setup for all instruments, at all times, for all time periods, simply because not all instruments have the same volatility, they are all very different. They have a signature. The Signature App is a powerful decision support tool. It is based on the use of moving average envelopes. The program calculates th

For those who trade false breakouts (FBo) levels. The False Breakout Finder (FBoFinder) service was written primarily for trading stocks and their CFDs on daily charts. It will search for you for various false breakouts of extremes on hundreds and thousands of instruments from the Watchlist, which will save you in the long run many hours of daily routine selection of securities before the market opens. In the process of enumerating instruments, securities with a ban on trading are ignored. If a

Binance è uno scambio di criptovalute di fama mondiale! Al fine di facilitare un'analisi più accurata del mercato delle valute digitali crittografate, il programma può importare automaticamente i dati della linea K di Binance in MT5 per l'analisi.Le funzioni principali sono:
1. Supporta la creazione automatica di coppie di trading spot da parte del dipartimento di sicurezza valutaria e puoi anche impostare separatamente la valuta del profitto e la valuta di base. Se la valuta del profitto Prof

Capital protector MT5 is an Expert Advisor who works based on the profit and loss of your account. Its functions include: Closing of all orders when a certain profit or loss is reached. Remove any other Expert Advisor installed on a secondary chart when a certain profit or loss is reached. Send a notification to the mobile when a certain loss or profit is reached. To configure the Expert Advisor you will only have to program the loss limit that you are willing to lose or the profit limit that

Сообщения в Telegram из MT5 о торговых событиях: Открытие/закрытие сделок; Выставление/удаление отложенных ордеров. Версия утилиты для MT4 здесь: Настройки Telegram:
Создайте своего бота. Для этого напишите для пользователя @BotFather команду /newbot , и следуйте инструкциям. В результате вы получите Token бота, примерно такой: 1245680170:BBGuDFVkTYIPtjSaXMgQEhdfg7BOQ6rl8xI. Узнайте свой ID в Telegram, для этого напишите пользователю @userinfobot любое сообщение.

Cestino UR
Il meglio che puoi fare è proteggere i tuoi ordini dal trasformarsi in perdite. Ora puoi rilassarti e lasciare che UR Basket se ne occupi.
Vantaggi dell'utilizzo di UR Basket:
Tutti i parametri sono modificabili dinamicamente nel pannello grafico del grafico - NON è necessario riavviare l'EA per modificare i parametri o richiamare le impostazioni utilizzate! Puoi monitorare i tuoi ordini tramite: - Numero magico - Commento EA - Entrambi i precedenti - Tutte le tue operaz

Make your Take Profit, Stop Loss, and Trailing Stop levels invisible to the broker! Main option: STEALTH MODE Virtual Trailing Stop Virtual Take Profit Virtual Breakeven Virtual Stop Loss Virtual Orders Lifetime WARNING: The Expert Advisor does not place orders by itself. You must open orders yourself (including through the Expert panel) or use a third-party Expert on another chart of the same currency pair. Please specify the Magic number "-1" in the Expert settings for the Expert to process th

Floating data window and Risk Reward Profit and Loss tool. The FloInfo floating data window brings you OHLC and indicator data to your mouse cursor.
The PnL tool included allows you to set Risk/Reward and Profit/Loss tools onto your chart to help you manage your orders and risk management. Included with the FloInfo tool you also get the PnL tool which allows you to quickly find the risk/reward ratio. For more details on all the features and how to use this product please see the link to the gu

Эксперт - торговый помощник, созданный по одноимённой торговой стратегии Оракул в сотрудничестве с ее автором Нео. Определяет на графиках в автоматическом режиме разворотные импульсные модели и строит по ним Вилки Нео - авторский инструмент, позволяющий определять циклы движения цены и указывающий на ожидаемую цель TakeProfit . Поиск ведется на всех заданных периодах графиков одновременно с фильтрацией совпадений. Осуществляется фильтрация неверных Вилок с указанием кода ошибки. Утилита имеет

Order Entry Tool with several additional features. Money management feature - As in the free version but in this pro version the lot & risk calculations are updated as you drag the lines making it much easier to setup the order. Close all - Will close all orders opened with the tool in one click. Intelligent trailing stop loss - Attempts to maintain a trailing stop loss just behind the last identified structure in the 1H chart in order to try and avoid unwanted stop-outs. Adjustments are made ev

Small expert of great use. Close All by Magic Number allows you to speed up the closing of all open positions with a certain magic number. Thanks to this expert, it is possible to manage multiple strategies at the same time without the risk of making mistakes. You can close all discretionary trades, all experts, all spreads... The position of the button can be customized so as not to disturb any other indicators

Multichart Control Panel is a small panel that can change the timeframe and zoom level of all open chart with just one click. Simple, intuitive and fast.
Inside there is a simple hidden function: the buttons have a light red color when working on a demo account and a light green color when working on a real account. This little trick helps all traders who for some reason often switch from a demo account to a real one not to get confused and not to make involuntary mistakes.

Скрипт для удаления всего лишнего с графиков в терминале MetaTrader.
- Простота использования: Достаточно просто перетянуть скрипт на график - Скорость выполнения: В течении нескольких секунд скрипт выполнит свою работу и очистит график полностью.
Скрипт адаптирован для MT5 Скрипт на русском языке Версия: 1.0 ............ Скрипт от Venom Team ............

Robot that Helps Traders:
GENERIC = Works for B3 (Brazilian Stock Exchange) and FOREX
This Robot takes the Order and Stop Loss that trader placed, and handles the order according to the Partial Profit and Trailing Stop strategy defined in the parameters when the Robot was activated. Note that the default values are: % do Stop Loss to start Trailing Stop: 50% # to Divide lots in x parts (only once) : 2 % do Stop Loss to start Partial Profit: 50%
* The Trailing Stop changes with the Time Fr

Your trading life is about to change!
Meet Cobra Order Desk (COD)
The one tool that:
Improves your order execution Defines your risk management plan and finally helps you stick to it. You can trade EVERYTHING with Cobra Order Desk
Forex, Commodities, Stocks, Indices, Crypto and more.
It fits MT5 and soon MT4 as well.
As traders with more than 20 years in the market
we know exactly how you feel and act when you are trading and
one of the biggest obstacles for a trader is to execute a t

LINE TRADER is a universal semi-automatic Expert Advisor for trading on vertical and horizontal levels. The Expert Advisor actually consists of 4 buttons, with the help of which lines are drawn, and an information field, which displays information about trading on the account and separately for a currency pair. The Expert Advisor automatically works on any lines selected by the trader. Lines can be drawn from any convenient angle. You just need to draw a line: - OPEN - open an order; -

Do you want to trade and publish your signals in the telegram channel? Then this utility is for you. - Trades in your terminal - Publishes deals to your telegram channel Your customers will be glad to: - from 5 signals daily - beautiful design of signals
Service -> Settings -> Expert Advisors -> Allow WebRequest for the following URLs: IN Telegram go to @BotFather and create a bot
Copy the bot's Token and enter it in the parameters of the advi

This indicator will help you define the entry, stop loss and take profit by means of horizontal lines on a chart. In addition, it is also possible to calculate the size of a position according to the percentage of the risk that you want to assume.
For this purpose, a panel consisting of the following elements is available:
Button to show or hide the tool on the chart. A text box to enter the number of contracts to be used for the calculations. A text box to enter the risk/reward ratio you want

Общие сведения
Данная торговая панель предназначена для быстрой и удобной торговли в один клик. Создавался продукт для частичной автоматизации своей личной ручной торговли Советник имеет ряд возможностей, а именно: Открытие BUY или SELL ордеров. SL выставляется ниже (выше) минимальной (максимальной) цены, задаваемых в параметрах количества свечей. Размер TP рассчитывается в соотношении от размера SL (по умолчанию 0.618). Выстав

This utility can compare simultaneously time frames of different instruments and keep under control the nine major time frames of an instrument. It is composed by two changers, a crosshair and some additional components : the multicharts time frames changer is designed to compare simultaneously up to thirty time frames of different symbols with the keyboard or the button the multicharts symbols changer can link up to nine charts and control simultaneously the nine major time frame b

"Signal Enlarge" is an signal tracking enlarge expert advisor , specifically to track signals and enlarge transaction volume . Monitoring signal to open a position. Enlarge order's volume. Synchronous stop loss and take profit price Positions can be opened in the same direction or in the opposite direction
Setting instructions Signal's Magic: Magic number of the opened position of the subscribed signal. Signal's Comment: Comments on subscribed signals. Order's Magic: Tracking the

"Move SLTP" is an price tracking tool,used for mobile update positions stop loss and take profit price. 1.Mobile update stop price. 2/Mobile update take profit price. 3.Monitor all position orders.
Setting instructions Enable Fixed Points Stop Loss: Whether to enable a fixed point trailing stop loss Fixed Stop Loss Points: Trailing stop loss points. Enable Bolls Stop Loss: Whether to enable the moving stop of the rail in the bolts line. Time Frames: Bolls indicator chart period. Boll

This Trading Statistics Indicator gives you an overview of your trade statistics for a selected period. You can set different periodsand filter for Symbols and magics to analyse your trading success. You can also create charts for Balance/Equity, MFE and MAE Periods: Total Time Today Yesterday This Week Last Week This Month Last Month This Year Last Year This Trading Statistics Indicator is still work in progress. In the next versions I will add telegram and email notifications and some more

The ease of observing the market anytime, anywhere
Exchange chart is the software for the professional trader to follow what happens in the financial market in real time. Developed by those in the market, it keeps up with the latest research on successful traders who show that the best, the ones who get consistent results use few types of chart configurations, in several different symbols.
All market watch passing through your chart
Exchange chart makes all the symbols configured by you in th

DESCRIPTION The ‘No Open Trades’ Expert Advisor is a dream come true to any mindful trader that knows that controlling risk is extremely vital to any successful trading plan. The ‘No Open Trades’ Expert Advisor closes all open trades in the account once the percentage loss you set is met. For example, if your account balance is $5,000 and you set the percentage loss to 5. This information has been passed to the Expert Advisor and it will close all open orders once the loss made is -$250 (which

Binance is a world-renowned cryptocurrency exchange! In order to facilitate more accurate analysis of the encrypted digital currency market, the program can automatically import Binance’s futures K-line data to MT5 for analysis. The main functions are:
1. Support the automatic creation of all futures trading pairs on Binance USD-M, or you can set the base currency separately. For example, if the base currency BaseCurrency is empty, it means all currencies, and any cryptocurrency supported by B

Binance è uno scambio di criptovalute di fama mondiale! Per facilitare l'analisi dei dati in tempo reale del mercato delle valute digitali crittografate, il programma può importare automaticamente i dati delle transazioni in tempo reale di Binance in MT5 per l'analisi.Le funzioni principali sono:
1. Supporta la creazione automatica di coppie di trading spot da parte del dipartimento di sicurezza valutaria e puoi anche impostare separatamente la valuta del profitto e la valuta di base. Se la va

DYJ TradePanelMT5 allows you to perform trading operations ,opening market positions, placing pending orders, removing pending orders, and closing all positions When you use the "DYJ TradePanelMT5" to make a mistake in the direction of manual trading, you can cooperate with our remote order rescue service to turn the order back into profit. Parameters
Volume = 0.01 - - default volume; InpTP = 1200 -- default takeprofit POINTS; InpSL = 600 -- default stop loss POINTS; InpStep = 200 --

Binance is a world-renowned cryptocurrency exchange! In order to facilitate the real-time data analysis of the encrypted digital currency market, the program can automatically import the real-time transaction data of Binance Futures to MT5 for analysis. The main functions are:
1. Support the automatic creation of USD-M futures trading pairs of the Ministry of Currency Security, and the base currency can also be set separately. The base currency BaseCurrency is empty to indicate all currencies,

Automatice sus estrategias comerciales con nuestra sencilla herramienta de creación de estrategias "similar a un rompecabezas". Cree fácilmente estrategias que operen por usted en modo de piloto automático. También puede cargar estrategias creadas por otras personas, como la clásica Estrategia Martingala, para usarla como muestra para su propia estrategia.
Características clave Cree su estrategia a través de funciones simples de arrastrar y soltar, sin necesidad de conocimientos de pro

Robot Manual Order Manager is a tool that allows you to automatically include Stop Loss, Breakeven, Take Profit and partials in open trades. Be it a market order or a limit order. Besides, it automatically conducts your trade, moving your stop or ending trades, according to the parameters you choose. To make your operations more effective, the Manual Orders Manager Robot has several indicators that can be configured to work on your trade. Among the options you can count on the features: Conducti

Powerful and beautiful trading panel helps you in scheduling or placing multiple trades based on your presets in a single click. It is designed to execute orders immediately or schedule trades in advance to be executed at certain time using multiple filters to avoid non favorable market conditions (wide spread, reduced leverage etc.). Additional functionality developed to sycnhronize two instances of the expert over the internet (Master - Slave Mode), which means trader can open the panel in loc

ONLY 4 COPIES FROM 10 TO $60 NEXT PRICE $95 Order Block Selection AUTOLOT is a great tool for all those traders who like to have control in their hands and especially to operate with high precision, thanks to our new control panel you will be able to select the candle where you want to choose the Bullicsh OB zone o Bearish OB
The objective of this Expert Advisor is that you can select Bullish Order Blocks (shopping area) or Bearish Order Block (sales areas) at any time, it will have 3 input pa

This scalper helper helps you manage your trader by placing AUTOMATIC stops and takes. When you enter a position and the market quickly turns against you, it's pretty boring isn't it? but with this helper your StopsLoss and TakeProfit will be AUTOMATIC, just configure how many pips you want and that's it. Besides, the helper has AUTOMATIC BreakEven, you just choose the amount of pips you want to place, and finally it contains a stop protector, whenever a candle closes in profit in your favor, it

This reliable, professional trade copier system is without a doubt one of the best on the market, it is able to copy trades at very fast speeds from one master account (sender) to one or multiple slave accounts (receivers). The system works very fast and mimics the master account a full 100%. So changing stop losses, take profits, pending orders on the master account is executed on the slave accounts too, like each other action. It is a 100% full copy (unlike many other copiers who only copy ma

" A successful trading means being able to master the art of timing, the art of execution and the art of protecting your capital in a very simple and faster way ". HermanGhost Manager is the most powerful tool that's actually designed to help you win in terms of executing different operations BUY,BUY STOP, BUY LIMIT, SELL,SELL STOP, SELL LIMIT, STOP LOSS, TAKE PROFIT, BREAKEVEN, TRAILING STOPS, all can be executed in seconds.
features : The intuitive interface One time configuration One click

(Grafici criptovaluta)
Porta la cronologia tanto quanto il numero di barre specificate e inizia a mostrare direttamente i dati istantanei.
Offre l'opportunità di lavorare in tutti i tempi.
Consente di lavorare con più simboli.
Questa app è un servizio in background.
Scarica la cronologia di tutti i simboli che iniziano con "F" sullo schermo dell'orologio del mercato e mostra i dati delle zecche.
Trasferisce automaticamente i dati di trading in tempo reale di Binance Futures a MT5.

EQUITY DRAWDOWN MONITOR This is a simple mt5 advisor that monitors the drawdon levels Features:
Easy to use Useful for money managers How to Use Load the EA once a single chart Type the maximum drawdown desired in inputs
Leave the EA alone and never close that chart The EA monitors all trades and magic numbers in your account.
Input Parameter Drawdown Percent: Maximum drawdown in percentage terms allowable in the account. When the drawdown level is surpassed, the EA will close all trades

Statistics for each day
Индикатор показывает статистику - итоговую конечную прибыль/убыток по каждому отдельному торговому дню с учетом свопов и комиссий. Параметры : Dey - количество анализируемых дней; Weekday color - цвет будних дней; Weekend color - цвет выходных дней; Loss color - цвет убытка; font_size - размер шрифта; font_face - название шрифта; Для удобства просмотра статистики за большие временные периоды, при инициализации индикатор выгружает данные в Statistics.csv
Созданный файл иск

You can't stop the market, but now you can get out of it with a button! The market doesn't stop for anyone, it doesn't take a break and doesn't have pity on those who sleep. Closing your open trades manually can be time-consuming and take a precious part of your capital, that's why we've launched the Emergency Stop Button, a high-tech emergency button that closes all open trades with just one tap.
Smart shutdown technology Built with advanced coding, only with native MQL5 commands, avoiding im

Binance is a world-renowned cryptocurrency exchange! In order to facilitate MT5 users to directly trade Binance Futures, the program provides the following trading functions:
1. Imitate the trading style of Binance Futures and provide a friendly operation panel;
2. Enter api and secret by yourself (you need to open futures trading permission in Binance api) to get leverage, balance and other information;
3. Support limitOrder (limit order), marketOrder (market order), stopLimit (limit stop p

Binance is a world-renowned cryptocurrency exchange! To facilitate tracking of depth information and Tick changes, the program provides the following functions:
1. Automatically import all trading varieties in the Binance USD-M futures trading zone, with customizable product prefixes (to avoid conflicts with existing product names), or custom import of specific varieties;
2. Use websocket to link Binance futures trading, and market information push supports depth and tick;
3. Support socket

1 day Promotional price: $49 Activation: 30
10 days promotional price: $59 activation: 20 Introduction Quick View
Quickly check the profitability for a period of time and display the statistics
Quickly filter historical transactions and make statistics based on time, magic number, currency, and comments
Statistics include Net Profit, LotTotal, Profit Factor, Short Trades (win %), Long Trades (win %), Average Profit Trade, etc.
Refresh statistical data in real time Calculation time is less

Introduction This is an indicator of daily profitability
Characteristic Statistics can be based on currency, magic number, and notes Statistics can be based on time Available for all currencies, all periods There are white and black themes Reverse sort The refresh rate can be adjusted You can set the refresh time to the latest
Parameter nD = 30; // Number of days StartTime = D'2021.06.01 00:00:00'; // StartTime EndTime

N-second K-line chart, customizable, monitoring multiple seconds of multiple symbols simultaneously, all Chinese parameters, easy to use -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can ask me any questions in private messages Customization of indicators and EA for MT4 and MT5 is available Long term programming project (MT4 from 2012, MT5 from 2016). Good programming skills, reasonabl

Sistema semiautomatico Martin
Questo strumento viene utilizzato per il trading semiautomatico di Martin, fai clic sul pannello per effettuare un ordine e l'EA gestirà la posizione Basta decidere la direzione della transazione e lasciare il resto alla direzione di EA Martin automatico, aggiungi magazzino in base alla griglia impostata, puoi anche disabilitare questa funzione Liquidazione con un clic Una funzione di blocco dei tasti controllo del tempo Avviso sonoro

Signal AO is a simple informational utility. It gives a signal about crossing the zero mark by the Awesome Oscillator (AO) indicator.
Signals will be received depending on the chart on which the utility is located.
The settings are pretty simple:
SYGNAL TYPE: ALERT - The signal gives alert. SOUND - Voice notification. ALERT_AND_SOUND - Alert together with voice notification.
LANGUAGE: Select the language in which the Signal AO will communicate.

As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr

As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr

As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr

As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr

As add-on to our professional divergence indicators we also created superb divergence scanners. These scanners give an overview of the different timeframes of the selected instruments and can save your tons of time. You can instantly see which instrument has a divergence on which timeframe. So no need to run through the charts manually anymore searching for good setups, with this scanner you see the whole market and you know where to look for a good trade opportunity. Even when you are not in fr

This is a utility tool for MT5, and it exerts a strong power for entry operations and fund management in discretionary trading. Although the standard trading panel provided by MT5 is very simple, it lacks some features that are considered particularly important for discretionary trading.
This tool compensates for the lack of functions, but we have paid close attention not to implement excessive functions.
Benefits of the Flexible Trading And Money Management MT5 Simple and Intuiti

This is a Utility tool for MT5 which will keep us away from a chart in a nice manner, letting us know only a good trading opportunity. It is said that from novice to experts, one of the common and obviously the most important things to do is to “WAIT” for good trading opportunities to come. On the other hand, it is not always that case that we are sitting in front of the chart when the trading opportunity comes. Thinking about chart analysis, at the same time, major tools used to

Show Account Information Custom showing your MT5 account information Indicators add account information to chart. Profit, Balance, Equity, Free Margin, Margin and Margin Level % Profit.... Hide account information: Click anywhere on account information text.
The hide/show response is dependent on incoming ticks or chart refresh. In tick scarce or closed markets the indicator hide/show click will appear not to function while waiting for a tick or chart refresh. It is only necessary to attac
Il MetaTrader Market è l'unico negozio online dove è possibile scaricare la versione demo gratuita di un robot di trading che consente di effettuare test e ottimizzazioni utilizzando dati statistici.
Leggi la descrizione dell'applicazione e le recensioni di altri clienti, scaricala direttamente sul tuo terminale e prova un robot di trading prima di acquistarlo. Solo sul MetaTrader Market è possibile testare un'applicazione in modo assolutamente gratuito.

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