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Utilità di trading per MetaTrader 5 - 11

Breakeven levels: manual and automatic Using this utility , you can quickly move trades to breakeven in just 1 click : especially important in short -term trading. You can also set the automatic SL movement when the trade reaches a desired profit. Offset option is also available. My #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool | Contact me if you have any questions | MT4 version This tool consists of 2 subsections: 1. [Move SL to BE now]: manually move SL to a breakeven for the sp

Trade Assistant B90 is designed for manual trading so that it helps us to manage capital and position well.
This expert has the ability to change the default inputs of the expert as desired before use.
You can see the expert entries in the photo below, each of which we explain below.
1. Background Color : With this entry, you can change the assistant's background
2. Font size: You can change the size of the fonts used in the assistant.
3. Button color: Change the color of assis

This EA provides functions: Start Trading, End Trading, Сlose Order(Time), Pending Order Placement (Time), Tralling stop (automatically according to strategy), trading can be switched off, daily range (strategy), stop loss per day (risk management), Stop loss (risk management), take profit (money management), tracking stop and tracking step (strategy), Risk per order (risk management) and much more!
Customizable settings: At your own risk!! Use preset files from the seller!
EA settings
1: Tr

Important Note: Before using it in a real account test it in your demo account.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Optimum_Lot_Size.mq5 | //| Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd." #property

The utility draws reversal levels using the formulas for each of the selected number of candles:
Pivot = (high + close + low) / 3 R1 = ( 2 * Pivot) - low S1 = ( 2 * Pivot) - high R2 = Pivot + (R1 -S1) R3 = high + ( 2 * (Pivot - low)) S2 = Pivot - (R1 - S1) S3 = low - ( 2 * (high - Pivot)) H = high L = low U = if the candle is bullish, then close. Otherwise - open D = if the candle is bullish, then open. Otherwise - close
On any timeframe.
After a new candle closes on the calculated timeframe

The Co-Pilot is a simple trade management system designed to be the quickest way from your strategy to the market. It is optimized for single trade setups that might be short, medium or long term. The program allows you to set your trade setup directly from the chart using graphical objects, set your risk apetite and even provides oppurtunity for partial closes. It also has a built in alert system that keeps you informed on the actions taken by the copilot when youre offline.
It is designed to b

Strangely enough, everyone seems to have their own idea of how you should measure support and resistance. Not every support and resistance zone is strong. The strongest support or resistance levels will more often than not be with trend . What this means is, if we are in a bull trend, pullback levels to support will more often than not be ‘stronger‘ than resistance levels above. These expert advisors use several mathematical models and statistical models to determine the strongest support and r

GLX1 Renko Euro Expert Advisor (EA) can create the Renko bar charts on EURUSD or EURAUD symbols only. The Renko charts are generated as real-time custom EURUSD or EURAUD charts which can be further used for technical analysis with any MT5 compatible indicator. If you want to create Renko charts on any symbol, please use GLX1 Renko Builder Expert Advisor from here.
Included Features: Truly responsive Renko Charting on a custom EURUSD or EURA

The TradeHistoryParsing is a utility for working with the trade history obtained from the MetaTrader 5 terminal. The product is based on the " RegularExpressions in MQL5 " library. It allows to quickly get the required data on your trading history. The filtering results are displayed as a table, a summary of mathematical statistics is provided below the table.
Working with the tool Export the trade report as an html file and place it into the "sandbox". After that, when launching the EA, specif

you can close all your positions in profit or lost when you use this robot. set your max profit and max lost for all your positions. 2.the robot show you in a window beside your chart. 3.when your equity reach your target close all your positions. can use one of them or both (profit or lost)togather. 5.this robot close all your positions. ((if you have any idea or want somthing i can help you)) i hope you win in all your times of life. best regard

The VR Close orders script is designed to close positions in the terminal at a profit or loss mark set by the trader. The program is written as a script and can work together on the same chart with any other indicators and expert advisors. The program has a simple visual panel and is easy to configure with the mouse. With this program's help, the trader can automatically close positions and delete orders depending on the conditions set. There is often a situation when you need to close position

Панель облегчает работу трейдера во время постановки стоп лоссов и тейк профитов. Отображает информацию о потенциальных профитах и лоссах.
Удобно работать когда требуется массовая установка стопов и профитов. Создавалось как инструмент плавного набора позиции на m1 и быстрого перевода стопов в безубыток. Выглядит эстетично, вписывается в родной интерфейс MT5 идеально. Рекомендуемый брокер ByBit MT5.
описание кнопок панели и функций:
BE SELL - перевод в безубыток всех Sell сделок открытых на

Show candle info with: Time in selected timezone Bar number Candle range points Upper wick points and percentage Body points and percentage Lower wick points and percentage Mark large/small candle body with customizable line. Settings group: Broker and local timezone. Lookback bars for candle marking. Large candle body Small candle body Date and time info with auto position or custom the x and y coordinate.

Close all open orders, delete all pending orders, and clear the entire account's orders. Please use caution! After clicking the button, the account order will be 0! Help us quickly clear account orders! As it is a free version, only the function of closing all orders is available. If other functions are needed, customization is required! The paid version has more features!

This tool allows you to catch possible entries from the M.A.R.B indicator by entering the trades at a click of a button(use link for details on M.A.R.B * *).M.A.R.B Trader shows a maximum of 4 different possible trades all with different Take profits and different Risk to Reward ratios and you can choose from one by clicking a button.M.A.R.B Trader also allows you to enter Buy stop,Sell stop and Market trades using buttons.

Traders Club Clock for MT5 Readme
ローソク足のすぐ横にその時間足での 残り時間とスプレッドを表示します。 ※残り時間はサーバ時間から計算しています。 月足、週足、日足、4時間足、1時間足、30分足、15分足、5分足、1分足
※時間の更新はティック毎ではなく1秒 毎 に更新するようにしています。
一目で残り時間とスプレッドを確認できます。 機能: 使用しているフォント種類を変更できます。 使用しているフォントサイズを変更できます。 表示しているテキストの色を変更できます。 スプレッド表示を非表示にすることができます。 表示する位置を変更することが出来ます。

MP Close By Loss Or Profit for MT5 The Reason I made this Expert is because I want traders who already found out how to be profitable in the market use an easier tool throughout their trading days. This Expert will consider your exposure of trades and close them based on profit targets and losses you set for your own Risk Management. I want to thank my friend who helped me on this Expert, and his brilliant work is now shared here with you. A bit of advice after running the expert on your platfo

Reverse TradeCopier for Followers can copy trades from an account that is running Reverse TradeCopier for Source . Features: Copies trades from one source (master) account to multiple following (slave) accounts. Allow investor (read only) password for source (master) account. There are no complicated settings and input parameters, everything is easy. Works with different brokers. Works with different quotes symbols (EURUSD_FX, eurusd_m, etc.). Can copy orders from 4-digit quotes platform to 5-

The Tick Flow Meter, also known as Tick Density Meter or Tick Counter, is an innovative indicator designed to provide deep insights into market dynamics down to the second.
It is a cutting-edge indicator crafted to measure the intensity and frequency of ticks within specific time intervals. By focusing on tick flow, this indicator offers traders a unique perspective on market liquidity, momentum, and volatility, empowering them to make informed trading decisions.
Key Features: Granular Time In

Utility that allows you to set a specific date on the chart. You set a reference point through a vertical line and it is done! When changing timeframes, the reference point is always positioned at the center of the chart. That way you can analyze a specific date at different timeframes easily, without losing the reference point or scrolling the chart to it.
This is a product developed by Renato Fiche Junior and available to all MetaTrader 5 users!
Partners: "Águia Traders" team ( Eagle Trader

The CandleStick Scanner is a tool that allow you to perform a market scan and search any candlestick pattern that you already created in the current chart, You can perform a quick search in the current chart (500 bars will be scanned), This is a lite version of CandleStick Factory for MT5 . The full version video can be found here : The full version can be purchased here:
How it works You can

The "FVG Screener PRO" is a utility tool designed to identify and alert on "fair value gaps" (FVGs), a concept popularized by ICT, but also to allow fast and efficient trade executions through its panel. This EA is intended to be used by traders who use fair value gaps in their trading. The panel provides a simple and intuitive interface for selecting the desired timeframes, enabling traders to focus on specific timeframes regardless of the timeframe that their chart is on. The EA scans the mar

The utility refers to probabilistic analysis tools, in particular the Monte Carlo method. The Monte Carlo method is defined as the simulation of processes in purpose to evaluate their probabilistic characteristics and apply them to the solvable task.
Operation features The simulation uses a tick model with the subsequent transformation to the candles form, as a model as close as possible to the real market process. The utility generates a stream of a random tick sequence until a result with th

This EA automatically closes all Open Trades and Pending Orders at your specified Net Profit or Net Loss. The TP and SL for a single trade can easily be set in Meta Trader, on individual basis and on hitting that TP or SL, the trade is automatically closed. However, if you have multiple trades and you want to set a Net TP and Net SL (in terms of profit & loss) for all of them, then Meta Trader cannot help you. Here comes this EA “Net TP Net SL Setter” using which you can set a Net TP and Net SL

The utility is designed to control the update rate of the order book (or several) in the strategy tester. Management is carried out by a library, which is available here Interface description: S/P Start and pause playback --- Decrease the speed by one step +++ Increase speed by one step R Updating the character list <0> Slider, moving left/right change the playback speed, after releasing the mouse it is restored to its original state. The

Having more expert advisors running on the same account , eventually leads us to the question , which one of them are winners , or which are dragging down the account ? With this in mind I created this simple utility for displaying profits or losses taken by each expert advisor over time . This utility can be run as an expert advisor and can display up to 9 magic number results . If the inputs are left to zero , the results displayed are from the manually placed orders . It also displays deposi

Backtesting PRO: Make a review of the market based on the available history of your broker. Practice your strategies and verify them in seconds. Remember to maintain excellent risk management, check your days and hours of operation. R emember to start it in the shortest period to operate. Any questions or suggestions can be sent to this email:

Lo strumento è destinato a misurare la distanza tra due punti su un grafico e molte altre cose.
Elenco delle grandezze misurabili:
Distanza in punti Profitto (con e senza spread) Differenza di tempo Variazione percentuale del prezzo Angolo di inclinazione Numero di barre (varie varianti) Rapporto della distanza in punti con il valore di riferimento Funzioni:
Ancoraggio ai prezzi OHLC Impostazione automatica del profilo di colore in base al colore di sfondo del grafico Diverse tipolo

Chart State Saver for MT5 is utility which helps to save states of all your charts even if they will be closed. And then all saved charts' states can be easily loaded back to charts.
It stores templates for each particular currency pair and automatically applies them to charts once they will be opened at next time. Also they can be applied to the charts by your own needs. Thus you can close any chart at your MT5 without scaring to lose chart's data like drawls, messages, chart styling and so o

orologio. Questo consiglio riguarda solo la copertura dell'account. Versione Meta Trader 4 Quick Panel Pro
caratteristiche I calcoli batch sono rapidi e semplici. Quando si sposta la linea di arresto, i calcoli vengono eseguiti immediatamente. La maggior parte delle transazioni commerciali può essere completata rapidamente semplicemente facendo clic su questo pannello. Puoi passare rapidamente da un pannello all'altro semplicemente facendo clic sui pulsanti verdi. Modifica lo stop loss

A script for closing positions If you need to quickly close several positions, this script will make all the routine for you! The script does not have any input parameters. Allow AutoTrading before running the script. Usage:
Run the script on a chart. If you need to specify the maximal deviation and the number of attempts to close positions, use the script with input parameters You can download MetaTrader 4 version here:

The tool is intended to help traders who cannot look at the chart all the time, or who use several charts, the trader can mark regions of interest as supports and resistances and as soon as the price approaches these regions an audible warning and on the screen will be presented for the trader to take some action, in addition the tool can automatically mark the highs and lows of the day and time.

The Equity Closer Bot is a custom MetaTrader 5 (MT5) Expert Advisor (EA) designed to help traders manage their account equity levels automatically. It monitors the account's equity in real-time and closes all open trades when the equity reaches user-defined thresholds. This bot is ideal for traders who want to enforce strict risk management rules, protect their account from excessive losses, or lock in profits at specific equity levels. Key Features Dual Equity Thresholds : Below Equity Clos

Nome del prodotto: StopAndTake — Uno script semplice per la gestione rapida e precisa di SL/TP Descrizione del prodotto: StopAndTake è uno script leggero e intuitivo, progettato per trader che danno importanza alla velocità, precisione e affidabilità nella gestione delle posizioni. Questo strumento consente di aggiornare istantaneamente i livelli di Stop Loss (SL) e Take Profit (TP) per tutte le posizioni sul grafico selezionato, garantendo la massima semplicità d’uso. Vantaggi e benefici: Semp

Automatically protect you positions with Raba BreakEven and Trailing StopLoss EA. Functionalities: Automatic break even. Automatic trailing stoploss
I you have any doubt you can leave it in comments and I will anwer it asap. If you found this tool helpful for you, a comment and a good rating will be appreciated. Also any proposal will be taken into account for future versions.

The Pending Order Grid is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe Expert Advisor that enables multi-strategy implementation based on pending order grids. General Description
The Pending Order Grid allows the performing of a user-defined strategy through the creation of pending order grids. The Expert Advisor places pending orders of a given type (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, or Sell Stop) at equidistant price levels to form each grid. The user might set up different grids to exist simultaneously

Manage your prop firm challenges with Raba Challenge Manager EA (FTMO, Rocket21, etc...). Functionalities: Close all positions when the goal profit is reached. Close all positions before reaching the daily drawdown limit. Close all positions before reaching the total drawdown limit. Notes: Auto enabling/disabling algo trading is disabled due to MQL Market policies.
I you have any doubt you can leave it in comments and I will anwer it asap. If you found this tool helpful for you, a comment an

Overview Are you tired of missing trade opportunities or struggling to execute signals efficiently? The Price Range Trade Automation Bot is here to revolutionize your trading experience! Designed specifically for traders who follow signals from sources like Telegram, this powerful tool automates trade placement across price ranges, ensuring you never miss an entry.
Problems Solved Missed Entries : Manual trading often results in delays, missing the best price levels. Inefficient Capital Use :

MetaCOT 2 is a set of indicators and specialized utilities for the analysis of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission reports. Thanks to the reports issued by the Commission, it is possible to analyze the size and direction of the positions of the major market participants, which brings the long-term price prediction accuracy to a new higher-quality level, inaccessible to most traders. These indicators, related to the fundamental analysis, can also be used as an effective long-term filter

This tool adds alerts to your Fibo Retracement and Fibo Expansion objects on the chart. It also features a handy menu to change Fibo settings easily and quickly! Please note the product is not working as a demo. Please watch the video.
Features Alert for Fibo Retracement and Fibo Expansion levels. Sound, Mobile and Email alert. Up to 15 Fibo Levels. Continuous sound alert every few seconds till a user clicks on the chart to turn it OFF. Single sound alert with pop-up window. Keeping all user se

Утилита Горячие Клавиши. Работает только на неттинговых типах счетов. Позволяет совершать торговые операции без мыши. Удобно использовать для акций, фьючерсов, валютных пар, криптовалют. В совокупности со стаканом получается полноценный скальперский привод.
Реализованные команды : · покупка по рынку; · продажа по рынку; · выставление лимитного ордера на покупку с заданным отступом (может быть отрицательным) от цены Бид; · выставление лимитного ордера на прода

È un'utilità per lavorare in tempo reale su Binance Futures Ticks Data e Real Time Binance Spot Ticks Data. È progettato per estrarre i dati più velocemente e rimanere entro i confini di Binance Future.
Logica di funzionamento: Global Variables registra le informazioni sull'ora che riceve da Binance Check Server Time.
In altri programmi, svolgono il loro lavoro in modo più rapido ed efficiente utilizzando queste informazioni temporali.
Dovresti consentire WebRequest dal menu Strumenti >> O

Botti Tools features
1 - Automatically places Take Profit and Stop Loss values, previously defined, in Pending Orders and in Market Positions
2 - Based on the amount of Stop Loss points defined and the specified monetary value it calculates what volume should be used for that order.
3 - After X points he puts the order on breakeven
4 - It cancels the Take Profit at X points away from it and places the Stop Loss in such a way as to guarantee Y gain points
5 - If the fourth option is selecte

Have you ever noticed how on the forex symbols, the buy / sell button's price doesn't match the buy / sell lines on the chart? The spread always looks a lot tighter on the chart, you open a position and then realise the spread is huge. This is a very simple utility, it adds lines on the chart which match the buy / sell price on the buttons. Once installed I recommend right clicking the chart, go to Properties and uncheck "Show bid price line" and "Show ask price line", now click OK. Then righ

Application with Close Button.
Program include parameters to change settings:
Robot work with Symbols: - All Symbols - Current Chart Symbol
Transaction close (Profit/Loss): - All - Close Profit Only - Close Losing Only
Retries - max retries to close all transaction Sleep - time in ms between next Retries
Robot is free.
Robot designed for learn publish robots in Market.

A ready-made multitimeframe trading system based on automatic plotting and tracking of Fibonacci levels for buying and selling any symbol. Demo version - calculation of the last 390 bars is not performed.
Advantages Determines the trend direction based on a complex of 14 indicators ( Cx ), extremums of ZigZag ( Z ), RSI ( R ), Impulse ( I ) Displaying the values of 14 indicators comprising the trend direction ( Cx ) Plotting horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, channels View the plo

This script is designed for traders who need to quickly place trades across multiple currency pairs during critical news releases, where every second counts. With this tool, you can pre-select your desired currency pairs and assign independent volumes for each one. When a major news event hits, such as Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) or PMI data releases, the script allows you to execute all your trades instantly without the need to open each pair manually. Key Features: Customizable Pairs : Choose from

This is the demo version of my Expert Advisor " Take a Break ". All EA operations are limited to 1 chart symbol only. The most advanced news filter on MQL market Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use ca

Description This is a utility tool for MT5, and it displays some useful information on charts for discretionary trading. Some of the information obtained by using indicators that are standardly installed by MT5 or by manual calculation is displayed on the chart from the beginning.
Benefits of the This Is Something Useful MT5 The minimum necessary information that needs to be confirmed in discretionary trading can be displayed on the chart at any time. By using this tool, you can quickly access

Second Level Candles And Alligator Indicators 每12秒产生一个K线,而且自带Alligator指标,对超短线选手交易非常有帮助。程序启动时可能不成功,是因为MT5 MqlTick 数据加载少的原因。可以通过修改显示的数据参数避免,比如display=100,程序正常之后再将参数调大 display=300 。如果数据不正常,也可以采用重新加载的方式解决。 如果您对这个指标有任何建议,请联系作者。 Second Level Candles And Alligator Indicators produced a candle per 12 seconds,include Alligator, it's helpful to Short-Term Trading。You'd better reload the indicator every start MT5 or change display parameter to reslove data bug. Please attach author when you had some su

Trading panel for manual trading. Has a fairly wide functionality. Allows you to automatically calculate the order size, open both market and pending orders. It has a wide range of options for closing orders, it is possible to partially close orders, close orders after reaching a certain profit or loss, separately close profitable and unprofitable, buy and sell, as well as pending orders. The panel also contains a simple implementation of a grid of pending orders, reverse and lock functions, tr

This Small tool allows you to define a time counter in minutes
for the closing of your positions according to the number of minutes you have set.
For example if you set it to 30 Min, the tool will close each open position after 30 minutes from its opening.
The settings
ACTIVE: It is to activate the tool and use it to close your positions after the number of minutes defined.
MANAGE: you to choose with the symbols managed by the tool. Choose "ALL CURENCY" if you want the system to apply to

Percent Crosshair is a powerful and easy percentage measure tool. Measure the chart percentage very quick! Don't waste your time anymore! Just attach the Percent Crosshair indicator in the chart, select crosshair mode at toolbars or press "Ctrl+F" and start using the crosshair as you always do! The percent measure will be next to the indicative price. Customize your indicator the way you want! There are 4 entry parameters: Positive % color: set the desired color when % is positive. Negative % co

A simple panel to help you to place orders on the chart using the mouse. Hold Left Shift or Left Ctrl and the panel will show the lines where it will place the order already with stop loss and take profit. Use Shift to place buy orders and Ctrl to place sell orders, the panel will switch between stop or limit orders depending if the mouse is above or below the price. Please be aware that Ctrl key is used by Metatrader to copy an object, try to avoid using this panel with charts where you copy ob

The analyzer makes it possible to quickly assess spread changes on historical data, the magnitude and frequency of bursts, the dynamics and nature of the extensions by the days of the week, etc.
The analyzer needs to be started in the tester (visualization mode) on the symbol and time interval required for analysis, recommended TimeFrame H1, select "Every tick based on real ticks" mode.

This tool is very helpful when trading and increasing the profits by placing certain trades (defined in the settings) with equal distances when you place Buy / Sell orders. It helps in securing the account by using the layering method. Once the price hits the first TP, the EA will move the SL to the entry level, then once the price hits the 2nd TP, the EA will move the price to the first TP level. All the TP and SL generated by the EA can be manually adjusted on the chart itself. It works on any

Just $10 for six months!!!. This will draw Supply & Demand zones just by clicking on a candle. It can also draw a 50% line on the zone. As a drawing tool, it is not active all the time after adding it to the chart.
Activate by pressing 's' twice on the keyboard within a second. If activated but then decided not to draw, deactivate by pressing 's' once. Box color depends if candle is above or below current price.
Features: Draw the box up to the last current candl

Total trade manager allows you to manage your trade to maximise your profits and minimise your losses. This is an essential for traders that are looking for consistency within their trading. The features: Partial Stop Loss: This feature allows you to close a partial percentage of your trade once it goes into negative. So if your stop loss is 20 pips, you could close 75% of your trade at 10 pips and let the remainder of the position to continue running. Auto Stop Loss: This means that once you p

Just $10 for six months!!!. This will draw Order Blocks just by clicking on a candle with different colors for different time frames. It will use the body or the wicks. It can also draw the mean threshold of the candle open/close or high/low.
As a drawing tool, it is not active all the time after adding it to the chart.
Activate by pressing 'b' twice on the keyboard within a second. If activated but then decided not to draw, deactivate by pressing 'b' once. Box color depends if candle is abo

OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders.
The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these p

Hello, Every one
This is "Close All Button" future 2
A script to manage order and close all market positions and/or pending orders.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Close All Market positions and/or pending orders button
You can close all or manage orders in 1 second by one click
Download for Demo Account: Demo version: Close 1s manage v1.7 DEMO

This utility ensures a real-time synchronization of multiple charts. Any event of a graphical object creation/modification/deletion, chart scrolling and zooming is copied from the current source chart to one or more receiving charts. Note: demo-version of this product doesn't work in the backtester! ______________________________________________________________ Settings: Synchronize with - select the receivers: Same symbol - all charts with the same symbol; Same symbol - all charts with the same

The utility places trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit. It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_symbol - only chart symbol. If fals

The utility places virtual (hidden from your broker) trailing stop, breakeven, stop loss and take profit. It is necessary to allow automated trading in the terminal settings. In testing mode, the utility opens Buy or Sell positions on the first ticks, which allows you to visually observe the given logic, changing the utility parameters. In real mode, the utility does not open positions. Parameters magic - magic number. If less than 0, positions with any magic number are tracked. only_this_sym

BuyStop_SellStop_Grid script opens BuyStop and SellStop pending orders and deletes all existing pending orders. You just need to drop this script on the chart with a desired currency pair. Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters: DeleteAllPending - if TRUE, then all pending orders are deleted; BuyStop - if TRUE, BuyStop order is opened; SellDtop - if TRUE, SellStop order is opened; InitLot - initial lot; LotCoeff - if 1, all pen

[ MT4 Version ] [ Telegram Signals ] MT5 to Discord Signals
Connect your broker account with Discord and stop missing important notifications. Would you like to receive Discord notifications? Are you looking for a simple way to share trade signals with your followers? Do you need to start documenting your trades with an automated trading diary? Check out this step-by-step Tutorial . This utility is simple to use and supports a wide variety of settings: Pick your desired Discord channel and ent

AUTOMATIC TRADE COPIER for local * use . (copy trades between several metatrader terminals on the local computer/ *or GLOBALLY after setting your network /server !)
Can copy trades from one or several main MT5 accounts to several MT5 and MT4 accounts (no limit). For MT5 to MT4 copy you have to also get version for Metatrader 4 here : - very fast execution (theoretically up to 5ms delay, depends on computer speed)
- user can set speed of copy

THIS PRODUCT CAN NOT BE TEST IN STRATEGY TESTER. PLEASE TRY DEMO VERSION: RISK AND TRADE MANAGER RISK AND TRADE MANAGER is an advanced trading panel designed for manual trading. Utility helps to manage trades effectively and efficiently with a single click. MAIN FEATURES Convert and display Stop Loss (SL) Pips into % and amount to view the clear picture of the trades if SL hits. Fund allocation for individual trade in % and in amount. Get alert

This expert advisor can enter and exit trades at specific times and on specific weekdays, expressed in GMT Time. It offers weekday selection, trade management settings, a martingale function and money management features. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to use and supervise Fully configurable entry and exit times (up to 5 trades)
Enable or disable trading weekdays in inputs
Customizable break-even, stop-loss, take-profit and trailing-stop setting

Trade Manager Tool uses adjustable lines displayed on your chart to let you prepare and visualize your order's entry, stop loss and take profit levels before you open a position. It will then use these levels along with your choice of maximum risk preset in order to calculate your optimal position size before sending the order to your broker. While providing an invaluable advantage to manual traders looking to control their risk and simplify their trading process, it also informs their deci
Il MetaTrader Market offre un luogo pratico e sicuro dove acquistare applicazioni per la piattaforma MetaTrader. Scarica versioni demo gratuite di Expert Advisors e indicatori direttamente dal tuo terminale e testali nello Strategy Tester.
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