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The MasterMind - sistema esperto per MetaTrader 4

2008.06.20 06:48
2014.04.21 14:52
Freelance MQL5 Hai bisogno di un robot o indicatore basato su questo codice? Ordinalo su Freelance Vai a Freelance

Demo it First... $5000 Flipped To $243K in 3 Months. Coders Needed, Not Finished.

Strategy Tester Report

AlpariUS-Demo (Build 216)
Symbol EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
Period 5 Minutes (M5) 2008.03.31 00:00 - 2008.06.19 07:30 (2008.03.30 - 2008.07.01)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters Lots=200; StopLoss=2000; TakeProfit=0; TradeAtCloseBar=true; TrailingStop=0; TrailingStep=1; BreakEven=0; MagicNumber=0; Repeat=3; Periods=5; UseAlert=false; SendEmail=true; TradeLog="MasterMind"; Slippage=3; Indicator_Setting="---------- Indicator Setting"; Crash=false; TimeFrame=0; Length=5; Method=3; Smoothing=1; Filter=5; RealTime=true; Steady=false; Color=true; Alerts=true; EmailON=false; SignalPrice=true; SignalPriceBUY=Yellow; SignalPriceSELL=Aqua; CountBars=1485;

Bars in test 17601 Ticks modelled 587455 Modelling quality 65.18%
Mismatched charts errors 62

Initial deposit 5000.00

Total net profit 243061.68 Gross profit 300660.90 Gross loss -57599.22
Profit factor 5.22 Expected payoff 15191.35

Absolute drawdown 4202.40 Maximal drawdown 182004.27 (47.03%) Relative drawdown 90.11% (163677.74)

Total trades 16 Short positions (won %) 8 (75.00%) Long positions (won %) 8 (100.00%)

Profit trades (% of total) 14 (87.50%) Loss trades (% of total) 2 (12.50%)
Largest profit trade 71525.61 loss trade -54596.85
Average profit trade 21475.78 loss trade -28799.61
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 9 (279697.49) consecutive losses (loss in money) 1 (-54596.85)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 279697.49 (9) consecutive loss (count of losses) -54596.85 (1)
Average consecutive wins 7 consecutive losses 1
# Time Type Order Size Price S / L T / P Profit Balance
1 2008.03.31 20:50 buy 1 1.60 1.5774 1.3774 0.0000
2 2008.04.09 19:00 close 1 1.60 1.5855 1.3774 0.0000 1334.88 6334.88
3 2008.04.09 19:00 sell 2 2.10 1.5856 1.7856 0.0000
4 2008.04.10 18:45 close 2 2.10 1.5729 1.7856 0.0000 2608.41 8943.29
5 2008.04.10 18:45 buy 3 3.00 1.5730 1.3730 0.0000
6 2008.04.11 04:45 close 3 3.00 1.5773 1.3730 0.0000 1298.10 10241.39
7 2008.04.11 04:46 sell 4 3.40 1.5772 1.7772 0.0000
8 2008.05.12 05:55 close 4 3.40 1.5405 1.7772 0.0000 11561.02 21802.41
9 2008.05.12 05:55 buy 5 7.30 1.5404 1.3404 0.0000
10 2008.05.12 12:50 close 5 7.30 1.5461 1.3404 0.0000 4161.00 25963.41
11 2008.05.12 12:50 sell 6 8.70 1.5462 1.7462 0.0000
12 2008.05.19 17:20 close 6 8.70 1.5490 1.7462 0.0000 -3002.37 22961.04
13 2008.05.19 17:20 buy 7 7.70 1.5489 1.3489 0.0000
14 2008.05.21 22:10 close 7 7.70 1.5789 1.3489 0.0000 23141.58 46102.62
15 2008.05.21 22:10 sell 8 15.40 1.5788 1.7788 0.0000
16 2008.05.27 22:05 close 8 15.40 1.5684 1.7788 0.0000 15156.68 61259.30
17 2008.05.27 22:05 buy 9 20.50 1.5685 1.3685 0.0000
18 2008.05.28 09:20 close 9 20.50 1.5750 1.3685 0.0000 13380.35 74639.65
19 2008.05.28 09:20 sell 10 25.00 1.5751 1.7751 0.0000
20 2008.05.29 18:10 close 10 25.00 1.5517 1.7751 0.0000 57802.50 132442.15
21 2008.05.29 18:10 buy 11 44.40 1.5518 1.3518 0.0000
22 2008.06.05 20:15 close 11 44.40 1.5581 1.3518 0.0000 28811.16 161253.31
23 2008.06.05 20:15 sell 12 54.10 1.5582 1.7582 0.0000
24 2008.06.10 20:45 close 12 54.10 1.5447 1.7582 0.0000 71525.61 232778.92
25 2008.06.10 20:46 buy 13 78.10 1.5445 1.3445 0.0000
26 2008.06.13 00:30 close 13 78.10 1.5466 1.3445 0.0000 17455.35 250234.27
27 2008.06.13 00:30 sell 14 83.90 1.5467 1.7467 0.0000
28 2008.06.17 02:15 close 14 83.90 1.5465 1.7467 0.0000 117.46 250351.73
29 2008.06.17 02:15 buy 15 84.00 1.5464 1.3464 0.0000
30 2008.06.18 19:40 close 15 84.00 1.5526 1.3464 0.0000 52306.80 302658.53
31 2008.06.18 19:40 sell 16 101.50 1.5527 1.7527 0.0000
32 2008.06.19 07:30 close at stop 16 101.50 1.5578 1.7527 0.0000 -54596.85 248061.68
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