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Codici sorgente MQL5 di Librerie per MetaTrader 5


La libreria di script è inoltre disponibile direttamente dall'ambiente di sviluppo MetaEditor per permetterti di imparare la programmazione in MQL5. Una volta scritta e controllata accuratamente, una libreria permette agli utenti di accelerare lo sviluppo di nuove applicazioni MQL5. Uno degli esempi illuminanti è la libreria ALGLIB che contiene molteplici funzioni di analisi numerica.

I codici sorgente della libreria possono essere scaricati e utilizzati in MetaEditor durante lo sviluppo di strategie di trading. Non possono essere lanciati separatamente in MetaTrader 5.

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This EA is a demonstration of how you can implement your own Hedging strategy with the help of the include file.

Basic library to create Volume Profiles on chart.

This is a basic library to create and manage grids.

Class to access to the local time for the specified location, as well as time zone information and the local trading session hours.

The source codes written during the development of the library for creating multi-currency Expert Advisors that combine many instances of various trading strategies.

Static class to fix the TimeGMT() function during testing in the strategy tester.

Calculate the cosine distance and similarity between 2 vectors . The cosine distance is 1-cosine_similarity and the cosine similarity is the dot product of two vectors by their magnitudes multiplied.

Smooth Algorithms fixed version plus Trade Algorithms plus full operational EA, plus two indicators . So you will get complete project where you be able to see example how to use and implement this libraries

This Include File checks for Market Open Hours. An EA to test it is also included.

With these classes you can create and test your signals runtime.

Monitoring of memory leaks in the strategy tester

Enables Programmers to create Martin Gale and Grid Trading strategies with ease.


Forget about BMP files like a bad dream. Thanks to this library, you can now use the PNG format, which has a number of advantages, such as being more compact without losing image quality and maintaining transparency.

Calculate DST for USA, EUR, AUD and RUB and the offset time of the broker automatically from the 70's until 2030 - even in the Strategy Tester of MQ.

The purpose is to check whether new bar are generated This is a class file that can be used as a class or copied to EA or scripts for use

A set of macros to benchmark small code snippets for their execution speeds.

The 64-bit xoshiro256** Random Number Generator.

Smooth Algorithms - Corrected/Modified

Sort the input array in-place using comparison function less.

for export/import of orders and trades between EAs and terminals

This library shows useful informations and do a lot of functions to a symbol.

Allows you to determine the occurrence of a new bar event in a multicurrency Expert Advisor

The ZigZagExtremaOnArray is an mqh include file which contains the calculation function of MetaQuotes' Examples ZigZag, BUT you can use it on any buffer that contains curves or histograms, similarly to the MovingAverages.mqh from include. The idea was to get highs and lows of an indicator curve quickly with the help of an "onBuffer" function.

Utility for copying transactions from one MT5 account or MT4 account to another MT5 account.

Adds the ability to automatically export the transaction history after running the Expert in the strategy Tester.

from the logistic regression Article, I welcome all the thoughts on how we can build multiple dynamic Logistic Regression

Sorts the values in the first dimension of a multidimensional numeric array in the ascending order.

Le espressioni regolari forniscono un linguaggio formale per l'elaborazione rapida e flessibile dei testi. Ogni espressione regolare è un modello (maschera), per il quale il motore delle espressioni regolari cerca di trovare corrispondenze nel testo di origine. Un modello è costituito da uno o più caratteri letterali, operatori o costrutti.

La libreria FuzzyNet per lo sviluppo di modelli fuzzy è stata scritta in C#. Durante la conversione a MQL5, sono state aggiunte alla libreria 8 funzioni di appartenenza e 4 metodi di defuzzificazione per i sistemi di tipo Mamdani.

La classe può essere utilizzata per la creazione di classi di segnali di trading con modelli di candele di inversione.

La libreria MovingAverages contiene funzioni per il calcolo di diversi tipi di medie mobili.

La libreria contiene funzioni che restituiscono la descrizione dei codici di errore di runtime e i codici di ritorno del server di trading.

ALGLIB libreria di funzioni matematiche (v. 3.19) portata a MQL5.

This EA demonstrates creating and saving a graphic chart using data from the MT5 Strategy Tester.

Simple class for getting the number of microseconds (µs) elapsed since January 1, 1970

A collection of useful string manipulation functions.

Extend of CFile class to work with the .set extension file which terminal will produce when the Input/Optimisation is saved.

This Function will retrieve the Assets next Opening Time and Closing Times, either following the current time or following a given time.

This class loads a licensing file by reading 64bit encrypted account data from a license file into an account array for the purpose of licensing. The Class is initialised with a Filename, a Master Key (m_hkey -> can be a secret key of your choice) and whether the file needs to be saved in the common folders or not.