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2013.03.27 14:46
2016.11.22 07:32
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The script demonstrates the example of using the FileCopy() function. For this one file content is copied to the other. For the successful copy the source file must be in the terminal local folder whose name specified in the "InpSrc" input parameter. The terminal local folder location can be obtained calling the TerminalInfoString() function.

PrintFormat("The path to the terminal local folder: %s\\Files\\",TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH)); 
At first the script will try to display the files content. If the destination file does not exist, you should use the FileCopy() function without using the FILE_REWRITE flag. If the destination file has been already created, then for the successful copy the FILE_REWRITE flag must be used.


//--- display the window of input parameters when launching the script
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters
input string InpSrc="source.txt";       // source
input string InpDst="destination.txt";  // copy
input int    InpEncodingType=FILE_ANSI; // ANSI=32 or UNICODE=64
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//--- display the source contents (it must exist)
//--- check if the copy file already exists (may not be created)
      //--- the copy file does not exist, copying without FILE_REWRITE flag (correct copying)
         Print("File is copied!");
         Print("File is not copied!");
      //--- the copy file already exists, try to copy without FILE_REWRITE flag (incorrect copying)
         Print("File is copied!");
         Print("File is not copied!");
      //---InpDst file's contents remains the same
      //--- copy once more with FILE_REWRITE flag (correct copying if the file exists)
         Print("File is copied!");
         Print("File is not copied!");
//--- receive the InpSrc file copy
//| Read the file contents                                           |
bool FileDisplay(const string file_name)
//---reset the error value
//--- open the file
   int file_handle=FileOpen(file_name,FILE_READ|FILE_TXT|InpEncodingType);
      //--- display the file contents in the loop
      PrintFormat("File name = %s",file_name);
      //--- close the file
//--- failed to open the file
   PrintFormat("%s is not opened, error = %d",file_name,GetLastError());

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