Stops suiveurs et bénéfices suiveurs - page 6


OrderComment peut être écrasé par votre courtier.

que vous souhaitez... Maintenant, selon mes exigences, lorsque le prix sera de 7 pip [103.603] de profit, le Stop Loss du 1er et du 2ème trade deviendra de 1 pip de profit [103.543] et le Stop Loss du 3ème trade restera à 103.386.

1er et 2ème trade deviendront disons 1 pip de profit [103.543] et le Stop Loss du 3ème trade restera à 103.386.

make extern int BreakEven = 7

(* 10 ) correction chez un courtier à 5 chiffres pour obtenir la valeur du pip.

ohh, oui, c'est certainement un défaut. Tout mon dur labeur depuis ce soir est devenu vain maintenant !

J'ai essayé de distinguer les transactions en fonction de la fonction'order comment' et j'ai écrit un code.

Quoi qu'il en soit, le code que vous avez donné va déplacer la partie Stop Loss vers BE ou au point désiré, mais mon problème avec le 'Troisième' trade n'est toujours pas résolu.

J'ai aussi cette partie du code qui déplace le BE mais je suis coincé avec le SL non-mobile pour le troisième trade.

Je viens d'avoir une autre idée et je l'essaie maintenant.

Est-ce que c'était valide ?

string comment_sell="Sell Order" ;

SellOrder=OrderSend(Symbol(), iOrderType_Sell, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice, comment_sell ,MagicNumber, 0,Red) ;

si (OrderComment()=="comment_sell") // ?


Est-ce que c'est valable ?

Disons que j'ai attaché l'EA au graphique EURUSD.

si (Order_Symbol()==EURUSD)

Est-ce que cela comparera si le graphique actuel est en EURUSD ou non ?


Voici une façon de distinguer les commandes par le biais du "numéro magique" que j'ai trouvé.

Les accolades ne sont pas équilibrées.

Est-ce possible ?

if (Order_Symbol==EURUSD) 
int Magic_Number_3=1303
int Magic_Number_2=1302
int Magic_Number_1=1301
if (Order_Symbol==GBPUSD) 
int Magic_Number_3=1603
int Magic_Number_2=1602
int Magic_Number_1=1601
if (Order_Symbol==GBPUSD) 
int Magic_Number_3=8703
int Magic_Number_2=8702
int Magic_Number_1=8701

 if (count==3) 
    BuyOrder_1=OrderSend("EURUSD", iOrderType_Buy, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_1,NULL,Magic_Number_3, 0,Blue);
     if (BuyOrder_1>0) //Checking if the order was opened or not
       sLog_CheckBuyConditions = sLog_CheckBuyConditions + sNL + "    Buy order 1 sent successfully. Ticket=" + BuyOrder_1;
        count = count - 1; 
          iLastError = GetLastError();                               
           sLog_CheckBuyConditions = sLog_CheckBuyConditions + sNL + "    Error sending buy order 1. Error code=" + ErrorDescription(iLastError);

  if (count==2) 
     BuyOrder_2=OrderSend("EURUSD", iOrderType_Buy, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_2,NULL,Magic_Number_2, 0,Blue);
      if (BuyOrder_2>0) 
      sLog_CheckBuyConditions = sLog_CheckBuyConditions + sNL + "    Buy order 2 sent successfully. Ticket=" + BuyOrder_2;
       count = count - 1; 
     else {
          iLastError = GetLastError();
           sLog_CheckBuyConditions = sLog_CheckBuyConditions + sNL + "    Error sending buy order 2. Error code=" + ErrorDescription(iLastError);

if (count==1) 
     BuyOrder_3=OrderSend(EURUSD, iOrderType_Buy, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_3,NULL,Magic_Number_1, 0,Blue);
      if (BuyOrder_3>0) 
       sLog_CheckBuyConditions = sLog_CheckBuyConditions + sNL + "    Buy order 2 sent successfully. Ticket=" + BuyOrder_3;
        count = count - 1; 
     else {
           iLastError = GetLastError();                               
            sLog_CheckBuyConditions = sLog_CheckBuyConditions + sNL + "    Error sending buy order 2. Error code=" + ErrorDescription(iLastError);




                            if(!OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;

                               if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==  Magic_Number_3)


                                                          sl     = OrderStopLoss(); // Stop Loss. 

                                                            tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits); // Stop Loss. 



                                                     if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits)

                                                           && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits))


                                                                tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Bid-TrailingStop*vPoint,Digits);                            

                                                                  ticket = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),tStopLoss,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Blue);

                                if (ticket > 0)


                                                      Print ("TrailingStop #2 Activated: ", OrderSymbol(), ": SL", tStopLoss, ": Bid", Bid);                            



                                                     iLastError = GetLastError();


                                                   }//end if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits) && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits)){

                                                 }//end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){ 


                               if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==  Magic_Number_2)


                                                          sl     = OrderStopLoss(); // Stop Loss. 

                                                            tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits); // Stop Loss. 



                                                     if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits)

                                                           && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits))


                                                                tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Bid-TrailingStop*vPoint,Digits);                            

                                                                  ticket = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),tStopLoss,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Blue);

                                if (ticket > 0)


                                                      Print ("TrailingStop #2 Activated: ", OrderSymbol(), ": SL", tStopLoss, ": Bid", Bid);                            



                                                     iLastError = GetLastError();


                                                   }//end if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits) && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits)){

                                                 }//end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){  


                               if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==  Magic_Number_1)


                                                          sl     = OrderStopLoss(); // Stop Loss. 

                                                            tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits); // Stop Loss. 



                                                                          ticket = OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),tStopLoss,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Blue);

                                if (ticket > 0)


                                                      Print ("Stop Loss Unchanged");                            



                                                     iLastError = GetLastError();


                                                   }//end if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits) && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits)){

                                                 }//end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){

if (Order_Symbol== "EURUSD") //it has to be a string if you do it this way
{                              //==EURUSD)  fails
int Magic_Number_3=1303
int Magic_Number_2=1302
int Magic_Number_1=1301

de cette façon, vous devez chercher 3 nombres magiques différents.

il me semble possible de faire


Ok, après une période de travail continu (du moins pour moi), j'ai rendu l'EA "sans erreur" !

Affichage des changements en bref:

 extern string     Order_Symbol= "EURUSD" ;

int init()


int start()
int Magic_Number_1,Magic_Number_2,Magic_Number_3;
bool bOrderClosed;

//////////////////////////////////////SETTING MAGIC NUMBER///////////////////////////////////////////////////


//////////////////////////////////////SETTING MAGIC NUMBER COMPLETED/////////////////////////////////////////

//////////////////////////////////////LOCKING MINIMUM PROFIT/////////////////////////////////////////////////

if ( OrdersTotal ()> 0 )
       for ( int cnt= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;cnt>= 0 ;cnt--)
         if (! OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES )) continue ;

             if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () ==Magic_Number_1)
                   if ( OrderProfit ()< 0.03 )
                     if ( OrderType ()== OP_BUY )
                        bOrderClosed = closeBuyOrder(iOrderType_Buy); //Closing Buy order
                           if (bOrderClosed)
                               Print ( "Buy Order 1 Closed" );              
                       else {
                             iLastError = GetLastError();                                       
                            } //end else if(bOrderClosed)
                          } //end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)
                         if ( OrderType ()== OP_SELL )
                             bOrderClosed = closeSellOrder(iOrderType_Sell); //Closing Sell order
                               if (bOrderClosed)
                                     Print ( "Sell Order 1 Closed" );               
                               else {    
                                    iLastError = GetLastError();                                
                                   } //end else if(bOrderClosed)
                                  } //end if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)                                            
                                 } // if (OrderProfit()<0.03)                                    
                                } // if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==Magic_Number_1)
                         if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () ==Magic_Number_2)
                               if ( OrderProfit ()< 0.02 )
                                   if ( OrderType ()== OP_BUY )
                                              bOrderClosed = closeBuyOrder(iOrderType_Buy); //Closing Buy order 
                                               if (bOrderClosed)
                                                     Print ( "Buy Order 2 Closed" );          
                                               else {
                                                   iLastError = GetLastError();                                        
                                                  } //end else if(bOrderClosed)
                                               } //end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)
                         if ( OrderType ()== OP_SELL )
                               bOrderClosed = closeSellOrder(iOrderType_Sell); //Closing Sell order        
                                 if (bOrderClosed)
                                       Print ( "Sell Order 1 Closed" );
                                 else {
                                     iLastError = GetLastError();                                        
                                    } //end else if(bOrderClosed)
                                   } //end if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)                                         
                                  } // if (OrderProfit()<0.02)                                    
                                 } // if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==Magic_Number_2)
                         if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () ==Magic_Number_3)
                             Print ( "Don't Close this Third Order" );                                                    
                            } // if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==Magic_Number_3)
                           } //end for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) 
                          } // if(OrdersTotal()>0)
//////////////////////////////////////MINIMUM PROFIT LOCKED////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

if (TrailingStop> 0 && TrailingStart > 0 ) TrailOrder (TrailingStart, TrailingStop); 

//count open buy orders.

iOpenOrders_Buy = CntOrd(iOrderType_Buy, Symbol ());

//count open sell orders.

iOpenOrders_Sell = CntOrd(iOrderType_Sell, Symbol ()); 

//Conditional Part for Trade

if (Buy condition Met)
//Close Open Sell Positions 

double OpenPrice= Ask ;
                 int count= 3 ;
                 double   dTakeProfitPrice_1,dTakeProfitPrice_2,dTakeProfitPrice_3;
                dStopLossPrice = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice - StopLoss * dPip, Digits );

                dTakeProfitPrice_1 = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice + TakeProfit_1 * dPip, Digits );
                dTakeProfitPrice_2 = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice + TakeProfit_2 * dPip, Digits );
                dTakeProfitPrice_3 = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice + TakeProfit_3 * dPip, Digits );              

iLastError = 0 ;
   if (count== 3 ) 
      BuyOrder_1= OrderSend (Order_Symbol, iOrderType_Buy, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_1, "Buy Order" ,Magic_Number_1, 0 ,Blue);
       if (BuyOrder_1> 0 ) //Checking if the order was opened or not
         count = count - 1 ; 

   else {
          iLastError = GetLastError();                            

   if (count== 2 ) 
     BuyOrder_2= OrderSend (Order_Symbol, iOrderType_Buy, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_2, "Buy Order" ,Magic_Number_2, 0 ,Blue);
       if (BuyOrder_2> 0 ) 
        count = count - 1 ;
   else {
        iLastError = GetLastError();
   if (count== 1 )
     BuyOrder_3= OrderSend (Order_Symbol, iOrderType_Buy, LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_3, "Buy Order" ,Magic_Number_3, 0 ,Blue);
       if (BuyOrder_3> 0 ) 
        count = count - 1 ;
   else {
        iLastError = GetLastError();                             

   if (Sell condition met)

       //Close Open Buy Orders

        OpenPrice= Bid ;
        count= 3 ;                

       double SellOrder_1,SellOrder_2,SellOrder_3;
      dStopLossPrice = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice + StopLoss * dPip, Digits );                

                dTakeProfitPrice_1 = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice - TakeProfit_1 * dPip, Digits );
                dTakeProfitPrice_2 = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice - TakeProfit_2 * dPip, Digits );
                dTakeProfitPrice_3 = NormalizeDouble (OpenPrice - TakeProfit_3 * dPip, Digits );               

      iLastError = 0 ;
       if (count== 3 )
        SellOrder_1= OrderSend (Order_Symbol, iOrderType_Sell , LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage ,dStopLossPrice ,dTakeProfitPrice_1 , "Sell Order" ,Magic_Number_1, 0 ,Red);               
           if (SellOrder_1> 0 ) //Checking if the order was opened or not
            count = count - 1 ; 
       else {
            iLastError = GetLastError();                             
       if (count== 2 )
           SellOrder_2= OrderSend (Order_Symbol, iOrderType_Sell , LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage ,dStopLossPrice ,dTakeProfitPrice_2 , "Sell Order" ,Magic_Number_2, 0 ,Red);             
             if (SellOrder_1> 0 ) //Checking if the order was opened or not
                count = count - 1 ; 
         else {
               iLastError = GetLastError();                            
       if (count== 1 ) 
           SellOrder_3= OrderSend (Order_Symbol, iOrderType_Sell , LotSize,OpenPrice,Slippage ,dStopLossPrice,dTakeProfitPrice_3 , "Sell Order" ,Magic_Number_3, 0 ,Red);                
             if (SellOrder_3> 0 ) //Checking if the order was opened or not
                count = count - 1 ; 
         else {
               iLastError = GetLastError();                            

void TrailOrder( double Trailingstart, double Trailingstop)
     int ticket = 0 ;
       double tStopLoss;
       int cnt;
         double vPoint,vSlippage; 
         double sl;
           int Magic_Number_1,Magic_Number_2,Magic_Number_3;

if ( Digits == 3 || Digits == 5 )
    {vPoint = Point * 10 ; vSlippage = Slippage * 10 ;}
    {vPoint = Point ; vSlippage = Slippage;}
RefreshRates ();

if ( OrdersTotal ()> 0 )
 for (cnt= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;cnt>= 0 ;cnt--)
   if (! OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES )) continue ;
                         if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () ==Magic_Number_1)
                           sl = OrderStopLoss (); // Stop Loss. 
                             tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble ( OrderStopLoss (), Digits ); // Stop Loss. 
                               if ( OrderType ()== OP_BUY )
                                   if ( Ask > NormalizeDouble ( OrderOpenPrice ()+TrailingStart* vPoint, Digits )
                                  && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble ( Bid -(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint, Digits ))
                                     tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble ( Bid -TrailingStop*vPoint, Digits );                           
                                       ticket = OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), OrderOpenPrice (),tStopLoss, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 ,Blue);
                                 if (ticket > 0 )
                                     Print ( "TrailingStop #2 Activated: " , OrderSymbol (), ": SL" , tStopLoss, ": Bid" , Bid );                            
                                     else {
                                         iLastError = GetLastError();
                                         } //end if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits) && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits)){
                                        } //end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){
if ( OrderType ()== OP_SELL )
                                 if ( Bid < NormalizeDouble ( OrderOpenPrice ()-TrailingStart*vPoint, Digits )
                                   && (sl >( NormalizeDouble ( Ask +(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint, Digits )))
                                    || ( OrderStopLoss ()== 0 ))
                                        sl = NormalizeDouble ( Ask +TrailingStop*vPoint, Digits );                              
                                                ticket = OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), OrderOpenPrice (),sl, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 ,Red);                       
                                     if (ticket > 0 )
                                               Print ( "Trailing #2 Activated: " , OrderSymbol (), ": SL " ,sl, ": Ask " , Ask );
                                           else {
                                               iLastError = GetLastError();
                                             } //end if (Bid < NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-TrailingStart*vPoint,Digits)
                                            } //end if (OrderType()==OP_SELL)
                                           } // end if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==Magic_Number_1) 
                 if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () ==Magic_Number_2)
                      sl = OrderStopLoss (); // Stop Loss.
                       tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble ( OrderStopLoss (), Digits ); // Stop Loss.
                         if ( OrderType ()== OP_BUY )
                           if ( Ask > NormalizeDouble ( OrderOpenPrice ()+TrailingStart* vPoint, Digits )
                            && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble ( Bid -(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint, Digits ))
                               tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble ( Bid -TrailingStop*vPoint, Digits );                           
                                ticket = OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), OrderOpenPrice (),tStopLoss, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 ,Blue);
               if (ticket > 0 )
                                 Print ( "TrailingStop #2 Activated: " , OrderSymbol (), ": SL" , tStopLoss, ": Bid" , Bid );                           
                           else {
                               iLastError = GetLastError();
                             } //end if(Ask> NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+TrailingStart* vPoint,Digits) && tStopLoss < NormalizeDouble(Bid-(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint,Digits)){
                           } //end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){
                 if ( OrderType ()== OP_SELL )
                         if ( Bid < NormalizeDouble ( OrderOpenPrice ()-TrailingStart*vPoint, Digits )
                             && (sl >( NormalizeDouble ( Ask +(TrailingStop+TrailingStep)*vPoint, Digits )))
                               || ( OrderStopLoss ()== 0 ))
                               sl = NormalizeDouble ( Ask +TrailingStop*vPoint, Digits );
                                ticket = OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), OrderOpenPrice (),sl, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 ,Red);                                
                         if (ticket > 0 )
                                         Print ( "Trailing #2 Activated: " , OrderSymbol (), ": SL " ,sl, ": Ask " , Ask );                                                          
                                   else {
                                        iLastError = GetLastError();                                    
                                    } //end if (Bid < NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-TrailingStart*vPoint,Digits)
                                   } //end if (OrderType()==OP_SELL)
                                  } // end if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==Magic_Number_2)
               if ( OrderSymbol () == Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber () ==Magic_Number_3)
                       sl = OrderStopLoss (); // Stop Loss.
                         tStopLoss = NormalizeDouble ( OrderStopLoss (), Digits ); // Stop Loss.                          
                           if ( OrderType ()== OP_BUY )
                                ticket = OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), OrderOpenPrice (),tStopLoss, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 ,Blue);
                 if (ticket > 0 )
                                 Print ( "Stop Loss Unchanged" );                           
                             else {
                                 iLastError = GetLastError();
                               } //end if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)                           
                 if ( OrderType ()== OP_SELL )                                     
                       sl= OrderStopLoss (); // Stop Loss.
                         ticket = OrderModify ( OrderTicket (), OrderOpenPrice (),sl, OrderTakeProfit (), 0 ,Red);                               
                       if (ticket > 0 )
                                       Print ( "Trailing #2 Activated: " , OrderSymbol (), ": SL " ,sl, ": Ask " , Ask );                                                                         
                                   else {
                                       iLastError = GetLastError();                                 
                                     } //end if (OrderType()==OP_SELL)
                                    } // end if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() ==Magic_Number_3)
                                  } //end for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--)
                                } // end if(OrdersTotal()>0)
                               return ( 0 );
                              } // end void TrailOrder(double Trailingstart,double Trailingstop)

 bool closeBuyOrder( int iBuytype)
                               bool bClosed_;
                                 int Magic_Number_1,Magic_Number_2,Magic_Number_3;
                                 if ( OrdersTotal ()> 0 )
                                   for ( int Counter= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;Counter>= 0 ;Counter--)
                                     OrderSelect (Counter, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES );
                                       if (iBuytype== OP_BUY && OrderType ()== OP_BUY )
                                           if ( OrderSymbol ()== Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber ()==Magic_Number_1)
                                               RefreshRates ();
                                               OrderClose ( OrderTicket (), OrderLots (), NormalizeDouble ( Bid , Digits ), Slippage);
                                                 if ( OrderSymbol ()== Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber ()==Magic_Number_2)
                                                   RefreshRates ();
                                                     OrderClose ( OrderTicket (), OrderLots (), NormalizeDouble ( Bid , Digits ), Slippage);
                                                 if ( OrderSymbol ()== Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber ()==Magic_Number_3)
                                                   RefreshRates ();                                                    
                                                     Print ( "Don't Close this Thrid Order" );
                                              } //if(iBuytype==OP_BUY && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
                                           } //for(int Counter=OrdersTotal()-1;Counter>=0;Counter--)
                                       } //if(OrdersTotal()>0)
                                 return (bClosed_);
                            } //end bool closeBuyOrder(int iBuytype)
                             bool closeSellOrder( int iSelltype)
                               bool bClosed_;
                               int Magic_Number_1,Magic_Number_2,Magic_Number_3;
                                 if ( OrdersTotal ()> 0 )
                                   for ( int Counter= OrdersTotal ()- 1 ;Counter>= 0 ;Counter--)
                                     if (! OrderSelect (Counter, SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES )) continue ;
                                       if (iSelltype== OP_SELL && OrderType ()== OP_SELL )
                                           if ( OrderSymbol ()== Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber ()==Magic_Number_1)
                                               RefreshRates ();
                                               bClosed_ = OrderClose ( OrderTicket (), OrderLots (), NormalizeDouble ( Ask , Digits ),Slippage);
                                                 if ( OrderSymbol ()== Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber ()==Magic_Number_2)
                                                   RefreshRates ();
                                                    bClosed_ = OrderClose ( OrderTicket (), OrderLots (), NormalizeDouble ( Ask , Digits ),Slippage);
                                                 if ( OrderSymbol ()== Symbol () && OrderMagicNumber ()==Magic_Number_3)
                                                   RefreshRates ();
                                                     Print ( "Don't Close this Thrid Order" );
                                              } //end if(iSelltype==OP_SELL && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
                                             } //for(int Counter=OrdersTotal()-1;Counter>=0;Counter--)
                                           } //end if(OrdersTotal()>0)                                      
                                       return (bClosed_);
                            } //end bool closeSellOrder(int iSelltype)

void Set_Magic_Number()
   int Magic_Number_1,Magic_Number_2,Magic_Number_3;
   if (Order_Symbol== "EURUSD" ) 
     Magic_Number_1= 1301 ;
     Magic_Number_2= 1302 ;
     Magic_Number_3= 1303 ; 

   if (Order_Symbol== "GBPUSD" ) 
     Magic_Number_1= 1601 ;
     Magic_Number_2= 1602 ;
     Magic_Number_3= 1603 ;

   if (Order_Symbol== "AUDUSD" ) 
     Magic_Number_1= 8701 ;
     Magic_Number_2= 8702 ;
     Magic_Number_3= 8703 ;
return ( 0 );

J'ai une confusion avec la fonction Set_Magic_Number() .

L'ai-je bien défini ? De plus, en l'appelant dans d'autres fonctions, cela fonctionnera-t-il correctement?



J'ai une confusion avec la fonction Set_Magic_Number().

L'ai-je définie correctement ? De même, si je l'appelle dans d'autres fonctions, cela fonctionnera-t-il correctement ?


J'ai lu ici que votre symbole n'est pas "EURUSD".

vous devez utiliser le bon symbole


J'ai lu ici que votre symbole n'est pas "EURUSD".

vous devez utiliser le bon symbole

Ce n'est pas un problème. Le symbole du courtier sur lequel je teste l'EA est EURUSD,GBPUSD.....

Si j'attache l'EA au courtier dont le symbole est EURUSDpro, j'ajouterai simplement le 'pro'.

Avez-vous examiné mon code ?

La fonction de profit minimum est un "échec".

Elle ferme simplement tous les trades ouverts à chaque fois qu'elle est exécutée, sans tenir compte des pertes ou des profits des trades !

Mais mon objectif n'est pas comme ça.

Je veux que si une transaction entre dans la zone de profit et qu'ensuite le marché commence à se retourner, cette fonction "Profit minimum" garantira que

que la transaction soit fermée avec le profit minimum que je souhaite.

Et là aussi, je ne veux pas que la "troisième" transaction soit affectée par cette fonction.

J'ai essayé d'écrire quelque chose comme ça mais maintenant ça ne marche pas.


Ce n'est pas un problème. Le symbole du courtier sur lequel je teste l'EA est EURUSD,GBPUSD.....

Si j'attache l'EA au courtier dont le symbole est EURUSDpro, j'ajouterai simplement le 'pro'.

Avez-vous examiné mon code ?

La fonction de profit minimum est un "échec".

Elle ferme simplement tous les trades ouverts à chaque fois qu'elle est exécutée, sans tenir compte des pertes ou des profits des trades !

Mais mon objectif n'est pas comme ça.

Je veux que si une transaction entre dans la zone de profit et qu'ensuite le marché commence à se retourner, cette fonction "Profit minimum" garantira que

que la transaction soit fermée avec le profit minimum que je souhaite.

Et là encore, je ne veux pas que la "troisième" transaction soit affectée par cette fonction.

J'ai essayé d'écrire quelque chose comme ça, mais maintenant ça ne marche pas.

Vous le rendez beaucoup trop complexe parce que vous n'avez aucune idée de comment gérer ça.

Plus vous lisez et essayez de vous programmer vous-même, plus il devient facile de faire des choses complexes.

mais commencez par des choses simples si vous commencez à faire fonctionner un programme pour un trade puis plus tard vous essayez avec plus de trades

vous devez apprendre beaucoup de choses.

si vous commencez par choisir un programme court et simple et que vous y apportez quelques modifications pour le tester

vous pourriez apprendre comment ce programme fonctionne

Votre problème vous avez commencé

Voir comment je le ferais

//|                                                  MACD Sample.mq4 |
//|                   Copyright 2005-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright   "2005-2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        ""

input double TakeProfit    =50;
input double Lots          =0.1;
input int    MagicNumber   =16384;
input int    TakeProfit1   = 15;
input int    TakeProfit2   = 25;
input int    TakeProfit3   = 0;
input int    StopLoss      = 100;   
input double BreakEven     =10;
input double BreakEvenSL   =5;
input double TrailingStop  =30;
input double TrailingStep  =30;
input int    SlippagePips  =3;
input double MACDOpenLevel =3.0;
input double MACDCloseLevel=2;
input int    MATrendPeriod =26;

int count,countbuy,countsell;

//++++ These are adjusted for 5 digit brokers.
int     pips2points;      // slippage  3 pips    3=points    30=points
double  pips2dbl;         // Stoploss 15 pips    0.015      0.0150
int     Digitspips;      // DoubleToStr(dbl/pips2dbl, Digitspips)
int     Slip;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
  if(Digits % 2 == 1)  // DE30=1/JPY=3/EURUSD=5
     {pips2dbl = Point*10; pips2points = 10;   Digitspips = 1;}
     else {pips2dbl = Point;    pips2points =  1;   Digitspips = 0;}
     // OrderSend(... Slippage.Pips * pips2points, Bid - StopLossPips * pips2dbl 
  Slip = pips2points * SlippagePips;  //Slippage        
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick(void)
   double MacdCurrent,MacdPrevious;
   double SignalCurrent,SignalPrevious;
   double MaCurrent,MaPrevious;
   int    cnt,ticket,total;
// initial data checks
// it is important to make sure that the expert works with a normal
// chart and the user did not make any mistakes setting external 
// variables (Lots, StopLoss, TakeProfit, 
// TrailingStop) in our case, we check TakeProfit
// on a chart of less than 100 bars
      Print("bars less than 100");

      int CMD;
      double SL,TP,price;
      int LastError = 0;
      if (countbuy>0)
            CMD = OP_BUY;
            price = Ask;
            if(StopLoss>0)SL= price-StopLoss*pips2dbl;
            if(count==3 && TakeProfit1>0)TP= price+TakeProfit1*pips2dbl;
            if(count==2 && TakeProfit2>0)TP= price+TakeProfit2*pips2dbl;
            if(count==1 && TakeProfit3>0)TP= price+TakeProfit3*pips2dbl;
            CMD = OP_SELL;
            price = Bid;
            if(StopLoss>0)SL= price+StopLoss*pips2dbl;
            if(count==3 && TakeProfit1>0)TP= price-TakeProfit1*pips2dbl;
            if(count==2 && TakeProfit2>0)TP= price-TakeProfit2*pips2dbl;
            if(count==1 && TakeProfit3>0)TP= price-TakeProfit3*pips2dbl;
      ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(), CMD, Lots, price , Slip, SL, TP,"macd sample",MagicNumber,0,Green);
      if (ticket>0) //Checking if the order was opened or not
        else {
              LastError = GetLastError();                               
              if(CMD==OP_BUY)Print("Error sending buy order "+count+ ". Error code=  " + LastError);
              if(CMD==OP_SELL)Print("Error sending sell order "+count+ ". Error code=  " + LastError);

//--- to simplify the coding and speed up access data are put into internal variables
//--- it is important to enter the market correctly, but it is more important to exit it correctly...   
   for(cnt = OrdersTotal()-1; cnt>=0 ; cnt--)
      if(OrderType()<=OP_SELL)    // check for opened position 
         //--- long position is opened
            //--- should it be closed?
            if(MacdCurrent>0 && MacdCurrent<SignalCurrent && MacdPrevious>SignalPrevious && 
               //--- close order
            //--- check for breakeven  
                     //--- modify order
            //--- check for trailing stop
                     //--- modify order
         else // go to short position
            //--- should it be closed?
            if(MacdCurrent<0 && MacdCurrent>SignalCurrent && 
               MacdPrevious<SignalPrevious && MathAbs(MacdCurrent)>(MACDCloseLevel*pips2dbl))
               //--- close order and exit
            //--- check for breakeven  
                     //--- modify order
            //--- check for trailing stop
                     //--- modify order
      countbuy = 0;
      countsell = 0;
      //--- no opened orders identified
         Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ",AccountFreeMargin());
      //--- check for long position (BUY) possibility
      if(MacdCurrent<0 && MacdCurrent>SignalCurrent && MacdPrevious<SignalPrevious && 
         MathAbs(MacdCurrent)>(MACDOpenLevel*pips2dbl) && MaCurrent>MaPrevious)
        countbuy = 3;//we can open
      //--- check for short position (SELL) possibility
      if(MacdCurrent>0 && MacdCurrent<SignalCurrent && MacdPrevious>SignalPrevious && 
         MacdCurrent>(MACDOpenLevel*pips2dbl) && MaCurrent<MaPrevious)
        countsell = 3;//we can open


pas besoin de différentes entrées pour Symbol()

3 nombres magiques différents...


Ce n'est pas un problème. Le symbole du courtier sur lequel je teste l'EA est EURUSD,GBPUSD.....

Si j'attache l'EA au courtier dont le symbole est EURUSDpro, j'ajouterai simplement le 'pro'.

Avez-vous examiné mon code ?

La fonction de profit minimum est un "échec".

Elle ferme simplement tous les trades ouverts à chaque fois qu'elle est exécutée, sans tenir compte des pertes ou des profits des trades !

Mais mon objectif n'est pas comme ça.

Je veux que si une transaction entre dans la zone de profit et qu'ensuite le marché commence à se retourner, cette fonction "Profit minimum" garantira que

que la transaction soit fermée avec le profit minimum que je souhaite.

Et là encore, je ne veux pas que la "troisième" transaction soit affectée par cette fonction.

J'ai essayé d'écrire quelque chose comme ça mais maintenant ça ne fonctionne pas.

J'ai compilé votre code 80 erreurs 6 avertissements

principalement des identifiants non déclarés

J'ai besoin de votre code avec tous les identifiants déclarés

si le fichier est trop gros, joignez-le

compilez le fichier et vérifiez les erreurs que vous obtenez