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Vyacheslav Evseev
Сегодня в 22:00мск будет решающее заседание ФРС, что чревато сильными движениями по доллару.
Today at 18:00(gmt 0) will be a decisive meeting of the FOMC, which is fraught with strong movements of the dollar.
Today at 18:00(gmt 0) will be a decisive meeting of the FOMC, which is fraught with strong movements of the dollar.
Vyacheslav Evseev
Ожидаем сегодня вечером скачков по доллару. Скорее всего будет сильный рост.
We expect tonight jumps on the dollar. Most likely will be a strong growth.
We expect tonight jumps on the dollar. Most likely will be a strong growth.
Mostrar todos los comentarios (4)
Vyacheslav Evseev
очень высокая вероятность, особенно если данные по ввп и безработице выйдут по прогнозу или лучше.
Jozsef Kecskesi
Well, I think this afternoon/evening (GMT) could be more "funny" for eur/usd than this morning was...
Vyacheslav Evseev
Сбой на сайте mql5: не обновляется информация на сигналах. Но сигналы продолжают транслироваться.
Malfunction on the site mql5: not updated information about signals.
Malfunction on the site mql5: not updated information about signals.
Jozsef Kecskesi
Fortunately your signal works anyway. Very good trades again! I have more than 10 Welcome 3.0 bonus as well if anyone need it...
Vyacheslav Evseev
Сегодня ночью также могут быть движения. Скорее всего буду открывать в обе стороны.
Tonight could also be movement. Most likely will be open in both directions.
Tonight could also be movement. Most likely will be open in both directions.
Vyacheslav Evseev
Сегодня в 22:00мск начнется Публикация протокола заседания ФРС - возможна очень сильна волатильность доллара
Today at 18:00(gmt 0) will begin publication of FOMC Meeting Minutes - can be very strong volatility of the dollar
Today at 18:00(gmt 0) will begin publication of FOMC Meeting Minutes - can be very strong volatility of the dollar
Jozsef Kecskesi
Good trades after a hard day! Thank you! (Miniup - usdchf) You should be the calmest man ever or you already knew something about usdchf.
Vyacheslav Evseev
Thank you. I know he will rise, but thought it would happen a little earlier
Vyacheslav Evseev
mql5 сделали шикарную статистику прибыли по месяцам именно от суммы на начало месяца.
mql5 made a gorgeous Statistics Monthly income is the sum of the beginning of the month
mql5 made a gorgeous Statistics Monthly income is the sum of the beginning of the month
Vyacheslav Evseev
До среды сильных движений на рынке не ожидается.
Until Wednesday strong movements in the market are not expected.
Until Wednesday strong movements in the market are not expected.
Vyacheslav Evseev
Также для данных сигналов(и не только) открыт новый сайт http://4-rex.ru, где вы сможете прочитать про дальнейшее развитие и планы.
Also for these signals is open a new site http://4-rex.ru, where you can read about the further development and plans.
Also for these signals is open a new site http://4-rex.ru, where you can read about the further development and plans.
Vyacheslav Evseev
Вы можете также заработать на сигнале MiniUp, получив специальную ссылку: за каждого приглашенного по ней, вы будете получать 10% от стоимости сигнала.
You can also make money on signal MiniUp, received a special link: for every invited at her, you will receive 10% of signal cost.
You can also make money on signal MiniUp, received a special link: for every invited at her, you will receive 10% of signal cost.
Vyacheslav Evseev
Возникли небольшие проблемы с переносом сигналов. Жду ответа от службы поддержки.
Had some problems with the transfer of signals. I'm waiting for a response from support.
Had some problems with the transfer of signals. I'm waiting for a response from support.