bota mircea
bota mircea
bota mircea
bota mircea
20% growth in 2 weeks....check it:
bota mircea
bota mircea

I started trading in 2009, and since then I've accumulated a lot of experience on this field.

I am a full time trader but I don't make trades just to make them, I usually make around 20 trades/month combining tehnichal, fundamental and market sentiment.

For each trade I use Take Profit and Stop Loss. If the trade has the power and if I consider that it has more power I will move Take Profit higher(to have more profit) but I NEVER move Stop Loss lower(to have more loss). Trades that have some profit I will move Stop Loss on breakeven to have a free trade.

My strategy is based on my experience, I don't trade with any indicators, oscilators or any others wonderfull indicators :) I trade what the chart is showing me.

If you have any questions feel free to write them and I will try to answer to all your questions.

My account is so small because it's my personal target to make a big account from a small one.

Thank you for your time that you've spend reading this!

"one pip can change your day"
bota mircea
bota mircea
May 2015 Offer: team offers you technical analysis for major currencies until 5/15/2015 traded FREE entry-level transactions, stop loss, take profit, any changes in transactions in real time ...
If you want to recive this offer: just send an email to or write a comment in this post that contains a name and a valid email address and that you understand the conditions and risks margin trading and you will receive FREE entry and transaction possibilities up to date 15/05/2015.
After this date there will be a monthly fee of 19.99 USD Payment by paypal and the first 20 subscribers will benefit from a reduction in the first month of subscription 50% ...
Trades are send on email...
bota mircea
bota mircea
Check out my signals. Some signals are more than a year...:)
bota mircea
bota mircea
Dear subscribers,

It's been a year (sept2013 - sept2014) since we launched Aggressive Trading and the results speak for themselves:
300% PROFIT!
There were slightly difficult moments in which I had to adjust a little bit the strategy, but it happens all the time in this field.
Returns are lower after May 2014 after the loss of April 2014 because we decided to trade with less risk and thus leading to a lower gain. We do not want to repeat the loss of April 2014.

These are Monthly Returns:

September 2013: + 30.00%
October 2013: + 36.14%
November 2013: +7.48%
December 2013: +28.86%
January 2014: + 10.14%
February 2014: + 13.64%
March 2014: + 27.87%
April 2014: -18.86%
May 2014: + 4.58%
June 2014: - 0.11%
July 2014: + 8.92%
August 2014: + 4.72%
September 2014: + 6.31%
TOTAL: + 300%
I have to make a remark: The Volume wasn't modify! We are trading with same volume from the beginning.

Here is out myfxbook:

For subscribing: ranks Aggressive Trading on 13th possition of about 1.800 trading systems!
bota mircea
bota mircea
Dear subscribers,

Because our broker will modify trading conditions and trading accounts starting on 06.10.2014 will test the new trading accounts on demo and then if everything is alright, I will resume trading on live accounts.
We hope that the test will be just a couple of days...
So starting with 06.10.2014 there will be no trades on live accounts...I hope to resume trading until 13.10.2014...I will keep you posted.
Trading signals that will be afected: Live trading 2; Pure Trading; Forex Investment.
Aggressive Trading and Disciplined Trading will NOT be affected.

best regardes,
forex-signals team
bota mircea
bota mircea
Hi guys,

These are performances obtained last night:

Live Trading 2: 1.17%
Pure Trading: 2.38%
Forex Investment: 1.58%

"one pip can change your day"

See you all tonight!

bota mircea
bota mircea
This week performance: (8.09.2014 - 12.09.2014)

Aggressive Trading: + 2.16%
Disciplined Trading: + 0.71%
Live Trading 2: + 11.82%
Forex Investment: + 1.31%
Pure Trading: + 3.93%
bota mircea
bota mircea
I'm taking a well-deserved vacation(holiday) trades, no charts, no email, no facebook, just enjoing free time and life...
See you all on the begining of september...
Best regardes and happy pips until I'll be back!

bota mircea
bota mircea
Listen to the chart. What is it telling you? If you're not sure at once, step back.
bota mircea
bota mircea
After a year with good trades and some not so good I think it's time for a long vacation.
Will be back starting 1.09.2014 with some new posts and some surprises.
The server is still working until 22.08.2014, and then will resume trading on 01.09.2014. That week it's really vacation, no trades, no analysis...just cocktails and sun....
bota mircea
bota mircea
02 iulie 2014:

Perechea EURUSD continua miscarea preconizata din 01 iulie 2014, testand 1.3670...Tehnic ar urma impulsul care ne-ar putea duce pana la 1.3700 iar daca depasim acest nivel ne putem gandi la 1.3730 si 1.3750.
Daca pretul reuseste totusi sa inchida sub 1.3670 ne putem astepta la o alunecare catre 1.3645 respectiv 1.3620. Atentie celor care au intrat short la zona de 1.3700 sau care doresc sa intre short la acest nivel, Stop Loss-ul trebuie pus la un nivel rezonabil deoarece in principiu pretul testeaza 1.3705-1.3710 si am putea asista la un false breakout.
Fundamental la ora 10 avem Somajul din Spania, iar dupa masa incepand cu ora 15.15 asistam la un indicator care ne poate ajuta la calcularea NFP-ului de maine. Iar la ora 18 avem conferinta de presa sustina de J. Yellen presedintele FED.

"one pip can change your day"
bota mircea
bota mircea
Imtiaz Ahmed
Imtiaz Ahmed 2014.06.24
very good slow and steady keep going....
bota mircea
bota mircea
Pentru cei din Romania:

Modul 1:
Ce este FOREX?
De ce sa tranzactionam FOREX?
Cine tranzactioneaza FOREX?
Cand puteti tranzactiona FOREX?
Cum tranzactionam FOREX?
Tips&Tricks MT4!

Daca doresti sa afli raspunsurile la intrebarile de mai sus te invitam sa participi la primul seminar de educatie financiara organizat de Forex-signals.
Acest seminar este destinat celor cu experienta medie pe pietele financiare, dar si celor care sunt la inceput de drum.
Vei afla raspunsuri concrete la aceste intrebari de la un trader cu o experienta de 5 ani pe piata FOREX!
Data: 29 mai 2014 ora 18.30
Locatia: Pensiunea MEMO, Brasov!
Locuri Limitate!
Taxa participare: 10 lei
Mentiune: NU vindem nimic, NU reprezentam nici o casa de brokeraj, in consecinta NU trebuie sa deschideti conturi de tranzactionare. Taxa de participare este pentru acoperirea cheltuielilor de organizare a seminarului si plata salii de conferinta!
Se va raspunde la orice intrebare legata de FOREX, dar nu si cele legate de brokeri (care este mai bun, care nu a inchis vreo tranzactie, etc). Proiectul este strict educational, platforma folosita va fi metatrader 4 cu un cont deschis direct la ei pentru a se evita publicitatea!
Speaker: Mircea Bota are o experienta de peste 5 ani in domeniul tranzactionarii online si ocupa functia de CEO si fondator a De-a lungul celor 5 ani castigand diferite premii si distinctii pe aceasta piata. A absolvit Facultatea de Stiinte Economice, detine un Masterat Antreprenoriat si Supply Chain Management si deasemenea un MBA.
Cei care doresc sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un email la adresa cu un nume si un numar de telefon.

Detalii suplimentare: sau la tel. 0740.414.480 (luni-vineri: 10-17)
[Eliminado] 2014.06.08