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11+ años
versiones demo
Harmonic Pattern Indicator - Repainting + Japanese Candlestick Pattern Scanner + Automatic Channel + Many more




Non Repainting and Non Lagging Harmonic Pattern Indicator – Customizable Harmonic + Japanese Candlestic Pattern Scanner + Advanced Channel + Many more




Supply Demand Indicator – Multiple Timeframe Scanning Added + Non Repainting + Professional Indicator




Momentum Indicator – Path to Volume Spread Analysis




Elliott Wave Indicator for the Power User




Forex Prediction - Turn Support and Resistance to the Advanced Strategy




MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Product Page: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/financeengineer/seller#products

Free Forex Prediction with Fibonacci Analysis: https://algotrading-investment.com/2020/10/23/forex-prediction-with-fibonacci-analysis/

Free Harmonic Pattern Signal: https://algotrading-investment.com/2020/12/17/harmonic-pattern-signal-for-forex-market/


Here are the trading education books. We recommend reading these books if you are a trader or investor in Forex and Stock market. In the list below, we put the easy to read book on top. Try to read the easy to read book first and try to read the harder book later to improve your trading and investment.

First Link = amazon.com, Second Link = Google Play Books, Third Link = algotrading-investment.com, Fourth Link = Google Books

Technical Analysis in Forex and Stock Market (Supply Demand Analysis and Support Resistance)





Science Of Support, Resistance, Fibonacci Analysis, Harmonic Pattern, Elliott Wave and X3 Chart Pattern (In Forex and Stock Market Trading)





Profitable Chart Patterns in Forex and Stock Market (Fibonacci Analysis, Harmonic Pattern, Elliott Wave, and X3 Chart Pattern)





Guide to Precision Harmonic Pattern Trading (Mastering Turning Point Strategy for Financial Trading)





Scientific Guide to Price Action and Pattern Trading (Wisdom of Trend, Cycle, and Fractal Wave)





Predicting Forex and Stock Market with Fractal Pattern: Science of Price and Time





Trading Education Book 1 in Korean (Apple, Google Play Book, Google Book, Scribd, Kobo)






Trading Education Book 2 in Korean (Apple, Google Play Book, Google Book, Scribd, Kobo)






About Young Ho Seo

Young Ho Seo is an Engineer, Financial Trader, and Quantitative Developer, working on Trading Science and Investment Engineering since 2011. He is the creator of many technical indicators, price patterns and trading strategies used in the financial market. He is also teaching the trading practice on how to use the Supply Demand Analysis, Support, Resistance, Trend line, Fibonacci Analysis, Harmonic Pattern, Elliott Wave Theory, Chart Patterns, and Probability for Forex and Stock Market. His works include developing scientific trading principle and mathematical algorithm in the work of Benjamin Graham, Everette S. Gardner, Benoit Mandelbrot, Ralph Nelson Elliott, Harold M. Gartley, Richard Shabacker, William Delbert Gann, Richard Wyckoff and Richard Dennis. You can find his dedicated works on www.algotrading-investment.com . His life mission is to connect financial traders and scientific community for better understanding of this world and crowd behaviour in the financial market. He wrote many books and articles, which are helpful for understanding the technology and application behind technical analysis, statistics, time series forecasting, fractal science, econometrics, and artificial intelligence in the financial market.

If you are interested in our software and training, just visit our main website: www.algotrading-investment.com
Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Multiple Timeframe pattern analysis now easy with Mean Reversion Supply Demand

As we have mentioned in our previous post, multiple timeframe pattern analysis will be easy and efficient in our Mean Reversion Supply Demand.

Literarily bring important zones from different timeframe and then apply to any timeframe you want.

Wait for version 3.7.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
New Powerful Features coming on Mean Reversion Supply Demand

New version of Mean Reversion Supply Demand is coming. In new version, you are free to cross different timeframe to setup your profit target and stop. With this features, you can set your trading target and stop easily in another timeframe where the two or three timeframes agree in your trading direction.

For your information, Mean reversion supply demand can be used alone on its own for powerful supply demand trading with the built in Market Profile. At the same time, you can expand your supply demand trading with our other existing system like Harmonic Pattern Plus or Price Breakout Pattern Scanner for the perfect capability.

Stay tuned. This powerful update is coming soon.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Easy Target and Stop Loss Set on Mean Reversion Supply Demand

New powerful feature is coming for our Mean Reversion Supply Demand.

Now in the new version, you can set the target and stop for multiple supply and demand zone.

With this feature, you can build multiple level of trading decision model. If you wish, you can even set breakout trading around the zone.

What is even better ? You can perform better multiple timeframe pattern analysis.

Give a quick look on the screenshot if you like.

Stay tuned for further announcement.

We are here to design the high probability winning trading system for you.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Adding High Precision Control on Harmonic Pattern Plus + Harmonic Pattern Scenario planner

We are currently adding new high precision features to our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner.

In the new version, you will be able to control pattern matching accuracy of the pattern on average MAPE and for each point.

In terms of the pattern detection point of view, MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) can be good criteria. However even the pattern with high MAPE (averaged), you might have individual point deviated quite a lot from the ideal position. This will obviously allow some unwanted patterns to be detected.

Therefore we decided to offer the even more precision control over your pattern detection. Now you can set the pattern matching accuracy for individual point to achieve maximum precision on your harmonic pattern detection.

Check the screenshots below.

If you are looking for highly precise Harmonic Pattern Detection tool, Harmonic Pattern Plus or Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner are the best option.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
How to control repainting and redrawing issue in Price Breakout Pattern Scanner

Repainting and redrawing sometimes can happen in your technical analysis. In general there is trade off between repainting indicator and non-repainting indicator. As usual, nothing is perfect in this world but you should choose one between two based on their pros and cons.

Repainting indicator is faster and lagging less to current price. It has an advantage in a way that you get faster alert for your trading and you can be ready early. When you enter the right direction, there are plenty to catch for your profits. However the fast entry will trade off its advantage with false signal. The false signal will be override when new high or new low arrives. So the previous false signal may not show from your chart.

Non-repainting indicator will not repaint but instead you have to suffer from many insignificant (inaccurate) signals, which will be losing trades. In addition, to be non repaint, you have to wait 1 or 2 bars to complete. Therefore, it is lagging, what some trader called it as "always late to party". Advantage of non repaint indicator is that at least you do not have false signal but the insignificant or inaccurate signals will remains in your chart.

Which one you prefer is entirely up to you. There are pros and cons to consider. For example, both repainting and non repainting indicators are used equally by many good number professional of traders. For example, Harmonic Pattern Trading or other Price Action trading or some sort are used by millions of traders and even for profitable trading. Google the keyword and see by yourself its popularity.

It would be very nice to have non repaint but faster indicator. Unfortunately it is impossible because we are faster because we are using the latest information. Instead, in our price breakout pattern scanner, we provide the pattern locking feature (saving patterns in your chart) to control this repainting and redrawing issues. With the pattern locking feature, you are able to remember your entry in your chart even if new high or new low is arrived. The pattern locking feature will help your trade enormously without sacrificing the fast entry but controlling the repaint issues too. This feature even allow you to save the price patterns in higher timeframe then use the pattern in lower timeframe. How to lock or unlock the patterns is simple in your chart. Just follow the screenshot below. You can even lock (save) multiple of patterns in your chart for your trading.



Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Pure Algo Trading Signal Service

Our pure algo trading signal performance (100% automation) so far show us its steady performance in our live forward testing.

This trading system is based on pure algo (automated) trading principle. Yet, the algorithm operate on very different trading principle from the typical manual trading. For example, It heavily uses the advanced statistical decision making and data mining at its core operation.

With this signal, we are aim to help your trading capital to grow 50% to 100% for one year period of time from the beginning of your subscription of this signal. Pure Algo Trading Signal use strict risk management for each trade and our trading strategy is only medium frequency trading. Therefore, it is not so sensitive to latency speed or copy speed. If you have lost a lot of money following high frequency trading signal, we will recommend you our pure Algo trading signal service.

We recommend this signal:

•if you do not have a time to trade
•if you do not have a time to learn how to trade
•if you have realistic profit goals for your investment from your past experience
•if you know that trading and investment involves some risk

Here is the link for our Pure Algo Trading Signal on Meta Trader Signal Service.


If you prefer the manual trading strategy, feel free to visit our website to find out the powerful trading tools and system for you.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Automatic Resizing your Stop Loss and Take Profit Level with Harmonic Pattern Plus (Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner)

Having understood all the concept behind the Pattern Completion Interval, you might observe that sometime price can react outside the pattern completion interval. Sure, there is nothing perfect in the world. As long as you understand the pros and cons of using large stop loss size, it is still fine to control your own stop loss size.

However, we still prefer to express stop loss size in terms of pattern completion interval range for convenience. For example, if the original stop loss size was equal to 1 x pattern completion interval, you can certainly use 1.5 x pattern completion interval or 2 x pattern completion interval.

Another consideration before you are using pattern completion interval, if you can enter the market at the competitive price, then you can feel less guilty when you increase your stop loss size because you are still remaining good rewards/Risk ratio. On the other hands, if you have entered market at not so competitive price, then you might be cautious when you increase your stop loss size.

Hope this less is helpful for junior traders.

To visit our website, follow the links below:






Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
New product update is coming soon

As usual, we are always making great efforts to add new powerful features to our products for you.

We are currently working on the following products to add more powerful feature:
•Pair Trading Station
•Mean Reversion Supply Demand
•Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner

If you are our customers, then please stay tuned for our future announcement on these new update.

Feel free to visit our website for powerful trading tools and system for your trading:


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Pure Algo Trading Signal Service

Our pure trading signal performance so far show us its steady performance in our forwards live testing.

This trading system is based on pure algo (automated) trading principle. It heavily uses the advanced statistical decision making at its core operation.

With this signal, we are aim to help your investment to grow 50% to 100% for one year period of time. We use strict risk management and our trading strategy is only medium frequency trading. Therefore, it is not so sensitive to latency speed or copy speed.

We recommend this signal:
•if you do not have a time to trade
•if you do not want to learn how to trade
•if you have realistic profit goals for your investment from your past experience


If you prefer the manual trading strategy, feel free to visit our website to find out the powerful trading tools and system for you.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Concept of Potential Reversal Zone Type A and Type B

Simply speaking potential Reversal zone is the area where three or four Fibonacci levels are converging together. Traders, who believes on natural low behind Fibonacci number, consider this area as the key price level for the future price movement.

There are two type of Potential Reversal Zone. Let us name them as Potential Reversal Zone Type A and Type B respectively. In the five point patterns, Potential Reversal Zone Type A is constructed before the final point D formation using point X, A, B and C.

If the location of point X, A, B and C are close to the ideal location, then neighbouring Fibonacci levels will have smaller gap. If points X, A, B and C are inaccurately located, then neighbouring Fibonacci levels will have greater gaps. You might use bottom or top of the Potential Reversal Zone Type A as your stop loss target.

Potential Reversal Zone Type B is constructed after the final point D is formed. Since we have all five point X, A, B, C and D, we use all the four lags including XA, AB, BC and CD to construct Potential Reversal Zone Type B. The whole purpose of constructing Potential Reversal Zone Type B is to predict future price movement after harmonic pattern is detected. Price can make reversal or breakout movement around Potential Reversal Type B.

For your information, Potential Reversal Zone Type A and Type B are available only on our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner Version 9.5 onwards.

Do not miss our Powerful Trading system which can help your trading enormously.






Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Price Action and Pattern Trading Course

Algotrading-Investment.com offers the fully dedicated training for the Price Action and Pattern Trading course. With our training, you have the chance to learn the practical trading strategy from the author of the Price Action and Pattern Trading Course book.

You are more than welcome to read this book before joining the course but it is not compulsory. Throughout the training course, we will equip you with the most cutting edge trading knowledge and discipline, you can not expect to get from other places.


If you like to join our extensive training course, please fill this form and send us the scanned document or photographed one.


Then we will send you the full timetable for your training course.
Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
What is the Pattern Completion Interval

Both Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner offers the pattern completion interval feature to traders. It would be the most important concept for your trading because it derives the most logical place to set your stop loss and take profit target. So let's understand what is the pattern completion interval.

Here is the brief definition of pattern completion interval for your information.

•Pattern Completion Interval – Pattern Completion Interval define lowest and highest price level for point D or last pattern point for Harmonic pattern. Below or above this pattern completion interval box, Harmonic Pattern can’t be formed. Therefore, if the price goes below the pattern completion interval, then pattern formation is failed for bullish patterns. Vice versa for the bearish patterns.

Besides this Pattern Completion Interval, we also provide pattern locking and unlocking feature in your chart. If you want to keep the record of the pattern for your trading, then simply press "Lock" button in your chart before your trading. Pattern will stay in your chart always.

Plus in addition, you have access to automatic resize of your stop loss and take profit targets. Yes, this advanced features are only available with our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner. With this feature you can fine tuning your stop loss and take profit.

To visit our website, follow the links below:






Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
What is the Pattern Completion Interval

Both Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner offers the pattern completion interval feature to traders. It would be the most important concept for your trading because it derives the most logical place to set your stop loss and take profit target. So let's understand what is the pattern completion interval.

Here is the brief definition of pattern completion interval for your information.

•Pattern Completion Interval – Pattern Completion Interval define lowest and highest price level for point D or last pattern point for Harmonic pattern. Below or above this pattern completion interval box, Harmonic Pattern can’t be formed. Therefore, if the price goes below the pattern completion interval, then pattern formation is failed for bullish patterns. Vice versa for the bearish patterns.

Besides this Pattern Completion Interval, we also provide pattern locking and unlocking feature in your chart. If you want to keep the record of the pattern for your trading, then simply press "Lock" button in your chart before your trading. Pattern will stay in your chart always.

Plus in addition, you have access to automatic resize of your stop loss and take profit targets. Yes, this advanced features are only available with our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner. With this feature you can fine tuning your stop loss and take profit.

To visit our website, follow the links below:






Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
How to save Harmonic Patterns in your chart

With our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner, you can perfectly control the repainting and redrawing issues of the classic Price Action and Pattern Trading. Beside this powerful feature, the highly precise pattern recognition feature of our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner makes these tools to stand out from rest.

Let us show the simple steps to save the Harmonic Pattern in your chart for future reference purpose. Firstly press "Lock" button in your chart to save the Harmonic Patterns. If you want to remove the locked patterns from your chart, then there are two ways of doing it.

Firstly you can click X button to remove the entire locked patterns. Secondly, you can double click over the name of the patterns to remove the individual patterns from your chart. You might remove the individual patterns by double click on the edge of the pattern occasionally (However, somehow, in MetaTrader, this feature is not perfect. Try to click the edge of the pattern not inside. )

Now here is some advanced trading tips. Saving (locking) the pattern in your chart is very useful because you can take them to lower or higher timeframe too. This naturally reinforce your multiple timeframe pattern analysis. If you want to double confirm your trading signal in both lower and higher timeframe, this feature is very useful.

As usual, this tips are applicable to both Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner.

Do not miss our Powerful Trading system which can help your trading enormously.






Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
How to Filter out the Pattern with Low Pattern Matching Accuracy

This is applicable to both Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner. Here is how to filter out the pattern with low pattern Matching accuracy.

Go to your Input setting and then set the minimum Pattern Matching Accuracy for your trading. In the screenshots, we have set to 0.9 (90%) for our trading.

This means that Harmonic Pattern Plus (or Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner) will only show the pattern with pattern matching accuracy greater than 90% (0.9).

Typically you can set the minimum pattern matching accuracy over 80% according to your preferences. Remember that if you set the Pattern Matching accuracy too high, then you will not have many patterns to trade.

For your information, Pattern Matching Accuracy = 1 – MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) in our Harmonic Pattern Plus (and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner).

Enjoy all the advanced features in our Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner for your superb trading performance. Below are the links for the Harmonic Pattern Plus and Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner.






Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
Pure Algo Trading Signal Performance

Current performance of our Pure Algo Trading Signal can be monitored here.


So far so good.

This pure algo trading signal is managed 100% by robot trading and it does not related to any manual trading strategy. So it is totally different trading style.


We aim to achieve 50% to 100% annually safely for people have realistic performance expectation. Full risk management is done by robot. You can probably tell from its trading history anyway. We built this to outperform all the listed hedge fund and fund management firms in the high street. Trading algorithm is based medium frequency trading strategy. Even it can be applied stock and futures trading too.

Trading algorithm can be loaded with billions of us dollar without any problem. You are more than welcome to contact us if you like to operate our algorithm for your company.

Now it is open for the private subscription.

Note that this signal is not designed for the too greedy traders, who prefer to gamble in forex. So please follow it only if you are trader with realistic performance expectation. Our trading robot can experience drawdown just like any trading system.

If you need excellent trading tools and system for your own trading, you must visit our site to get the best tools and trading system in the world. Manual trading is precious and good trading skills are equivalent to having your own well running business for your life. In fact it is the very best business when you know what you are doing.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
In the last post, we have shown you how to switch on and off many features in our Smart Renko.


Our Price breakout pattern scanner is very unique tool in the market because it have built in feature for Smart Renko inside. There is reason for that. Smart Renko is really helpful for any pattern detection in the separate window. So they will rainforce your trading decision. Imagine that in the candlestick chart, Price Breakout Pattern Scanner is automatically detecting the patterns for you. In the indicator window, you can also detect any other important patterns readily. If you can collect evidence for your trading from both candlestick chart and renko chart, you can make very powerful trading decision.

In this post, let us show how to switch on and off the smart Renko chart from your price breakout pattern Scanner. Before you are using Smart Renko feature enabled, you might download sufficient history in your chart first. Once you have done it, set Use “Smart Renko = true” from your indicator setting. See the screenshots for your better understanding. Some of our customer know that there is great way of trading with Price breakout pattern scanner and our Harmonic Pattern Plus (or Harmonic Pattern Scenario Planner) If you are curious, you migh check our ebook. We have described the trading principle in details in this book: Price Action and Pattern Trading Course.


Here are the links for the Price Breakout Pattern Scanner



Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
GBPUSD Market Outlook

On Monday GBPUSD have started relatively quite comparing to last Friday's volatlie movement. Currently GBPUSD is going through minor correction on its path.

We have mentioned about the interaction of two falling wedges. As you can see from the screenshot, GBPUSD is in its half from the larger falling wedge at the moment.

You can visit our site on these two links for powerful tools for your trading and investment.


Young Ho Seo
Young Ho Seo
EURSUD Market Outlook

EURUSD had a relatively strong upwards corrective move after the bearish price action after the Butterfly pattern on H1 timeframe.

Now EURUSD started relatively quite and stay inside the sideways market weekly volatility lines. Even inside monthly volatility line, it is still inside sideways market area.

We need to monitor little bit further to gauge its direction.

For new up brick level, EURUSD need to go over 1.14800. For new down brick, EURUSD need to go below 1.14200.

Hope this is helpful for your trading.

You can visit our site on these two links for powerful trading and investment products.

