Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
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3 años
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Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 26 : a little more satisfactory since we make a weekly gain of +5 and the final DS amounts to -36 (0.10 lots). The month is therefore over with a loss of -68 (horrible June 14) The cumulative percentage nibbles and catches up to -82% (-49% for the month). The capital goes back to 71. The only inconvenience is still having 50% of pos with DE40 indice. We will try to remedy this next week while preserving what we have acquired. May July bless us. See you Monday

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 25 : very low result for this week. +2 and a current DD of -29 with 0.08 lots. Difficult to make big gains with our reduced capital, we have to manage the available margin as tight as possible. June's loss narrows to -73 and our overall loss percentage is at -83%. We are trying hard to stay alive and I remain confident that we will be able to recover the initial capital and return to profit even if we still need a lot of time. Thank you all

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 24 : a good slap in the face once again. I had to close positions due to the way the market was going in order to save the account. As a result, loss of the week -82 which gives us a loss of -75 since the beginning of the month. The balance drops to 64 which is not very much to get us back up, but we're going to try it anyway. The only positive point is the current DD which is reduced to -36 with 0.05 lots engaged. Sorry to all of you. I will be here on Monday morning to fight again and

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 23 : a little more in line with our expectations even if everything is not resolved. A weekly gain of +6 and current DD of -47 compared to -65 last Friday. The cumulative percentage nibbles and catches up with 2% (65 vs 67). The money management returns to the imposed standard 0.13 lots for a capital of 146. The only annoyance is to only be engaged on the DE40. We will try to remedy this next week while preserving what we have achieved. Note that gains are more than 4% for the start of the

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 22 : very low yield for this week. +4 and a current DD of -65 with 7 positions. On the positive side - since you have to find one - we had a month of May > 20% and we continue to increase our losses percent from -72% to -65%. We are striving to maintain this case, I remain convinced that we will manage to recover the initial capital and return to profit. Thank you all

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 21 : a week with negative results. After several weeks of daily gains we stumbled on Thursday as I had to cut two positions to preserve our funds and lose -65. Such is the life of the trader. So in the end -46 over the week but a cumulative gain over the month of +42 which gives us a monthly gain of +20%. I am not satisfied with it and I hope in this last week to further reduce this bad result. Thank you for your interest in my work, see you Monday

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 20 : rather satisfactory even if we end up with a negative DD. I'm happy because we finally hit a zero DD on Thursday evening which allowed us to withdraw the 50 that we had advanced on April 25 to be more comfortable. The gain for the week is > 35 even if the DD on Friday evening is -33. We raise the general to -54% and continue our road to bring the balance back to 1,000. Thank you for your support, have a good weekend everyone

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 19 : a satisfying week. Good result: +48. The DD drops to -12 (-6%) on 4 positions even if I had considered being able to bring it back to zero yesterday afternon ; this is only a postponement. The general percentage continues to recover, going from -71% to -62% over the week. I think I will bring the net capital to 200 during the next week, now we are at 184. This week again is consistent with the trajectory I have set to recover our funds. Not too fast but safely. Thank you to you who

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 18: once again modest but very real gains. Satisfactory given our capital: +10. For now the DD is -27 (-18%) on 4 positions. The general percentage recovered very slowly, going from -73% to -71% over the week. This is in line with the trajectory I have set for recovering our funds. Not too fast but safely. See you Monday

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 17: modest but very real gains. Satisfactory given our capital: +9. I temporarily recapitalized by +50 which I will withdraw from the next zero DD. For now the DD is -24 (-17%) on 1 position. The general percentage recovered very slowly, going from -76% to -73% over the week. Let us continue in this way with redoubled caution. See you Monday

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 16: A week of a poor unfortunate trader without resources. Gain of the week +2 and balance of 79 (77 at the end of week 15) with a current DD of 54. No additional comments to add except that we are trying to stay alive. See you Monday

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 15 : Is this the swan song ? In any case the market was not kind to me since I had to record another loss of 140 to reach zero DD. We are therefore at -76%, an observation of bitter failure to save 77. With this very small nest egg I will try to climb back with small amounts of money with a single position and a weak lot. Sorry for those who put their trust in me - I also lost a lot of money since my personal accounts were backed by the signal - and even if hope is slim I will try to slowly

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 14: undoubtedly the worst week since the creation of the signal. Indeed, once again I have suddenly taken up positions following a - unpredictable from my point of view - very real drop in the indices. So we are leaving with a capital of 200 which I hope to gradually increase to our initial capital of 1000. It will take patience and energy to get there but we will definitely get there. So the numbers -290 loss, balance at 215 but no current DD. The overall signal percentage is -32% and the

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 13: Bad week. Monday I have to scale back because the DD was becoming worrying then Tuesday the ax falls, I decide to liquidate the entire portfolio because the situation is becoming untenable and I don't want to go as far as the margin call because we don't we could no longer recover. Bottom line: we lose more than half of the capital but we no longer have DD (-59%) and thus we are starting again on a healthy basis. Even if the next two days are honorable - Friday being almost closed - we

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 12: Another strange week. Tuesday we get out of our DD of 3 days in a row while preserving our daily gain. 3 days without DD with more than comfortable gains then again a deterioration on Friday (I choose the downward trend, I change my mind by doubling my investments to cancel these first losses and then the trend reverses) consequently we end up this Friday evening with a DD of -447. Daily withdrawal of gains over 3 days of 76. For the week the gains reach +51 (beyond the target) and

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 11: Very weird week. After having had another 3 days without DD so 15 days in a row we stumbled on Thursday with a DD of 250 then again a deterioration on Friday where we hit -482 despite significant gains. Daily withdrawal of winnings over the first 3 days 85. For the week the gains reach +167 (well beyond the objective) and overall signal performance +218% therefore monthly gain +286. The situation is such that we can no longer move (I have already gone beyond what I normally allow

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Week 11: Very weird week. After having had another 3 days without DD so 15 days in a row we stumbled on Thursday with a DD of 250 then again a deterioration on Friday where we hit -482 despite significant gains. Daily withdrawal of winnings over the first 3 days 85. For the week the gains reach +167 (well beyond the objective) and overall signal performance +218% therefore monthly gain +286. The situation is such that we can no longer move (I have already gone beyond what I normally allow myself) and that the market will dictate what happens next. If it goes up we will reduce the DD and thereby the number of positions and if it continues to fall I will have to cut positions. To be continued... See you next week, thank you for the trust placed by those who are interested in my work. Good weekend to all
Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 10: Another very good week. No evening with a DD therefore daily withdrawal of winnings. For the week +83 (well beyond the objective) and therefore same amount of withdrawal made daily. Overall signal performance +170% and since we didn't have a single DD every day of the week: 12 consecutive days without any DD. Monthly gain +119. We lost a follower, it's a shame. See you next week, thank you for the trust placed by those who are interested in my work. Good weekend to all

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 9 : Very good week. No DD therefore daily withdrawal of winnings. For the week +85 (well beyond the objective) and so same withdrawal amount. Overall signal performance +153% and we have no DD each day of the week. 7 days consecutive without any DD. Monthly earnings +205 means +20%. Today was a little bit hot because I miss the goal the first time but finally all ends good. See you next week, thank you for the trust placed by those who are interested in my work. Good weekend to all

Jean Luc Louis Claude Klinger
Noticias sobre la señal DURA LEX

Week 8: The week of deliverance. Big DD from Monday to Wednesday increasing also I decided to cut two positions to preserve our capital leading us again to a loss of -59 in the evening. On Wednesday I worked to make up for this loss with some success but although +38 gain we had a DD of almost -140. I'm catching up on everything during the day on Thursday - including the losses from week 7 - because we finish at +175 without DD. Friday, we are +14 without DD for the weekend. In conclusion, for