Aleksey Ivanov / Perfil
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7+ años
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👑 Físico teórico, programador, trader con 15 años de experiencia.
💰 Productos presentados:
1) 🏆 Indicadores con filtrado óptimo de ruidos de mercado (para elegir puntos de apertura y cierre de posiciones).
2) 🏆 Indicadores estadísticos (para determinar la tendencia global).
3) 🏆 Indicadores de investigación de mercado (para aclarar la microestructura de precios, construir canales, identificar diferencias entre reversiones de tendencias globales y reversiones locales).
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💰 Productos presentados:
1) 🏆 Indicadores con filtrado óptimo de ruidos de mercado (para elegir puntos de apertura y cierre de posiciones).
2) 🏆 Indicadores estadísticos (para determinar la tendencia global).
3) 🏆 Indicadores de investigación de mercado (para aclarar la microestructura de precios, construir canales, identificar diferencias entre reversiones de tendencias globales y reversiones locales).
☛ Más información en el blog
Aleksey Ivanov

O princípio do indicador. O indicador Bollinger Bands sem lag (BBWL) é muito eficaz para negociação na troca de moeda. O BBWL é uma melhoria do famoso indicador Bollinger Bands (BB...
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Aleksey Ivanov
Signal Bands v. 2.0
Signal Bands is a sensitive and convenient indicator, which performs deep statistical processing of information. It allows to see on one chart (1) the price trend, (2) the clear price channel and (3) latent signs of trend change. The indicator can be used on charts of any periods, but it is especially useful for scalping due to its high sensitivity to the current market state.
Signal Bands is a sensitive and convenient indicator, which performs deep statistical processing of information. It allows to see on one chart (1) the price trend, (2) the clear price channel and (3) latent signs of trend change. The indicator can be used on charts of any periods, but it is especially useful for scalping due to its high sensitivity to the current market state.

Aleksey Ivanov

El principio del indicador. El indicador " Bandas de Bollinger sin retraso " ( BBWL ) es una mejora del conocido indicador de Bandas de Bollinger (BB). BBWL es más efectivo para negociar en la bolsa de valores que el indicador BB...
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Aleksey Ivanov
Bollinger Bands without lag
The Bollinger Bands without lag (BBWL) indicator is a very effective (for manual and automatic trading) development of the famous Bollinger Bands indicator (BB). The BBWL indicator is constructed in the same way as a classic BB, but only on the basis of the non-lagging moving average.
The Bollinger Bands without lag (BBWL) indicator is a very effective (for manual and automatic trading) development of the famous Bollinger Bands indicator (BB). The BBWL indicator is constructed in the same way as a classic BB, but only on the basis of the non-lagging moving average.

Aleksey Ivanov
Разумеется я играл с этим индикатором. Ваш вопрос полезный. Сделаю анимированный рисунок, где покажу временную развертку реальной торговли.
Aleksey Ivanov

Das Prinzip des Indikators. Der Indikator " Bollinger Bands ohne Lag " ( BBWL ) ist durch die Entwicklung des bekannten Indikators Bollinger Bands (BB) sehr effektiv (für den manuellen und automatischen Handel...
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Aleksey Ivanov

The principle of the indicator. The Bollinger Bands without lag (BBWL) indicator is a very effective (for manual and automatic trading) development of the famous Bollinger Bands indicator (BB...
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Aleksey Ivanov

Принцип работы индикатора. Индикатор Bollinger Bands without lag ( BBWL ) является очень эффективным для торговли развитием известного индикатора Bollinger Bands (ВВ...
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Aleksey Ivanov
Ha publicado el producto
Structure of the indicator. The Cunning crocodile indicator consists of three moving averages (applied to the price Median price = (high + low)/2 ) : 1) the usual MA ( SMA , EMA , SMMA , LWMA ) or the mean <X> of the process X and her two generalizations 2) <XF> = <X / <X >> * <X> and 3) <XS> = <X * <X >> / <X> with the same
Aleksey Ivanov
Ha publicado el producto
Iterative Moving Average – IMA. IMA is obtained by correcting the usual MA. The correction consists in addition to MA averaged difference between the time series (X) and its MA, i.e. IMA(X)=MA(X) + MA ( Х -MA(X)). Correction is done in several iterations (and, exactly, 2 iterations in this indicator) and with a change in the averaging period
Aleksey Ivanov

Der Ivanov Bands (IB) Indikator ist eine Verallgemeinerung des Bollinger Bands Indikators. In IB sind auf beiden Seiten des gleitenden Durchschnitts (Ma) die durchschnittlichen Abweichungen aufgetragen, die durch einen allgemeineren Algorithmus als Std berechnet werden...
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Jovan Veskovic
hmmm, would be nice if i would understand anything in russian...

Aleksey Ivanov

The Ivanov Bands (IB) indicator is a generalization of the Bollinger Bands indicator, where not the standard deviations of std are laid on both sides of the moving average MA , but rather average deviations calculated by various implementations of a more general algorithm based on Kolmogorov aver...
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Aleksey Ivanov

Индикатор Ivanov Bands ( IB ) является таким обобщением индикатора Bollinger Bands , в котором по обе стороны от скользящего среднего – Ma откладываются не среднеквадратичные отклонения std , а средние отклонения рассчитанные по различным реализациям гораздо более общего алгоритма , опирающегося...
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Aleksey Ivanov

インジケータの説明 " Signal Bands "は情報の深い統計的処理、敏感で便利な指標 。 このインジケータでは、次の項目を表示できます。(1) 価格の動きの傾向は、(2) 正確な価格チャネル、(3) 価格の動きの方向の変化の隠された兆候。インジケータは、任意の時間枠のチャートで使用できます。この指標は、市場の現状に対する感度を高めています...
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Aleksey Ivanov

指标描述。 “ Signal Bands ” 是一种先进而深入的信息统计处理,是一个敏感而方便的指标,可以让主图立即看到和(1)价格走势趋势和(2)清晰的渠道和(3)这一趋势变化的潜在迹象。该指标可用于任何规模的图表,但由于其对当前市场状况的敏感度较高,因此对于剥头皮尤其有用...
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