Neural Bar Impulse DOW JONES
0 comentarios
2 semanas
0 / 0 USD
incremento desde 2025 -13%
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  • Equidad
  • Reducción
Total de Trades:
Transacciones Rentables:
5 (41.66%)
Transacciones Irrentables:
7 (58.33%)
Mejor transacción:
96.80 USD
Peor transacción:
-73.90 USD
Beneficio Bruto:
119.27 USD (69 426 pips)
Pérdidas Brutas:
-157.32 USD (96 236 pips)
Máximo de ganancias consecutivas:
4 (112.77 USD)
Beneficio máximo consecutivo:
112.77 USD (4)
Ratio de Sharpe:
Actividad comercial:
Carga máxima del depósito:
Último trade:
1 día
Trades a la semana:
Tiempo medio de espera:
22 horas
Factor de Recuperación:
Transacciones Largas:
5 (41.67%)
Transacciones Cortas:
7 (58.33%)
Factor de Beneficio:
Beneficio Esperado:
-3.17 USD
Beneficio medio:
23.85 USD
Pérdidas medias:
-22.47 USD
Máximo de pérdidas consecutivas:
5 (-89.90 USD)
Pérdidas máximas consecutivas:
-89.90 USD (5)
Crecimiento al mes:
Trading algorítmico:
Reducción de balance:
60.92 USD
89.90 USD (25.55%)
Reducción relativa:
De balance:
25.64% (89.90 USD)
De fondos:
51.91% (135.35 USD)


Símbolo Transacciones Sell Buy
US30 12
5 10 15 20
5 10 15 20
5 10 15 20
Símbolo Beneficio Bruto, USD Loss, USD Beneficio, USD
US30 -38
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Símbolo Beneficio Bruto, pips Loss, pips Beneficio, pips
US30 -27K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
  • Deposit load
  • Reducción
Mejor transacción: +96.80 USD
Peor transacción: -74 USD
Máximo de ganancias consecutivas: 4
Máximo de pérdidas consecutivas: 5
Beneficio máximo consecutivo: +112.77 USD
Pérdidas máximas consecutivas: -89.90 USD

El deslizamiento medio a base de la estadística de ejecución en las cuentas reales de diferentes corredores se indica en puntos. Depende de la diferencia de las cotizaciones del proveedor de "FusionMarkets-Live" y del suscriptor, así como del retardo en ejecutar las órdenes. Cuanto menos sea este valor, mejor será la calidad del copiado.

0.00 × 130
0.00 × 1
Autorícese o regístrese para ver la estadística detallada
This fully automated signal broadcasts the trading process of our innovative trading bot, which was created using neural network learning technology on large-scale market data. The built-in artificial intelligence mathematical model searches for the potential impulse of each subsequent market bar and uses the emerging divergence and convergence patterns between predictive indicators and price to form highly accurate reversal points for opening trading positions.

To solve the task of predicting the bar impulse, we used a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with a complex and modern architecture that combines an LSTM layer for analyzing dependencies in time series, BatchNormalization and Dropout for stabilizing learning and preventing overfitting, as well as fully connected layers for extracting higher-level features from the data. Training such a model enables it to capture complex temporal dependencies in historical trading instrument data and make predictions based on these dependencies.

The trading strategy incorporates an adaptive risk management system that dynamically adjusts to the current market volatility, structure, and conditions. It takes into account both short-term and long-term market trends to accurately assess risks at every stage of trading. Unlike many other strategies, our bot does not use position averaging, which allows for risk minimization in the event of unfavorable developments. A strict drawdown control ensures capital protection, effectively preventing significant losses even in force majeure situations, such as sudden market swings or unexpected economic events. This well-thought-out risk management system not only preserves but also grows capital under any market conditions.
No hay comentarios
2025.01.22 12:26
A large drawdown may occur on the account again
2025.01.21 21:30
High current drawdown in 32% indicates the absence of risk limitation
2025.01.10 04:24
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2025.01.10 03:12
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2025.01.06 16:22
Share of trading days is too low
2025.01.06 16:22
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2025.01.06 15:19
Share of trading days is too low
2025.01.06 15:19
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2025.01.02 14:24
Trading operations on the account were performed for only 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 1 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2025.01.02 14:24
80% of trades performed within 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 1 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2025.01.02 14:24
Low trading activity - only 0 trades detected in the last month
2025.01.02 14:24
This is a newly opened account, and the trading results may be of random nature
2025.01.02 14:24
The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading quality
Autorícese o regístrese para ver la estadística detallada