I initially subscribed to this signal provider based on their past performance, but my experience has been nothing short of frustrating. They completely changed their strategy without any notice, making it impossible to rely on their signals anymore. Also, the trades are very minimal, making the cost to copy this trading signal much higher than the revenue generated.
2025.01.22 14:45
(modificado 2025.01.24 10:20) #
Lleva 2 transacciones y van muy bien, es preferible menos transacciones pero mas seguras, lo recomiendo, y responde las preguntas, eso es muy importante !
Totally shit and different Real trading like history
欢迎中国朋友一起跟单交流v hsudyu
I initially subscribed to this signal provider based on their past performance, but my experience has been nothing short of frustrating. They completely changed their strategy without any notice, making it impossible to rely on their signals anymore. Also, the trades are very minimal, making the cost to copy this trading signal much higher than the revenue generated.
Управ сменил риски и торговые пары без предупреждения. Теперь исторические показатели не представляют из себя ничего, так как торговля сменилась.
Do you have an order today, what do you buy today?
He's a god trader for sure but no trading enough, I'm wondering if he will refund the money I spent copying him.
Transactions in 95 cases are the same as on the LittleeCrazyWay signal. The statistics of which indicate a possible big drawdown...
not reliable
Lleva 2 transacciones y van muy bien, es preferible menos transacciones pero mas seguras, lo recomiendo, y responde las preguntas, eso es muy importante !
Unresponsive trader. Bot not doing anything. No trades for 17 days into the new year. Its a shame.