Señales / MetaTrader 5 / Deux ex machina / Comentarios Evaluación media: 1891 Erkan.Avsar 2025.01.14 06:27 # I subscribed at the beginning of the month, 2 weeks later still no trade... too inactive, I do not recommend this signal 146 StarlordSaga 2025.01.10 22:45 # No trades, bad signal 615 Loncey Duwarkah 2025.01.10 10:59 # Think this guy is on holiday..long long holiday 118 Sidi Munan Anak Nawin 2025.01.02 17:22 # Not compitable with my LoyalPrimus Broker 40 Damien555 Montaque 2025.01.01 16:27 # Haven’t got a signal or trade since I signed up 483 Dan Liu 2024.12.30 16:58 # I need more time to know if the signal is good or not in the future. But it seems very well in the past years. 188 Ji Wei Zhu 2024.12.30 11:52 (modificado 2025.01.03 15:29) # 欢迎国内做跟单和自己也研究EA的朋友一起交流!v z79946036 下面是我自己的EA链接 打开链接可以看到EA回测表现:短线剥头皮回撤小。 18 bousarsarrami rami 2024.12.19 17:16 # How to contact you ? Why there is no stop lost ? Even when I selected 168 Qi Wang Chen 2024.12.18 18:23 # no trading since I subscribed, can you refund? 165 Jose Antonio Ureña 2024.12.16 13:55 # Deben de saber que un treider profesional para ser profesional no necesariamente necesita operar todos los dias este es uno de los mejores que e visto 123
I subscribed at the beginning of the month, 2 weeks later still no trade...
too inactive, I do not recommend this signal
No trades, bad signal
Think this guy is on holiday..long long holiday
Not compitable with my LoyalPrimus Broker
Haven’t got a signal or trade since I signed up
I need more time to know if the signal is good or not in the future. But it seems very well in the past years.
欢迎国内做跟单和自己也研究EA的朋友一起交流!v z79946036
How to contact you ? Why there is no stop lost ? Even when I selected
no trading since I subscribed, can you refund?
Deben de saber que un treider profesional para ser profesional no necesariamente necesita operar todos los dias este es uno de los mejores que e visto