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Partial Close EA


The most simple and easy to use Partial Close EA (by Rimantas Petrauskas)

The main idea of this EA is to apply partial close to your positions. EA will automatically find your open market positions and apply partial close according to your settings.

For those who do not know what Partial Close is: it is simply an action to close only a part of your position. For example, if your trade lot size is 1.2 and you close 25% of it (which is 0.3) you will still have 0.9 lot size trade running and existing bank profits from that 0.3 lot size that was just closed. This action obviously can be performed manually, but if you want to program your MT4 to do this for you then you need "Partial Close EA".

How to use Partial Close EA?

The EA should be attached to a separate chart on your MT4 and it will apply partial close to all trades selected by magic number or trade number. The EA will see the trades of that currency pair (instrument) that it is attached to. By default the EA will apply partial close to any market order on the currency pair (instrument) it is attached to. The EA can also be applied to non-Forex pairs/instruments like Indices, Commodities, etc. For this you might need to use CustomPipSizes option (read explanation below).

Partial Close EA Inputs

  • ManageMagicNumber — This tells the EA to apply partial close to trades only with certain magic number you choose. If this value is set to zero, the EA will manage only manually opened trades. If you set this to -1 (negative one), the EA will manage all of the trades running on the account (default value).
  • ManageTradeNumber — This tells the EA to apply partial close only to the trade number specified. This will also make the EA ignore the ManageMagicNumber option.
  • ManageTradeWithComment - This tells the EA to apply partial close only to those trades that have a specified text in "trade comment". If you set this parameter to "777", it will manage trades that have "trade comment" like "1777" or "777" or "777565, but not "7737" or trades with no "trade comment" at all.
  • PartialCloseCount — This tells the EA to apply partial close X times. Set this to zero to disabled Partial Close option.
  • PartialCloseOnHoldPips — This tells the EA to start partial close when trade reaches X pips in profit. Zero means EA will start applying partial close at the first target (PartialCloseStepPips). If this option is set to 50 pips and PartialCloseStepPips=20 pips, then EA would wait for the trade to reach profit of 50 + 20 = 70 pips to close the first part of the trade.
  • PartialCloseStepPips — This tells the EA to apply partial close each X pips in profit. If this option is set to 20 pips and PartialCloseCount=3, then EA will apply partial close 3 times every 20 pips. This means TP1 = 20 pips, TP2 = 40 pips and TP3 = 60 pips.
  • PartialCloseStepPercent — This tells EA to close X% of the trade. Percentage of the lot size is counted from the initial lot size.
  • PartialCloseBreakEvenAfter — This indicates after how many partial closes EA should move stop loss to a break-even point (open price + few pips to cover commission expenses). Zero value means no break-even will be applied.
  • CustomPipSizes — I have added this option because there are no standard pip sizes for indices and other non-Forex pairs between brokers. This option allows you to override the pip size that the EA will detect automatically. In 99% cases EA will work fine on all Forex pairs, but for non-Forex pairs you might notice that pip size is different between brokers. For example NAS100 with one broker might be quoted with 1 decimal and another broker might quote it to 2 decimals. Here is an example how to enter in a comma separated list of custom pip sizes: XAUUSD=0.1,XAGUSD=0.01,WTI=0.1
  • For those who are using EA on a non-Forex pairs please set the CustomPipSizes option correctly according to your broker settings. Sorry, I am unable to help you setting this option, because each broker might need different value.
  • SlippageClosePips — This is the slippage setting EA will use to exit the market (close the trade). Note that not all brokers use this and this will be ignored by your broker on ECN accounts. If you do not know what that is, simply leave it as is.


Rimantas Petrauskas, programmer, software engineer, algorithmic Forex trader.

Comentarios 20
darktideac2 2016.04.06 19:26 

Great program! Other scale out EA's I have tried worked only on attached chart and you had to set timeframe manually and cost 10x as much as this one.

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4.33 (15)
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
The Best One Scalping Trade Panel functional manual trade panel with risk reward, auto SL by candle ( original solution), lot size calculation, one-click trading, scale in and out of trades (partial close),  Works with all symbols not just currency pairs, perfect works on DAX, NASDAQ, GOLD, ...... I earn every day during live stream on ZakopiecFX - join Me Risk by lot Risk by percent SL by points SL by Candle, Renko, RangeBar ( original solution) TP by point TP by Risk/Reward Auto Trailing by P
Copiadora->Interfaz de interacción cómoda y rápida, los usuarios pueden usarla de inmediato       ->>>> Recomendado para usar en computadoras Windows o VPS Windows Características: Configuraciones de copy trading personalizadas y diversificadas: 1. Se pueden configurar diferentes modos de lote para diferentes fuentes de señal 2. Se pueden configurar diferentes fuentes de señal para copy trading hacia adelante y hacia atrás 3. Las señales se pueden configurar con comentarios 4. Si se debe calibr
Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Take a Break
Eric Emmrich
5 (29)
The most advanced news filter on MQL market - free demo available Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all
PZ Custom Trader EA
3 (3)
Automate your trading with any custom indicator Would you like to automate your trading using a custom indicator of your choice? This EA trades using almost any custom indicator. It offers fully customizable settings, flexible position management, customizable trading sessions and weekdays, an inverse mode and a martingale mode. All the robot needs from you are two inputs: The filename of the indicator to trade The signal buffer or the buy/sell buffers to call That's it! The signal buffer or th
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
Panel de negociación con preajuste de órdenes y cálculo automático del lote para el terminal MT4. Atención, el Panel de Operaciones no funciona en el probador de estrategias (sólo prueba de trailing stop). Manual, Descripción, Descarga Light Demo. Los comerciantes exitosos se distinguen por la autodisciplina y la gestión de dinero competente. Si usa un lote fijo, entonces corre el riesgo. Después de todo, en diferentes Marcos de tiempo, una distancia diferente y una transacción no rentable puede
Auto Trade Copier
Vu Trung Kien
4.7 (90)
El Asesor Experto Auto Trade Copier se utiliza para copiar las operaciones en varias cuantas/terminales de MetaTrader 4 con una precisión de 100%. Utilizando esta herramienta Usted puede actuar como proveedor (fuente), o bien como receptor. Todas las acciones de trading serán copiadas desde el proveedor hasta el receptor sin retardos. Demo: Puede descargar su versión demo para probarla: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/4904 Información: Si quiere realizar el copiado a varios ordenadores ví
Eezeorder 2
Tawanda Tinarwo
5 (2)
NEW VERSION!  NB: IF YOU ARE USING A VERY HIGH RESOLUTION MACHINE AND THE EA DISPLAY LOOKS TOO SMALL, CONTACT ME SO I CAN HELP YOU. Open Multiple Trades on MT4 in 1 click at one price. Enter the Lot size Specify the number of trades you want to open Choose whether you want TP SL or Trailing Stop Once you are done, click Buy or Sell Open Multiple Pending Orders on MT4 in 1 click at one price. Enter the Lot size Specify the gap from the current price, where you want to place the pending order Spe
CloseIfProfitorLoss with Trailing
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.86 (28)
Cerrar posiciones en MetaTrader 4 al alcanzar la ganancia / pérdida total con la función de seguimiento de ganancias. Puede habilitar las paradas virtuales (orden separada) , Cálculo y cierre para posiciones de COMPRA y VENTA por separado (COMPRA VENTA separada) , Cerrar y calcular todos los símbolos o solo el símbolo actual (Todos los símbolos) , Habilitar trailing con fines de lucro ( Trailing Profit ) Cierre sobre las pérdidas y ganancias totales en la moneda de depósito, puntos, % del saldo
Otros productos de este autor
Timed Exit EA
Rimantas Petrauskas
5 (2)
The most simple and easy to use Timed Exit EA to close all trades automatically at specific time each day (hours:minutes:seconds) (by Rimantas Petrauskas) The main idea of this EA is to automatically close trades daily at your specified time. For example if you set EA to close all trades at 15:29:30, EA will do this each day when markets are open. This way you can set the EA to close all trades before the news. EA should be attached to a separate chart of any time frame on your MT4 and it will s
bikletona 2020.03.02 12:44 


Cameron DAndrea
Cameron DAndrea 2018.01.26 15:34 

Once u get it figured out it work great

14048788 2018.01.14 01:22 

I bought it But it's not working.

Victor Angel Revilla Marquez
Victor Angel Revilla Marquez 2017.10.23 05:30 

dosent work, what disgusting thing

Lee Bryant
Lee Bryant 2016.09.20 16:51 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

bkarri 2016.08.10 05:55 

Break even functionality is not working in this EA.

Example:: If break even is expected to happen on a trade after x number of partial closes, EA is modifying trade to break even right at first partial close. EA is not considering value specified. NO RESPONSE FROM AUTHOR YET. Waiting to hear back from Rimantas/ seller /author. Will update this review after response from them.

darktideac2 2016.04.06 19:26 

Great program! Other scale out EA's I have tried worked only on attached chart and you had to set timeframe manually and cost 10x as much as this one.

junghunna7 2015.04.23 11:45 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

mikal 2015.04.02 15:50 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

mrsparky 2015.03.31 14:13 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

tradderx 2015.03.31 08:23 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

agustrader01 2015.03.27 03:55 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

chadhansen1 2015.03.23 07:06 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Rabbitpips 2015.03.19 02:03 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Artep05 2015.03.17 21:38 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

ptrader 2015.03.16 13:07 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

stevenvasen 2015.03.16 09:51 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Cesta 2015.03.10 22:23 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Povilas Zukauskas
Povilas Zukauskas 2015.03.04 09:04 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Mujeeb Abdul
Mujeeb Abdul 2015.02.28 17:40 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Respuesta al comentario
Versión 1.4 2021.03.08
Added compatibility with the latest MetaTrader 4 Build.
Versión 1.3 2016.09.28
Fixed "ManageTradeWithComment" parameter.
Versión 1.2 2016.09.20
Fixed break-even error. Now PartialCloseBreakEvenAfter parameter works correctly.

Added new feature (parameter): ManageTradeWithComment

ManageTradeWithComment - this tells the EA to apply partial close only to those trades that have specified text in "trade comment". If you set this parameter to "777", it will manage trades that have "trade comment" like "1777" or "777" or "777565, but not "7737" or trades with no "trade comment" at all.
Versión 1.1 2015.12.23
Fixed problems detecting price Digits when using CustomPipSizes option.