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Volume Breakout

One of the Best Volume Indicators, with the addition of a Moving Average for weighting volume over time average.

If the "Current Candle" Volume is X% greater than the Moving Average value, we will have a sign of increasing volume.

It can be a sign of Beginning, Continuity, Reversal or Exhaustion of the Movement.

Fully configurable and all options open, you can color and set ALL values as you see fit.

The 'Volume Break' shows volume bars in the same color as the candlestick, in addition to being aligned with a moving average. Average shows the average value of volume over a period.
If the volume rises more than 75% (default value) of the average, the bar lights up...
...a lit bar is a signal.
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To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processin
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Normalized Volume99% of indicators are based on price analysis. This indicator is based on volume. Volume is overlooked piece of information in most trading systems. And this is a big mistake since volume gives important information about market participants. Normalized Volume is an indicator that can be used to confirm reversal points. The indicator code volume with colors indicating high, normal and low volume. You could enhance dramatically your trading system using volume analysis.  Inputs
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Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
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The Accumulation / Distribution is an indicator which was essentially designed to measure underlying supply and demand. It accomplishes this by trying to determine whether traders are actually accumulating (buying) or distributing (selling). This indicator should be more accurate than other default MT5 AD indicator for measuring buy/sell pressure by volume, identifying trend change through divergence and calculating Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) level. Application: - Buy/sell pressure: above
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Flavio Javier Jarabeck
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Price activity indicator showing the trend zone - flat, not redrawing previous values. The indicator is very sensitive to current price activity and displays signals quite well. The state of the market, the phase of its movement largely determines the success of the trader and his chosen strategy. The color version of the indicator signals a trend change. The indicator allows you to see a rising or falling trend. In addition to the trend direction, the indicator shows a change in the angle of in
Útil herramienta que te avisará cuando detecte un posible movimiento por entrada de volumen. Fundamentalmente en Futuros. Detecta  zonas de NO OFERTA / NO DEMANDA. Compara el volumen de la vela en curso con las anteriores. Si el volumen ha ido decreciendo, cuando los contratos actuales, superen al anterior, ALERTA! - Puede cargarse en el gráfico principal o ventanas. - Para cualquier temporalidad. - Te avisa con una ventana emergente, en qué gráfico saltó la alarma. - Cuando detecta el patrón
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator is a conventional analytical tool for tick volumes changes. It calculates tick volumes for buys and sells separately, and their delta on every bar, and displays volumes by price clusters (cells) within a specified bar (usually the latest one). The algorithm used internally is the same as in the indicator VolumeDeltaMT5 , but results are shown as cumulative volume delta bars (candlesticks). Analogous indicator for MetaTrader 4 exists - CumulativeDeltaBars . This is a limited substi
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Flavio Javier Jarabeck
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Ahora $ 147 (aumentando a $ 499 después de algunas actualizaciones) - Cuentas ilimitadas (PC o Mac) Manual de usuario de RelicusRoad + Videos de capacitación + Acceso al grupo privado de Discord + Estado VIP UNA NUEVA MANERA DE VER EL MERCADO RelicusRoad es el indicador comercial más poderoso del mundo para divisas, futuros, criptomonedas, acciones e índices, y brinda a los comerciantes toda la información y las herramientas que necesitan para mantenerse rentables. Brindamos análisis técnico
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WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
Atomic Analyst MT5
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En primer lugar, vale la pena enfatizar que este Indicador de Trading no repinta, no redibuja y no se retrasa, lo que lo hace ideal tanto para el trading manual como para el automatizado. Manual del usuario: configuraciones, entradas y estrategia. El Analista Atómico es un Indicador de Acción del Precio PA que utiliza la fuerza y el impulso del precio para encontrar una mejor ventaja en el mercado. Equipado con filtros avanzados que ayudan a eliminar ruidos y señales falsas, y aumentan el poten
TW Trend Scalper Indicator: TW Scalper Shoot te brinda una experiencia de trading única al utilizar las últimas estrategias de trading y tecnología de inteligencia artificial. Este producto satisface las diversas necesidades de los traders scalpers al proporcionar dos categorías distintas de señales: Prueba este excepcional producto hoy y comienza tu experiencia única hacia convertirte en un scalper de tendencias. Además, recibe un producto valorado en $37 como regalo. Categorías de señales
El Indicador de Cuadrados de Gann es una herramienta poderosa de análisis de mercado basada en el artículo "Fórmula Matemática para Predicciones de Mercado" escrito por W.D. Gann, que se basa en conceptos matemáticos para el análisis. Incorpora elementos de las técnicas de Gann relacionadas con los cuadrados de 144, 90 y 52, así como el cuadrado de 9. Además, incluye el método del  sobre cómo combinar el cuadrado de 9 con canales y patrones de estrellas. Manual del Usuario y Modo de Uso: Antes d
- Lifetime update free -   Real price is 80$   - 25% Discount ( It is 59$ now ) Contact me for instruction, any questions! Related Product:  Gold Trade Expert MT5 - Non-repaint - I just sell my products in Elif Kaya Profile, any other websites are stolen old versions, So no any new updates or support. Introduction The breakout and retest strategy is traded support and resistance levels. it involves price breaking through a previous level.  The break and retest strategy is designed to help trade
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
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This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
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After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
Gold Trend 5
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Quantum Heiken Ashi PRO MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.44 (9)
Presentamos el   Quantum Heiken Ashi PRO Diseñadas para brindar información clara sobre las tendencias del mercado, las velas Heiken Ashi son reconocidas por su capacidad para filtrar el ruido y eliminar las señales falsas. Diga adiós a las confusas fluctuaciones de precios y dé la bienvenida a una representación gráfica más fluida y confiable. Lo que hace que Quantum Heiken Ashi PRO sea realmente único es su fórmula innovadora, que transforma los datos de velas tradicionales en barras de colore
Advanced Supply Demand MT5
Bernhard Schweigert
4.5 (14)
¡Actualmente con 33% de descuento! ¡La mejor solución para cualquier tráder principiante o experto! Este indicador es una herramienta comercial única, de alta calidad y asequible, porque incorpora una serie de características patentadas y una nueva fórmula. Con esta actualización, podrá mostrar zonas de doble marco temporal. No solo podrá mostrar un marco temporal más alto, sino también mostrar ambos, el marco temporal del gráfico MÁS el marco temporal más alto: MOSTRANDO ZONAS ANIDADAS. A todos
KT Renko Patterns MT5
KT Renko Patterns scans the Renko chart brick by brick to find some famous chart patterns that are frequently used by traders across the various financial markets. Compared to the time-based charts, patterns based trading is easier and more evident on Renko charts due to their uncluttered appearance. KT Renko Patterns features multiple Renko patterns, and many of these patterns are extensively explained in the book titled Profitable Trading with Renko Charts by Prashant Shah. A 100% automated
Golden Spikes Detector
Batsirayi L Marango
3.25 (4)
Golden Spikes Detector Este indicador se basa en una estrategia avanzada principalmente para negociar picos en índices de auge y caída. Se implementaron algoritmos complejos para detectar únicamente entradas de alta probabilidad. Alerta sobre posibles entradas de Compra y Venta. Para negociar picos en el corredor Deriv o Binary, solo acepte las alertas Buy Boom y Sell Cash. Se optimizó para cargarse en un período de tiempo de 5 minutos, aunque se realiza un análisis de múltiples períodos de tiem
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OHLC Candle
Fernando Sanches
This tool draws candles at different TIMEFRAME from the 'pattern' displayed on the screen... ...In the 'Standard Chart' M1, he draws the Candles in M15. For example: The 'Standard Chart' in M1, the 'OHLC' in M15 are drawn the Candles (boxes) of M15 behind the candles of M1. Download the demo version... ...see how it can help you notice Support/Resistance points as well as good moves with highs and lows in the 15M.
Counts the lifetime of Candle Extra until its closing. It is used to assist in the entry of operations... ...We operate at the close of one-minute Candles, that is, when the timer is at 00:xx:01. We open an order, and the value of that operation is also displayed by the tool. Extra: To 'unlock' the price scale. Double click on the scale and the graph will be 'horizontally centered'. In addition to allowing the expansion and contraction of the price scale, we can navigate the chart by draggin
Quando você abrir uma operação, mover o Stop Loss para o ponto de entrada (Break-Even) sempre que a operação andar favoravelmente 75 pontos, é uma obrigação! Isto significa que, quando sua operação atingir 75pts você moverá o Stop Loss para 10pts do ponto de entrada, desta forma, basicamente você vai colocar o Stop Loss em um preço 'melhor' que o preço de entrada (Break Even), ou seja, no lucro. Na pior das hipóteses, você sairá no “zero a zero”. A ideia é não deixar que uma operação parcialment
No! These are not the 'Bollinger Band'. Identifies the CONTINUITY of the movement between High, Low and Closing. The 'two bands' in one color signal the CONTINUITY of bull or bear movement. With this tool, following the price direction, it was easy even for those who are Café com Leite in the Market! Remember if: All our tools work together, exclusive indicators and risk management robot. They automatically identify the different patterns in the Mini-Index dynamics as well as manage our oper
Automatically plots the 'Golden Fibonacci Ratio’ between the High and Low of the previous day... ...Highs and Lows are great Support and Resistance zones. Breakouts of Fibonacci levels are key points for entry and exit of trades. Pink lines indicate that the previous day's Candle closed lower. Blue colored lines indicate that the previous day's Candle closed higher.
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