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Auto Trade Driver


Auto Trade Driver es una potente herramienta automática (trabaja como Asesor Experto) que le ayudará a gestionar los riesgos y controlar las órdenes para maximizar los beneficios con las reglas de multiprotección y Trailing Stop.

Esta herramienta va a ser muy útil tanto para los scalpers, como para los traders que operan siguiendo la tendencia. No sólo calcula con precisión el riesgo de trading, sino también protege y aumenta el beneficio en tiempo real.

Lo único que necesita hacer a la hora de trabajar con esta herramienta es abrir las operaciones de acuerdo con su estrategia, y el EA va a dirigir su posición automáticamente según la estrategia de salida que ha seleccionado.

Puede descargar su versión demo para probarla: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/4660

Auto Trade Driver representa la combinación de otras dos herramientas:

Características principales:

1. Panel de colocación de órdenes Place Order Panel

Este panel se utiliza para calcular el volumen necesario que se ajusta con el riesgo admisible de Stop Loss. Usted elige los puntos de entrada y Stop Loss indicando el porcentaje del balance que está dispuesto a perder en el punto del Stop Loss (incluyendo las comisiones), mientras que la herramienta calculará automáticamente el volumen necesario.

Luego sólo tiene que apretar el botón BUY, SELL o PLACE ORDER (con la orden pendiente), y la orden se colocará inmediatamente.

Si quiere calcular y colocar la orden para otros pares de divisas, simplemente utilice esta herramienta con los pares necesarios.

A continuación, se muestran los valores de los parámetros:

  • Commission Type: El tipo de comisiones calculadas por su broker. Es igual a “Account currency” si la comisión se calcula en la moneda del depósito, y “Base currency” si la comisión se calcula en la divisa del par de trading.
  • Commission Per Lot: El importe de unidades de divisa que se cobra por un lote estándar en función de comisiones. Si su broker/el tipo de la cuenta no supone el cobro de comisiones, simplemente deje este valor en cero.
  • Stoploss Risk:El porcentaje del riesgo que está dispuesto a perder en caso del cierre por Stop Loss.
  • Est. Loss+Commission: Pérdida total en el punto de Stop Loss. Este importe de la pérdida total incluye la pérdida y la comisión de la orden.
  • Order Type: Tipo de la orden.
  • Order Comment: Comentario sobre la orden.
  • Set SL/TP By: Modo de colocar los niveles Stop Loss/Take Profit. "Price", si quiere colocar los niveles SL/TP en un valor determinado del precio, "Distance" si quiere colocarlos a una determinada distancia del punto de entrada.
  • Adjustment Step: Paso de aumento/reducción del precio cuando se utilizan los botones de aumento/reducción con flechas.
  • Stoploss/Takeprofit/Distance: Valor para determinar los niveles Stop Loss/Take Profit. La colocación del nivel Stop Loss es obligatoria para el cálculo correspondiente del volumen (luego, si hace falta, Usted puede eliminar Stop Loss, pero tiene que introducir un valor para calcular el volumen y colocar la orden). Take profit = 0 significa que el nivel de Take Profit no será establecido para la orden.
  • Order Dragging feature: Cuando especifique los puntos de entrada, Stop Loss y Take Profit en el panel de herramientas, verá las líneas horizontales correspondientes en el gráfico. Puede seleccionar las líneas y arrastrarlas al nivel necesario para cambiar los valores. En función de esos niveles será seleccionado automáticamente el tipo de la orden.

2. Panel de control de la protección Protection Control Panel

  • Apply to: Tipo de órdenes para la protección. Están disponibles los siguientes tipos: All orders, Buy orders, Sell orders, Custom ticket order, Custom magic number order, Account value.
  • Campo For current pair: Marque el campo si quiere aplicar los ajustes sólo para las órdenes del tipo seleccionado (en Apply to) para el par de divisas actual.
  • Type: Tipo de protección.
    • Barrier: Cuando el beneficio de la orden alcance X puntos, el nivel de Stop Loss se moverá a Y puntos del punto de entrada.
    • Profit/Loss distance: La distancia fija cuando las órdenes seleccionadas serán cerradas.
    • Profit/Loss percent: El porcentaje fijo del Take Profit/Stop Loss cuando las órdenes seleccionadas serán cerradas.
    • Profit/Loss amount: El importe fijo cuando las órdenes seleccionadas serán cerradas. Set a fixed amount of money at which selected orders will be closed.
    • Drawdown/Growth %: El porcentaje fijo de la reducción/crecimiento del depósito total cuando las órdenes abiertas serán cerradas.
    • Drawdown/Growth $: El importe fijo de la reducción/crecimiento del depósito total cuando las órdenes abiertas serán cerradas.
  • Protect status button: La protección se activa/desactiva al apretar este botón. La protección tiene efecto en tiempo real con los ajustes actuales. Si quiere ver otros ajustes sin activar la protección, simplemente desactive Protection.

3. Panel de control de Trailing Stop Trailing-Stop Control Panel

  • Apply to: Tipo de órdenes para usar Trailing Stop. Están disponibles los siguientes tipos: All orders, Buy orders, Sell orders, Custom ticket order, Custom magic number order.
  • Campo For current pair: Marque el campo si quiere usar Trailing Stop sólo para las órdenes del tipo seleccionado (en Apply to) para el par de divisas actual.
  • Type: Modo de Trailing Stop. Hay 5 modos disponibles:
    • Distancia fija: parece al modo tradicional del Trailing en MT4. No obstante, es aún mejor porque podrá establecer la distancia menos que el nivel Stop/Limit lo que significa que el nivel Stop/Limit establecido por el broker ahora se ignora.
    • Moving Average: se puede utilizar la media móvil para el Trailing Stop. El Trailing de la media móvil es un modo bastante rápido para fijar el beneficio. El Trailing con MA High/Low también es una buena idea.
    • Parabolic SAR: El uso de PSAR es un modo de Trailing seguro. Trabaja bastante tiempo si Usted ha pillado la tendencia.
    • Zigzag channel: El canal ZigZag se forma por los límites de los picos del zigzag. Igual que PSAR, el canal Zigzag supone un Trailing lento pero prolongado.
    • ATR value: Average True Range (ATR) determina la volatilidad media del precio en un período dado. Por esa razón el Trailing a su base goza de tanta popularidad entre muchos traders.
  • Aggressive mode: modo agresivo; marque la casilla si quiere usar el Trailing desde la apertura de la orden expresado en dinero (la distancia del Stop Loss original puede ser reducida paso a paso). Si la casilla no está marcada, el Trailing Stop empezará a actuar sólo cuando el punto del trailing esté en beneficio.
  • Show trailing mark: marque la casilla para mostrar en el gráfico el modo del trailing seleccionado.
  • Trailing status button: el botón activa/desactiva el trailing. El Trailing tiene efecto en tiempo real con los ajustes actuales. Si quiere ver otros ajustes sin activar el trailing, simplemente desactive Trailing.

4. Panel de control del cierre parcial Partial Close Control Panel

  • Apply to: El tipo de órdenes para las que se aplicará el cierre parcial. Están disponibles los siguientes tipos: All orders, Buy orders, Sell orders, Custom ticket order, Custom magic number order.
  • Campo For current pair: Marque el campo si quiere aplicar los ajustes sólo para las órdenes del tipo seleccionado (en Apply to) para el par de divisas actual.
  • 1st Close: El porcentaje X del volumen de la orden para el primer cierre en cuanto el beneficio de la orden tenga A puntos del nivel de la entrada.
  • 2st Close: El porcentaje Y del volumen de la orden para el segundo cierre en cuanto el beneficio de la orden tenga B puntos del nivel de la entrada.
  • 3st Close: El volumen restante de la orden será cerrado en cuanto el beneficio de la orden tenga C puntos del nivel de la entrada.
  • Partial close status button: El botón de activación/desactivación del cierre parcial. El cierre parcial tiene efecto en tiempo real con los ajustes actuales.

5. Panel de control del acceso directo de la orden Order Shortcut Control Panel

  • Campo For current pair: Marque el campo si quiere aplicar los ajustes sólo para las órdenes del tipo seleccionado (en Apply to) para el par de divisas actual.
  • Close: Se utiliza para el comando del cierre de las órdenes abiertas seleccionadas. Están disponibles los siguientes tipos: All orders, Buy orders, Sell orders, Winning orders (Profit+Commission>0), Losing orders (Profit+Commission<0).
  • Delete: Se utiliza para el comando de eleminación de las órdenes abiertas seleccionadas. Están disponibles los siguientes tipos: All (pending) orders, All Buy Stop, All Sell Stop, All Buy Limit, All Sell Limit.
  • Remove Stoploss: Se utiliza para el comando de eliminación del Stop Loss de las órdenes seleccionadas. Están disponibles los siguientes tipos: All orders, Buy orders, Sell orders, Winning orders, Losing orders, Pending orders.

6. Panel de la estadística de trading

  • Para abrir este panel de la estadística, abra el menú Setting y seleccione Show trade statistic. Este panel le permite ver la estadística de la cuenta, inclusive la orden de compra, venta, las órdenes de ganancias y de pérdidas, un posible beneficio y pérdida totales.
  • Para mover el panel, haga clic en el icono de desplazamiento a la derecha y colóquelo en el lugar necesario del gráfico.

7. Otras prestaciones

  • Permite ajustar los niveles de entrada, Stop Loss y Take Profit mediante el arrastre directamente en el gráfico antes de colocar la orden.
  • Reconoce automáticamente el tipo de la orden pendiente a base del nivel de entrada y Stop Loss. No habrá más errores de selección de la Orden Stop o Limit.
  • No hace falta reiniciar el EA cuando se cambian los parámetros, se puede cambiarlos directamente en el panel de control.
  • Se recuperan automáticamente los ajustes anteriores y el estado después del reinicio del terminal o desconexión.
  • Para un cómodo trabajo con los gráficos, los paneles se ajustan y se ocultan de forma flexible.
  • Utiliza la protección y Trailing Stop sin limitaciones por parte del bloker para los niveles Stop y Limit.
  • Se puede utilizar en varios gráficos aplicando la multiregla de procesamiento por turnos "First-come first-served".
Comentarios 18
robertgerg 2021.10.21 21:38 

I have been using this product for more than 2 years and it is great!

Evgeni Nazarov
Evgeni Nazarov 2020.08.15 10:36 

Отличный продукт. Я вообще в шоке от самого себя, почему я ранее не начал использовать Риск Менеджер. Данный советник высвободил мне кучу времени и снял стрессовое состояние, которое у меня было из за постоянного мониторинга графика. Сейчас запускаю его и занимаюсь другими делами, он четко фиксирует и тралит прибыль, неделя работы с ним отбила мне целый убыточный месяц работы в ручную без него!

Bullish4x 2020.05.09 06:11 

Auto-trade driver has made me a happy client of one year now. It helps manage everything, taking off the emotional demands while also allowing you focus on other activities!

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Forex Auto Trading EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Forex Automatic 100%. - Min depost: 5,000$ for each Pair - Timeframe: D1 - Setting: Default Setting - Good Trading Pair: Best pair is AUDCAD, or Forex Pair have Daily Price range from 0.8 ~ 1.1, and have H1 H4 sideway chart. - First, before attach EA to chart, you need add   http://calendar.fxstreet.com/   in the list of allowed url in the tab 'Expert Advisors'   (Tool —> Option —> Expert Advisors —> Allow WebRequest
Más preguntas y respuestas detalladas No se han probado otras firmas propietarias. Si deseas probar alguna firma propietaria, envíame un mensaje. Nota: Asegúrate de entender el trading HFT y las firmas propietarias. El EA no se hace responsable si te registras en una firma propietaria que no permite el trading HFT. Función #2: Estrategia de scalping de ruptura  El EA utiliza una entrada aleatoria y stops trailing aleatorios para evitar entradas duplicadas en diversas cuentas. Cumple con tod
Super grid nineth (ninth) generation is another grid type EA on this huge forex system population, this EA not using any indicator to avoid any fake signaling to open or closing position orders. This EA will open pending order stop and limit in the first time EA run, then maintain all opened order with unique way to balancing account free margin and make equity growth. This EA have unique system not like anyother grid EA, with correct setup and run on max 3 pairs in one account, this EA capable
GOAL TIME is an expert advisor based on the notion of time, it studies the change of price according to time, and it finally detects the best time to execute a good order. The EA is based on an indicator that draws a price curve in relation to time, this curve is deduced by an algorithm that analyzes old data. Then, the EA exploits the generated curve and executes the correct order. In case of incorrect choice, the EA has the mission to limit the losses. After a thorough study of this strategy o
The algorithm of the adviser's work: When the Expert Advisor is launched at a specified distance from the price (first_step), BuyStop and SellStop orders are placed. Further, depending on which way the price went, one of them becomes market, and the other begins to crawl after the price. When the price rolls back, it also becomes market. If we have reached a set profit in some direction, the order is closed and a creeping pending order of the same direction is placed again. If the profit is no
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Aliaksandr Charkes
4.44 (25)
Magic Grid is an indicator-free advisor that uses a grid strategy. The strategy is based on automatic reopening of grid pending orders, after closing their market positions (by Take-Profit, Stop-Loss or manually). Pending orders are placed with a specified step from the initial prices, which can be entered manually or generated automatically ( one time at the beginning of the trade ). The robot can trade on any time frame, on any currency pair, on several currency pairs, and on any number of di
Red Hawk EA
Profalgo Limited
4.18 (17)
NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Red Hawk is a "mean reversion" trading system, that trades during the quiet times of the market. It runs on 9 pairs currently: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUCAD, AUDJPY, EURAUD and USDCAD. Recommended timeframe: M5 Since this kind of strategy works best with low spread and fast execution, I advise using an good ECN broker. IMPORTANT F
H4 GBPUSD Trend Scalper is a trend signal scalper The EA trades according to the trend strategy using original built-in indicator for opening and closing orders. The external inputs for limiting trading on Fridays and Mondays are available. The purpose of the strategy is to use the current trend with the most benefit. According to the results of testing and working on demo and real accounts, the best results achieved by using the Н4 timeframe on the GBP/USD pair Works on MetaTrader 4 Build 971+
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Evgeniy Kravchenko
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4.33 (15)
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
The Best One Scalping Trade Panel functional manual trade panel with risk reward, auto SL by candle ( original solution), lot size calculation, one-click trading, scale in and out of trades (partial close),  Works with all symbols not just currency pairs, perfect works on DAX, NASDAQ, GOLD, ...... I earn every day during live stream on ZakopiecFX - join Me Risk by lot Risk by percent SL by points SL by Candle, Renko, RangeBar ( original solution) TP by point TP by Risk/Reward Auto Trailing by P
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
Telegram To MT4 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (4)
Copie señales de cualquier canal del que sea miembro (incluidos los privados y restringidos) directamente en su MT4.  Esta herramienta ha sido diseñada pensando en el usuario y ofrece muchas características que necesita para administrar y monitorear las operaciones. Este producto se presenta en una interfaz gráfica fácil de usar y visualmente atractiva. ¡Personalice su configuración y comience a usar el producto en minutos! Guía del usuario + Demo  | Versión MT5 | Versión Discord Si desea prob
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hola a todos. News trapper EA es un experto para el comercio de noticias OFERTA LIMITADA: ¡Precio 49$ solo por 10 copias! Siguiente precio 99 no puedes hacer back test porque las noticias son eventos futuros Experto muy seguro pone Ajustes tasa de interés solamente o noticias de alto impacto para Trading Automatizado en las noticias del calendario económico. Muestra un comercio estable durante los últimos 10 años. EA no utiliza tecnologías peligrosas como martingale, grid. El Experto es muy simp
Online Accounts Manager MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (1)
OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these p
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro es una poderosa herramienta para copiar el comercio a distancia entre múltiples cuentas en diferentes lugares a través de Internet. Esta es una solución ideal para el proveedor de la señal, que quieren compartir su comercio con los demás a nivel mundial en sus propias reglas. Un proveedor puede copiar los oficios a múltiples receptores y un receptor puede obtener el comercio de múltiples proveedores también. Proveedor y el receptor pueden gestionar su lista de asociados con el
This means now you can trade on multiple MetaTrader 4 accounts simultaneously, mirror the trades of any trading bot to your friends and family accounts (even if it is locked to your MT4 account number), create investment portfolios of many MT4 accounts, remove risk of unregulated Forex brokers, turn losing trading strategy into a winner and become an independent account manager immediately without the need to sign any contracts or opening expensive PAMM accounts with the broker. Reverse Trading
Ultimate MT4 to Telegram (UMT) sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to your telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to any telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.  A beautiful panel allows you to visualize all t
Chart Logic
D Armond Lee Speers
Chart Logic is here!  Chart automation for MT4: put your Ideas into Actions! Chart Logic is an EA for MT4 that lets you automate actions on your charts.  You define "conditions" and 'actions"; when all the conditions are true, then all the actions are triggered.  Conditions can refer to a wide range of observations, about account information, candle data, technical indicators, key levels, price, time, market data, trades and so on.  And actions can send alerts/notifications, open/close/modify tr
Auto Trailing Assistant
Emmanuel Lovski Ijeawele Maduagwuna
Auto Trailing Assistant (ATA) - Revolutionary Forex Trade Management Utility Core Capability Auto Trailing Assistant is a sophisticated Meta Trader utility that helps traders automatically manage and optimize trading positions with unparalleled precision and flexibility. With its comprehensive set of features, this powerful tool enables traders determine minimum guaranteed profits for each position, displayed very colorfully  on the Chart of your Meta Trader. Flexible Position Targeting - Mu
Ultimate Trade Copier
5 (1)
This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
Custom Ultimate Sniper Dashboard
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
5 (2)
Este Ultimate Sniper Dashboard personalizado es una actualización EA del indicador Ultimate Sniper Dashboard original. Funciona con hasta 98 algoritmos diferentes para asegurar que captura la verdadera naturaleza de una tendencia en una clase de activos con los que trabaje. Es una respuesta directa a muchas de las sugerencias y consejos que recibimos de la mayoría de nuestros clientes durante varios meses.   Esta versión personalizada es totalmente personalizable. Desarrollado por 98 algoritmos
TakePropips TradePad Pro
Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
5 (4)
¡TakePropips TradePad Pro incluye un poderoso administrador comercial, un medidor de fortaleza de la moneda, herramientas de informes de cuentas, herramientas de gestión de riesgos y más! ¡Es uno de los gerentes y asistentes comerciales de forex más avanzados que jamás haya encontrado! Es la solución perfecta para los comerciantes que desean una forma más eficiente de administrar las transacciones comerciales. Puede descargar el manual de usuario en nuestra publicación de blog:   https://www.mql
Eugeni Neumoin
Программу можно использовать как советник для ручной и полуавтоматической торговли. Или как индикатор для выявления структуры рынка. В торговой части программы отсутствуют ордера Sell, Buy. А также лимитные и стоповые ордера. Вместо этого на график выводится торговая рамка для сделок на продажу -  SELL  или на покупку - BUY . У торговой рамки имеются три уровня. Уровень открытия будущего ордера. Уровень стопа и уровень профита. Влево от торговой рамки выводятся три линии. Перемещая данные линии
Riskless Pyramid
Snapdragon Systems Ltd
5 (1)
Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
KopirMT4 Copy trades for MT4
Alexandr Gavrilin
4.11 (9)
KopirMT4 (CopierMT4) - transaction copier for the MetaTrader 4 terminal, copies (synchronizes, duplicates) transactions from any accounts (copier, copy dealers).  Supports copying: MT4 <-> MT4, MT4 -> MT5 Hedge, MT5 Hedge -> MT4 Free version for test Why exactly our product? The copier has a high speed and is not dependent on ticks. Copy speed - less than 0.5 sec. Transactions are copied with high accuracy, the scalper mode allows you to copy only at the best price. Able to increase transactio
Telegram Signal pro
Sara Sabaghi
4.88 (8)
What is it? Think about it, you can send all the orders/positions info to your telegram channel or group to create your community or VIP signals on telegram. Position info means this EA forward all of your new positions open details (Open price, Open time, Position Type, position Symbol and volume), positions changes ( SL or TP modifying or pending price changes) and position close (Close price, profit or loss, position duration time) and also EA Send NEWS alert (Economic calendar event) on your
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
ADAM for FTMO 40
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (1)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ManHedger MT4
Peter Mueller
5 (1)
THIS EA IS A SEMI-AUTO EA, IT NEEDS USER INPUT. Manual & Test Version Please DON'T BUY this product before testing or watching my video about it. Contact me for user support & advices! MT5 Version With this Expert Advisor, you can: Implement your own   Zone Recovery   strategy to capitalize on trending markets. Create   Grid   trading strategies, to profit from ranging markets. Place orders easily and clearly. Display your trades/strategies on the chart. Display your Take Profits/Stop Losses as
FX28 Trader
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
5 (1)
Presentamos el FX28 Trader Dashboard: Su Gestor de Operaciones Definitivo Desbloquee todo el potencial de su experiencia comercial con el FX28 Trader Dashboard, un gestor de operaciones integral e intuitivo diseñado para llevar su trading de Forex a nuevas alturas. Ya sea que sea un trader experimentado o esté comenzando su camino financiero, esta poderosa herramienta está diseñada para simplificar sus actividades comerciales y mejorar su proceso de toma de decisiones. Características clave: In
Discord To MT4 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Copia señales de cualquier canal del que seas miembro (   sin necesidad de un Token de Bot o Permisos de Administrador  directamente a tu MT4. Ha sido diseñado teniendo en cuenta al usuario mientras ofrece muchas características que necesitas Este producto se presenta en una interfaz gráfica fácil de usar y visualmente atractiva. ¡Personaliza tus ajustes y comienza a usar el producto en cuestión de minutos! Guía del usuario + Demo  | Versión MT5 | Versión Telegram Si quieres probar una demo, v
The program is use to copy trading from MT4   to MT4 and MT5  on local PC or copy  over the Internet.   Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server, include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal),   download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide Let read a
BBMA Oma Ally Signals Scanner (BBMA Oma Ally Analyzer Dashboard EA) This is a multi-pair and multi scanner dashboard to find the key signal of BBMA Oma Ally Strategy BBMA consists of the use of 2 indicators: Moving Averages Bollinger Bands BBMA consists of many types of entries: Reentry Extreme Rejection EMA50 GAP (EMA50 to Upper/Lower BB) MHV Full Setup (CSE>TPW>MHV>Direction>Reentry) There are many multi timeframe signals based on this strategy. RRE (Reentry - Reentry - Extreme) REE (Reentry
Otros productos de este autor
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro es una poderosa herramienta para copiar el comercio a distancia entre múltiples cuentas en diferentes lugares a través de Internet. Esta es una solución ideal para el proveedor de la señal, que quieren compartir su comercio con los demás a nivel mundial en sus propias reglas. Un proveedor puede copiar los oficios a múltiples receptores y un receptor puede obtener el comercio de múltiples proveedores también. Proveedor y el receptor pueden gestionar su lista de asociados con el
Auto Trade Copier está diseñado para copiar los oficios entre múltiples cuentas MT5 / terminales con una precisión absoluta. Con esta herramienta, puede actuar como proveedor (fuente ) o receptor (destino ) . Cada acciones comerciales podrán ser clonados del proveedor al receptor sin demora. Las siguientes son las funciones destacadas :     Cambie entre proveedores o función del receptor en una sola herramienta.     Un proveedor puede copiar los oficios a las cuentas de múltiples receptores.
Auto Trade Copier
Vu Trung Kien
4.7 (90)
El Asesor Experto Auto Trade Copier se utiliza para copiar las operaciones en varias cuantas/terminales de MetaTrader 4 con una precisión de 100%. Utilizando esta herramienta Usted puede actuar como proveedor (fuente), o bien como receptor. Todas las acciones de trading serán copiadas desde el proveedor hasta el receptor sin retardos. Demo: Puede descargar su versión demo para probarla: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/4904 Información: Si quiere realizar el copiado a varios ordenadores ví
Currency Power Meter
Vu Trung Kien
4.69 (16)
Currency Power Meter shows the power of major currencies against each other. The indicator shows the relative strength of currency/pair at the current moment in a period of time (H4, daily, weekly, monthly). It is useful for day traders, swing traders and position traders with suitable period options. Currency power is the true reason of market trend: The strongest currency against the weakest currency will combine into a most trending pair. As we know, trend makes money and all traders love tre
News Trader Pro is a unique robot that allows you to trade the news by your predefined strategy. It loads every piece of news from several popular Forex websites. You can choose any news and preset the strategy to trade it, and then News Trader Pro will trade that news by selected strategy automatically when the news comes. News release gives opportunity to have pips since the price usually has big move at that time. Now, with this tool, trading news becomes easier, more flexible and more exciti
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT5 accounts only. For MT4 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT4 account to u
Trade Receiver Free
Vu Trung Kien
3 (6)
Trade Receiver Free is a free tool to copy trades/signals from multiple MT4/MT5 accounts. The provider account must use copier EA to send the signal. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Trade Receiver Free for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free . - For MT5 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free MT5 . - For cTrader receiver, please download Trade Receiver Free cTrader . - If you only need copy from MT4 acco
Binary Options Receiver Free is a free tool to copy binary options trades from other traders at different locations over internet, who use Remote Binary Options Copier to send. To start copying via this tool, provider must add a free license in his list first. That means you can use this free tool to copy binary options trades from a provider, who authorized you to do so and issued a free license. Reference : If you need both sending and receiving features, please check Remote Binary Options Cop
Trade Report Pro
Vu Trung Kien
3.5 (2)
El Asesor Experto Trade Report Pro confecciona el informe gráfico profesional sobre el historial del trading automático y manual. También envía las notificaciones a su teléfono móvil o correo electrónico cuando se cambia el balance de su cuenta. Los informes se guardan en el formato HTML y CSV, la ventana de vista rápida del informe sumario se abre en el terminal MetaTrader 4. Atención: puede descargar la versión demo aquí: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/5054 . Descripción del Asesor Exp
My Money Manager
Vu Trung Kien
5 (5)
My Money Manager como un controlador de riesgo, que pone sus trades con el volumen exacto que cumple con su riesgo de stop loss deseado. También puede ayudarle a escuchar sus niveles EP/SL/TP antes de poner una orden arrastrando estos niveles directamente en un gráfico y mantener información acerca de ellos durante la posición de apertura. Con esta herramienta, usted se sentirá más cómodo cuando decida abrir órdenes, así como previsión de sus beneficios/pérdidas con sus órdenes. La colocación de
Trade Controller
Vu Trung Kien
5 (2)
Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
News Loader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.2 (5)
News Loader Pro es una herramienta que actualiza automáticamente cada noticia económica en tiempo real utilizando la información detallada de varias fuentes de noticias. Este producto utiliza la tecnología única para cargar los datos detallados desde las web Forex conocidas. Usted recibirá una alerta a su dispositivo móvil/email antes de cada publicación de noticias que va a salir. Además, este producto marca las ediciones de noticias en el gráfico para el trabajo posterior. Las noticias es uno
News Trader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.41 (17)
News Trader Pro es un robot único que permite tradear las noticias. Él descarga todas las noticias desde varias páginas Forex que gozan de popularidad. Usted puede seleccionar cualquier noticia y establecer una estrategia de antemano. News Trader Pro empezará a tradear de acuerdo con la estrategia seleccionada automáticamente en cuanto salga la noticia. La publicación de la noticia ofrece la posibilidad de ganar porque los cambios del precio en este momento pueden ser significativos. Con la apar
Binary Options Trading Pad is a very useful tool for trading binary options on the MT4 platform. No need to setup plugins outside MT4 anymore. This is a simple and convenient panel right on MT4 chart. Demo: For testing purpose, please download the free demo version here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/9981 Features One-click trading buttons on the panel. Trade multi-binary option symbols in one panel. Auto recognize all binary options symbols. Show order flow with expiration progress. Mo
Binary Options Copier Local is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts on the same computer. With this copier, you can act as either a provider (source) or a receiver (destination). All binary options trades will be copied from the provider to the receiver with no delay. Demo : Demo version for testing can be downloaded at: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/10047 Reference : If you need to copy between different computers over Internet, please check Binary Optio
Binary Options Copier Remote is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts at different computers. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his trade with the others globally on his own rules. Provider can give free bonus license to 10 receivers. That means those 10 receivers can copy from provider by using Binary Options Receiver Free (no cost). From 11th one, receiver have to buy Binary Options Receiver Pro (paid version) in order to copy from
Unlimited Binary Options Copier Remote is a powerful tool to copy binary options trades remotely between multiple accounts at different locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his binary options trades with the others globally on his own rules. One provider can copy trades to unlimited receivers and one receiver can get trade from unlimited providers as well. The provider can set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will no
This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated tr
Super Custom Indicator allows you to design trading signals on your own without coding knowledge. You just need to input the trading rules and it will scan multiple symbols at multiple time frames to find the signals for you in real-time as well as in history chart. Real-time signals will be sent to your mobile and email also. The indicator can calculate and analyze every technical indicators, even custom indicators, with complex operations to give the signal exactly. Normally, it is hard for yo
Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
Currency Power Meter muestra el poder de las principales monedas entre sí. El indicador muestra la fuerza relativa de la moneda / par en el momento actual en un período de tiempo (diario, semanal, mensual). Es útil para los comerciantes del día, los comerciantes de swing y comerciantes de la posición con opciones período adecuado. Monedas poder 'es la verdadera razón de la tendencia del mercado: La moneda más fuerte frente a la moneda más débil combinará en un par más de tendencia. Como sabemo
My Money Manager like a risk controller, which places your trades with the exact volume that meets your desired stop loss risk percentage. It can also help you to preview your EP/SL/TP levels before placing an order by dragging these levels directly on a chart, and keep reporting about them during the position opening. With this tool, you will feel more comfortable when deciding to open orders, as well as forecasting your profit/loss with your orders. Placing orders is a very precise and profess
Trade Controller provides multiple methods to protect and maximize your profits. This powerful weapon helps you to set the protect and trailing-stop rules on your trade automatically in many effective methods. Once it is set and turned on, you don't need to monitor your orders anymore, the software will keep watching and control your orders with your predefined rules. It's designed to support multi-protection and trailing strategy: Protect by break-even, protect by percentage, protect by pip, pr
Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTradfer accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be abl
News Loader Pro MT5
Vu Trung Kien
1 (1)
News Loader Pro is a tool that automatically updates every economic news in real time with detailed information from several online data sources. It uses the unique technology to load data with full details from popular Forex websites. An alert will be sent to your mobile/email before an upcoming news release. Moreover, it also marks the news release points on the chart for further review and research. In Forex trading, news is one of the important factors that move the market. Sticking with ne
This robot works hard silently and trades while you are sleeping. That is why it is called Forex Night Trader . The Forex Night Trader only trades when the market has low volatility at night, so it is not affected by sharp price swings on the market. This robot can trade multiple pairs at the same time on a single chart. It was backtested and optimized using real ticks with 99.9% quality. Its backtest passed the hardest periods of the market over 6 years (from 2010). Features Fully automated tr
robertgerg 2021.10.21 21:38 

I have been using this product for more than 2 years and it is great!

Evgeni Nazarov
Evgeni Nazarov 2020.08.15 10:36 

Отличный продукт. Я вообще в шоке от самого себя, почему я ранее не начал использовать Риск Менеджер. Данный советник высвободил мне кучу времени и снял стрессовое состояние, которое у меня было из за постоянного мониторинга графика. Сейчас запускаю его и занимаюсь другими делами, он четко фиксирует и тралит прибыль, неделя работы с ним отбила мне целый убыточный месяц работы в ручную без него!

Bullish4x 2020.05.09 06:11 

Auto-trade driver has made me a happy client of one year now. It helps manage everything, taking off the emotional demands while also allowing you focus on other activities!

Osman Osman
Osman Osman 2019.07.03 08:26 

This is the only trading manager you'll ever need your entire career as a professional trader.

aping138 2019.05.05 01:42 

it is better if the author can add a function for we can take the trade for fix lot .

Randy Katz
Randy Katz 2019.03.23 05:12 

This product will not become obsolete. As one trades better, can utilize it better. Author has bent over backwards to support it, I had a special request and it was filled quickly. I have tested Risk/SL Open Orders, Protection SL at some level when profit at some level, Trailing Stop (simple) and Partial Close. As well I tested Close all for current instrument only. Very useful all. Keep up the great work!

Tamer Mohamed
Tamer Mohamed 2019.03.09 07:50 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Christian Oracion
Christian Oracion 2019.01.17 04:43 

Very good. This EA semi-automate my trading system. Please add ATR stop-loss on Protection Control. Thank you.

Fallet Willy
Fallet Willy 2018.08.06 19:03 


AnubisTrader 2018.01.19 17:47 

This is an excellent product and I was even surprised to find that it also managed my martingale EA's while I'm away from my computer. Awesome!

ceromus 2017.08.16 15:05 

Overall a good product but be careful with the trailing stop feature. I was using parabolic SAR trailing stop and aggressive mode checkbox was not checked and yet some how autotradedriver closed a losing order. MT4 logs showed it was closed by auto trade driver but no [sl] comment was added. If you just need the money management portion of this software you can save 50 bucks by buying his other product called: "My Money Manager"

Sangeet Kumar Prasad
Sangeet Kumar Prasad 2016.06.15 08:53 

This is an excellent product to place an order in MT4 platform. There are few expensive tools out there which charge you so much to do the same thing. I am pleased with it and will certainly recommend to all MT4 platform users. I must also mention that the support provided by Kevin is very good. He was very eager to help when I was having issues using certain features of the product which was not all related to the product but product registration with my account.

Zack van Zyl
Zack van Zyl 2015.07.28 10:53 

If you are a manual trader - this is absolutely by far the best product I have ever used in my entire trading career. Absolutely flawless and makes opening trades such a breeze!

ducker 2015.03.25 13:46 

Easy to use and very useful program. It saves me a lot of time Highly recommended.

Also very fast service at helpdesk

BARIS ELMASDERE 2015.03.12 12:28 

Excellent and easy to use panel to control your risk. Highly recommended!

rudysemail 2014.12.28 04:29 

EA works great, and Kevin is super helpful if you need anything!

I'd highly recommend buying from this guy

Lines_ss 2014.07.14 09:54 

Regardless if u are a scalper or a day trader, the tool is a must have for all people locking for a easy to use and clear trade management. It has an amazing graphical user interface and functionality is great. I tried several tools but this one is the best I used so far.

- The tool offers order placement on risk basis with direct SL and TP entry

- Trade protection/break even with free to choose points

- Three free settable partial order close

- And of course trailing SL

Very fast support in case of any problems, great!

Jay Chiew
Jay Chiew 2014.06.06 14:13 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Respuesta al comentario
Versión 5.59 2024.08.27
- Adaption: Use alternative function to replace malfunction MathRound() and MathCeil() of MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024.
Versión 5.58 2024.07.30
- Adaption: MT4 platform version 4.00 build 1421 on 22 Jul 2024 has a bug that makes many EAs not work correctly. So, we have to change something in the code to avoid this bug of MT4 platform.
Versión 5.57 2024.05.28
- Fixed: Correct lotsize with some exotic pairs.
Versión 5.56 2024.04.17
- Fixed: Correct lot size calculation for Cent accounts.
Versión 5.55 2023.11.25
- Improved: Code optimized.
Versión 5.54 2023.11.23
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.53 2023.11.23
- Fixed: Correct broker's tick value per lot.
Versión 5.52 2022.11.14
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.51 2022.11.11
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.50 2022.11.09
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.49 2022.03.30
- Fixed: Reset parameters after placing orders.
Versión 5.48 2021.12.09
- Improved: Code optimized.
Versión 5.47 2021.07.14
- Fixed: Correct point value for some special symbols.
Versión 5.46 2021.06.14
- Fixed: Correct integer lot size for CFDs.
Versión 5.45 2021.04.04
- Fixed: Auto-save Risk:Reward setting.
Versión 5.44 2021.01.05
- Improved: Code optimized.
Versión 5.43 2021.01.04
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.42 2020.05.28
- Fixed: Set millisecond timer issue.
Versión 5.41 2020.03.26
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.39 2019.09.12
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 5.38 2019.09.12
- Fixed: Minor bug on interface menu.
Versión 5.37 2019.08.26
- Changed: Keep previous parameters after placing orders.
Versión 5.36 2019.08.21
- Fixed: Better partial close function.
Versión 5.35 2019.05.28
- Improved: Better trailing and partial close controlling.
Versión 5.34 2019.01.23
- Changed: Remove default order comment (AutoFxPro.com)
Versión 5.32 2018.08.06
- Improved: Allow open multi-positions if calculated lot size is bigger than maximum lot size.
Versión 5.31 2017.07.05
- Improved: Allows multiple order tickets, magic numbers and comments for order filter.
Versión 5.30 2017.03.10
- Improved: Optimize the calculating functions.
Versión 5.29 2016.12.01
- Fixed: Eliminate conflict when manual remove stoploss that set by EA.
Versión 5.28 2016.07.18
- Fixed: Show correct information for Buy Stop/Limit order on the chart.
Versión 5.27 2016.06.27
- Fixed: Correct the "Profit/Loss distance" protection.
Versión 5.26 2016.06.23
- Added: "Order comment" filter.
- Added: Start point of basic trailing stop.
Versión 5.24 2016.06.13
- Improved: OnChartEvent() function is adaptable with MT4 version 4.00 build 971 (7 Jun 2016).
Versión 5.23 2016.02.18
- Fixed: "Zero divide" error when show trade statistic sometime.
Versión 5.21 2016.01.20
- Fixed: Invalid trading volume if lotsize step was larger than 0.01.
Versión 5.20 2016.01.08
- Fixed: Correct calculation for account with exotic balance currency.
Versión 5.19 2015.10.01
- Fixed: Fixed eternal loop if click Buy/Sell when AutoTrading is disable.
Versión 5.18 2015.09.16
- Fixed: No freeze and looping alert anymore when clicking Buy/Sell at closed market.
Versión 5.17 2015.05.18
- Fixed: Infinite loop when close all orders with various symbols.
Versión 5.16 2015.05.08
- Improved: Increase lotsize calculating for exotic pairs.
- Improved: Only show trading symbol in Market Watch if necessary.
Versión 5.15 2015.04.29
- Improved: Support for CFD, Indexes instruments.
Versión 5.14 2015.04.24
- Added: Risk/Reward Ratio adjustment.
- Improved: Support for exotic currency account.
Versión 5.12 2015.04.09
- Improved: Apply CloseBy for "Close All" shortcut, which is more economic for the account.
Versión 5.11 2015.03.27
- Fixed: Agressive alert informing AutoTrading feature.
Versión 5.1 2015.02.03
- Fixed: Force to display all graphic objects to the front of the chart. They could be hidden at few low RAM computers with previous version.
Versión 5.0 2015.01.16
- Fixed: Expert Advisor's status message correction.
- Fixed: Eliminate potential zero divides.
Versión 4.95 2015.01.14
- Improved: Better partial close management.
Versión 4.93 2015.01.06
- Fixed: Correct TP point adjustment after placing order in some cases.
- Fixed: Correct partial close for minimal lotsize.
Versión 4.92 2014.12.03
- Fixed: Mistaken TP point with zero value.
Versión 4.91 2014.10.28
- Fixed: Removed unnecessary alert.
Versión 4.90 2014.10.21
- Improved: Update SL & TP according to actual EP for market order.
- Improved: Allows to control non-existing magic number order (for further orders).
Versión 4.80 2014.09.30
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 4.75 2014.09.02
Fixed minor bugs.
Versión 4.7 2014.08.01
Minor bugs fixed.
Versión 4.6 2014.07.28
Removed useless test alert.
Versión 4.5 2014.07.25
Statistic correction.
Versión 4.4 2014.07.21
Some improvements.
Versión 4.3 2014.07.17
Prevent zero divide.
Versión 4.2 2014.07.14
- Fixed magic number acceptance.
Versión 4.1 2014.07.10
- Added: User-defined magic number.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
Versión 3.9 2014.06.23
Fixed hang-up when account login changed.
Versión 3.7 2014.06.19
- Fixed: Removed unnecessary order modification
Versión 3.6 2014.06.17
Fixed minor bugs.
Versión 3.5 2014.06.09
Added trade statistic viewer.
Versión 3.4 2014.06.03
Fixed minor bugs with cross pair.
Versión 3.3 2014.06.02
- More compact interface.
- Improved trailing stop accuracy (spread included).
- Improved displaying speed.
- Corrected the Stop/Limit level adaption.
Versión 3.2 2014.05.27
- Errores menores corregidos.
- Añadido: Permitir cambiar el tamaño de fuente de la interfaz.
Versión 3.1 2014.05.23
- Corregido error acerca de las alertas de advertencia.
- Corregido error en arrastrar las características del pedido.