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Session Volume Profile MT5

Session Volume Profile is an advanced graphical representation that displays trading activity during Forex trading sessions at specified price levels.

The Forex market can be divided into four main trading sessions: the Australian session, the Asian session, the European session and the favorite trading time - the American (US) session.

POC - profile can be used as a support and resistance level for intraday trading.

VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price.

ATTENTION ! For the indicator to work, an up-to-date tick history is required, the deeper it is, the more qualitative the profile image will be. Your broker should supply tick volume history (Exchange Futures).
The indicator is intended for the development of trading systems, its use in automated systems is not possible for technical reasons.

The indicator builds 2 types of profile:
  • Volumes - Volume at the tick price of the last trade.
  • Prices - Tick price as a result of a buy / sell transaction.

Input parameters:
  • VolumeType - profile types;
  • DigitsSet - the number of decimal digits that determine the accuracy of the price of the current chart symbol.
  • Width - width (DigitsSet dialing step)
  • ShiftOn(Days to look back) - number of days (history)
  • Histogramdepth - depth of the histogram, if there is little data (1.0..more) / a lot (less> 0.0..1.0), this parameter allows you to strengthen or weaken the visual representation of the profile
  • HistogramFill - filling the histogram with the current profile color
  • FirstSession - the first session
  • FirstOffSet - the first session profile offset in time relative to the broker's server time
  • SecondSession - the first session
  • SecondOffSet - offset of the profile of the second session in time relative to the time of the broker server
  • ThirdSession - First Session
  • ThirdOffSet - offset of the third session profile in time relative to the broker's server time
  • FourthSession - Fourth Session
  • FourthOffSet - offset of the fourth session profile in time relative to the broker's server time
  • ShowPOC - shows VPOC trace line
  • ShowVAHighAndLow - shows the VA boundaries of the maximum and minimum lines
  • ShowMid - the average value of the profile volume
  • ShowVWAP - Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
  • ValueAreaRange - range of region values [%]
  • ColorSchemeProfile - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileValueArea - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileVPOC - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileMid - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileVWAP - profile color schemes
  • ShowInfo - show profile statistics
  • Font - font name
  • FontSize - font size

A brief guide to setting up the indicator for testing in the MT5 Strategy Tester.

Important to remember: Before testing any instrument, you need a history of M1 quotes, the absence of a history will not allow you to get the desired result.
  • The DigitsSet variable can take values ​​from Digit0 to Digit5. It is important to set the value of the DigitsSet variable to one bit less than the bit depth of the instrument itself, in some cases two digits less. (Example: EURUSD has Digits = 5, in this case the variable DigitsSet = Digit4 or less)
  • The Width variable can take a value from x1 to x20. The variable defines the width of the price range and is calculated relative to the value of the DigitsSet variable. The smaller the Width value, the more visually the profile image will be expressed.
  • The ShiftOn/Days to look back  variable can take a value from 0 or more. This is a shift in the history of quotes, if ShiftOn/Days to look back = 0, the profiles of the current day will be built.
  • The IntradayTimeFrame variable can take a value from M5 to D1. This is the time frame within which the profile will be built.
Example! EURUSD has Digits = 5, set the following values:
  1. DigitsSet = Digit4
  2. Width = x1
  3. ShiftOn/Days to look back = 0
  4. IntradayTimeFrame = D1

Important to remember: In the strategy tester, the ShiftOn/Days to look back  variable must have a value of 0, on an online chart this value can be anything (depending on the depth of the M1 quotes history), the higher the value, the longer the profiles will be built.

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Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (6)
Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low
Monster Harmonics Indicator is a harmonic pattern indicator. It recognizes Gartley, Bat, Crab, Butterfly, Cypher, White Swan, Black Swan, Shark and AB=CD patterns. Projected patterns that are not yet completed are recognized, too. Monster even shows the PRZ (Potential Reversal Zone). Users can add their own user defined patterns to Monster. Besides the current pattern, Monster also shows all patterns in the symbols history. Monster will provide alerts for developing patterns. Introduced by H.M.
SEE THE TREND ON EVERY TIME FRAME. INTELLIGENT INDICATOR READS PRICE ACTION TO SPOT TRUE MARKET CYCLES AND TREND. This advanced multi-currency and multi-time frame indicator,   reads trend in real-time   so you always know the trends of the markets   you want to trade.  ​Trend-Viewer Pro has been specifically designed to read the trend of   every time frame   and   every market , simultaneously, making it much easier for you to find markets with   time frame correlation , so you can focus on th
KT Momentum Arrows MT5
5 (2)
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price closes above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price closes below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument a
TPA True Price Action indicator reveals the true price action of the market makers through 100% non-repainting signals strictly at the close of a candle! TPA shows entries and re-entries, every time the bulls are definitely stronger than the bears and vice versa. Not to confuse with red/green candles. The shift of power gets confirmed at the earliest stage and is ONE exit strategy of several. There are available now two free parts of the TPA User Guide for our customers. The first "The Basics"
AT Forex Indicator MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (5)
The AT Forex Indicator MT5 is a sophisticated trading tool designed to provide traders with a comprehensive analysis of multiple currency pairs. This powerful indicator simplifies the complex nature of the forex market, making it accessible for both novice and experienced traders. AT Forex Indicator uses advanced algorithms to detect trends, patterns and is an essential tool for traders aiming to enhance their forex trading performance. With its robust features, ease of use, and reliable signal
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
Introduciendo       Indicador Quantum Trend Sniper   , el innovador indicador MQL5 que está transformando la forma en que identificas y negocias los cambios de tendencia. Desarrollado por un equipo de comerciantes experimentados con experiencia comercial de más de 13 años,       Indicador de francotirador de tendencia cuántica       está diseñado para impulsar su viaje comercial a nuevas alturas con su forma innovadora de identificar cambios de tendencia con una precisión extremadamente alta. *
Este panel descubre y muestra las zonas de   Oferta   y   Demanda   en el gráfico, tanto en modo scalping como a largo plazo, dependiendo de su estrategia de trading para los símbolos seleccionados. Además, el modo de escáner del tablero le ayuda a comprobar todos los símbolos deseados de un vistazo y no perder ninguna posición adecuada /   Versión MT4 Indicador gratuito:   Basic Supply Demand Características Le permite ver las oportunidades de negociación en   múltiples pares de divisas ,
Royal Wave Pro M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
3.5 (4)
Royal Wave is a Trend-Power oscillator which has been programmed to locate and signal low-risk entry and exit zones. Its core algorithm statistically analyzes the market and generates trading signals for overbought, oversold and low volatile areas. By using a well-designed alerting system, this indicator makes it easier to make proper decisions regarding where to enter and where to exit trades. Features Trend-Power Algorithm Low risk Entry Zones and Exit Zones Predictions for Overbought and Over
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Intraday Volume Profile Forex MT4   Intraday Volume Profile  - This is a visualization tool for understanding the high activity zone and low activity zone, as part of the  D1  senior timeframe. The volume profile provides an excellent visual image of supply / demand at each price for the selected timeframe. Introducing  POC  - Point of Control, which indicates the price at which the maximum volume was sold, as well as Value Area - the area where 68% of the instrument's assets are traded. POC  -
Session Volume Profile  is an advanced graphical representation that displays trading activity during Forex trading sessions at specified price levels. The Forex market can be divided into four main trading sessions: the Australian session, the Asian session, the European session and the favorite trading time - the American (US) session. POC  - profile can be used as a support and resistance level for intraday trading. VWAP  - Volume Weighted Average Price. ATTENTION! For the indicator to wo
Intraday Volume Profile  analyze short-term information about price and volume, help you visualize the movement of price and volume. In short-term trading on Forex, usually use 5-, 15-, 30-, 60-minute and etc. intraday charts when trading on a market day. It is possible to use as an additional tool for intraday scalping . The volume profile provides an excellent visual image of supply / demand for each price for the selected timeframe. Representing the Point of Control ( POC ), which indicates
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Versión 1.2 2019.07.01
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Versión 1.1 2019.06.25
1.01 (released 2019-06-25):
- Исправлена ошибка, при изменении таймфрема индикатор удалял себя с чарта.