Trade Master
- Utilidades
- Gyunay Sali
- Versión: 1.1
- Actualizado: 27 abril 2020
Trade Master is advanced forex robot for manual trading and managing open trades. When attached to a chart it prints two buttons BUY and SELL. Using these two buttons you can trade manually by predefined Stop Loss, Take Profit and other parameters. Trade Master is also equipped with Trailing Stop system to protect the profits. Trade Master is the best tools for scheduled closing of trades. It can be used for closing trades for each weekday from Monday to Friday at specific time (hour and minutes). Trade Master also support closing MT4 terminal. Another available option is to close all open trades when the total profit is equal to X pips or X money.
- Magics – Here you can enter the magic numbers separated by comma. For example: 0,1231,543,7786 - these magic numbers can be the magic numbers of any forex robot you use in your account and you want Trade Master to close their trades or to set them trailing stop. NOTE: manually opened trades have magic 0 and you must enter it in this parameter. By default this parameter has not a value. You can enter "all" as value, this means that the robot will manage all open trades in the account.
Close All When On Profit Setting
- Close_All_When_On_Profit - To enable this feature you have to set TRUE as a value. When it is enabled the robot will close all trades when total profit is equal to Required_Profit_Pips or Required_Profit_Money
- Required_Profit_Pips - The required profit in pips for closing the open trades. If this parameter value is 0 then the robot will check the next parameter
- Required_Profit_Money - The required profit in money (in account currency) for closing the open trades. If this parameter value is 0 the robot will not close any trade. The robot always check first for Required_Profit_Pips, if its value is 0 then check Required_Profit_Money
Monday Settings
- Close_On_Monday – To enable closing on Monday set its value to TRUE
- Mon_Close_Trades – When it is TRUE the robot will be able to close all trades on Monday at time Mon_Close_Hour:Mon_Close_Minutes. The robots will close only the trades which magic numbers are entered in Magics (+ Robot_Magic)
- Mon_Close_Hour – The hour when the trades will be closed or MT4 will be closed
- Mon_Close_Minutes – The minutes when the trades will be closed or MT4 will be closed
- Mon_Close_Min_Profit – The minimal required profit in pips for closing a trade. By default, it is 0 (zero) this means that the robot can close all trades no matter the profit
- Mon_Close_MT4 – If its value is TRUE the robot will close the MT4 on Monday at time: Mon_Close_Hour:Mon_Close_Minutes
Settings for the other weekdays are similar as settings for Monday!
Manual Trading Settings
- Take_Profit - Take Profit value in standard pips
- Stop_Loss - Stop Loss value in standard pips
- Lots - Fixed Lots size. If you want to trade with fixed lots then you have to set Risk=0
- Risk - Value in percents. When its value is greater than 0 (zero) then the robot calculates the lots size automatically based on Risk value and account free margin
- Max_Spread - Maximum allowed spread in standard pips for trading
- Slippage - Maximum allowed slippage in standard pips
- Robot_Magic - An unique integer number which will be assigned to all open trades from the robot
- Hidden_Mode - When its value is TRUE the robot will hide Stop Loss and Take Profit from the broker
- Robot_Comment - A text which will be added as a comment to all open trades
Trailing Stop Settings
- Use_Trailing_Stop - If the value is TRUE then the Trailing Stop system is enabled (FALSE: disabled)
- Trailing_Stop - Value in pips. The min guaranteed profit when the trailing stop is activated for a trade. Usually when the profit of a trade is equal or greater than Trailing_Stop_After value (in pips) the robot set a trailing stop to the trade equal to Trailing_Stop value (in pips)
- Trailing_Stop_Step - Value in pips. When the trailing stop is already set and the current profit of the trade rises the robot also move the trailing stop with Trailing_Stop_Step value (in pips). Every X pips the robot will move also the trailing stop and will guarantee you more profits
- Trailing_Stop_After - Value in pips. When the current profit of a trade is equal or greater than Trailing_Stop_After value (in pips) the robot will set a trailing stop to this order equal to Trailing_Stop value (in pips)
Excellent product for manual traders/Scalpers & even better customer service. Given the functionality & elegance very reasonably priced. I am a very fussy trader and this product is warmly recommended.