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Copyist MS MT5


Copyist MS — это простой и удобный в использовании торговый копир. Работает как однофайловый советник с переключаемыми режимами работы Master и Slave.

Ордера можно копировать из МТ5 в МТ5, из МТ5 в МТ4, из МТ4 в МТ5.

Для копирования ордеров в MetaTrader 4 требуется версия советника для MetaTrader 4.

Текущая версия советника работает только на ХЕДЖИНГОВЫХ счетах.


    • Тип работы - выбор режима работы: Master или Slave;
    • Копировать по магическому номеру - копирование торговых ордеров по магическому номеру   (настраивается в мастер-терминале)
    • Не копировать валютные пары - список нежелательных валютных пар для копирования   (настраивается в главном терминале)
    • Master account number - номер торгового счета мастер-терминала;
    • Выборочное копирование валютных пар - индивидуальный подбор валютных пар для копирования
    • Максимальное количество ордеров на одной валютной паре - максимальное количество ордеров на одну валютную пару
    • Максимальный спред (0-выкл.) - фильтр максимального спреда (0-отключен)
    • Ожидание нормализации спреда - время ожидания стабилизации спреда для открытия ордера
    • Copy Buy limit-Sell limit - копировать ордера Buy/Sell Limit;
    • Copy Buy stop-Sell stop - копирование ордеров Buy/Sell Stop;
    • Копировать тейк-профит - скопировать тейк-профит;
    • Copy Stop Loss - копировать Stop Loss;
    • Take Profit (0-off) — тейк-профит (0 — не использовать);
    • Stop Loss (0-off) - стоп-лосс (0 - не использовать);
    • Profit Transfer stop to breakeven (0-off) - уровень прибыли для активации безубытка (0 - не использовать);
    • Step breakeven (0-off) - шаг безубытка (0 - не использовать);
    • Трейлинг-стоп (0-выкл) - трейлинг (0 - не использовать);
    • Step trailing stop (0-off) - шаг трейлинга (0 - не использовать);
    • Добавить суффикс в приказы ведомых - добавить суффикс в приказы рабов;
    • Удалить суффикс в мастер-заказах - удалить суффикс мастер-заказа;
    • Фиксированный лот - используемый в торговле лот (если 0, то копируется лот мастер-терминала);
    • Coefficient lot - расчет коэффициента копируемого лота
    • Реверс - реверс
    • Only Open - true/false копировать только открытые ордера
    • Копировать с задержкой в ​​пипсах - true/false копирование торговых ордеров только с переводом в пунктах
    • Distance pips (-) - расстояние в пипсах
    • Время ожидания, сек - ожидание минус дистанция
    • Копировать комментарий - правда/ложь
    • ID заказа - идентификатор заказа;
    • Показать информацию - отображать информацию на графике.  
    Символы замены Master-Slave
      • Символы 1 - замена скопированных валютных пар, можно копировать из одной валютной пары в другую, пример: Валютные пары EURUSD-XAUUSD обозначаются через дефис.

    Comentarios 5
    Eric. 2021.09.09 19:57 

    Does EXACTLY what I need and HOW I need it. I can sleep peacefully knowing that my trades will be copied according to my trading plan. Even when the currency pairs have different pre/suffixes. Responsive to DM support. Highly recommend!

    Svetlin Popov
    Svetlin Popov 2021.04.22 22:23 

    Does the job and it's reliable and fast. No complaints so far. 5 stars from me.

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    1. Este sistema es un sistema documental local, es decir, el transmisor y el receptor deben operar en el mismo ordenador, ya que la cuenta mt4 / 5 se puede iniciar sesión en varios ordenadores al mismo tiempo, por lo que sólo necesita enviar la contraseña de la cuenta de sólo lectura al cliente. El merchandiser local es muy rápido y estable, ya que no implica el merchandiser de red. 2. Actualmente es el transmisor, y puede funcionar correctamente cuando se carga en el gráfico. Además, es neces
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    Sergei Kiriakov
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    COPIADORA COMERCIAL - CONTRASEÑA DE INVERSOR - COPIAR COMERCIO - PLATAFORMA CRUZADA MT4 x MT5 Nota: Necesita tanto "Mirror Copier Master" en la cuenta maestra que seguirá a la cuenta del cliente como "Mirror Copier Client" en la cuenta del cliente que seguirá a la cuenta maestra. Blogs: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/756897 CÓMO FUNCIONA : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7FNpuzrg5M Versión MT4 Maestro: https://www.mql5.com/es/market/product/114774 Cliente: https://www.mql5.com/en/
    Introducing Grid Master MT5, your ultimate trading utility designed to revolutionize the management of single or multiple orders with unparalleled ease and effectiveness. Evaluation version of Grid Master MT5 Some limitations are applied: - Maximum of 3 open positions and 1 pending order per side (Buy/Sell) - Trailing Stop feature disabled - Economic calendar and news protection disabled - Trade event push notifications disabled Features: Clean and user friendly UI: With the benefits of fellow
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    ¡Vea instantáneamente su historial de operaciones cerradas por día y semana, sus operaciones abiertas actuales y su exposición al mercado de divisas en un solo gráfico! Utilice el mapa de calor para identificar operaciones rentables y dónde se encuentra su reducción actual dentro de su cartera de operaciones. Botones de cierre rápido Utilice los botones de cierre rápido para cerrar cada operación en un solo símbolo, cerrar operaciones individuales en su totalidad o tomar ganancias o pérdidas p
    1 (1)
    ShSH (ShSH Has Safe-Haven): una herramienta de negociación automatizada Descubra el futuro del trading con nuestro ShSH   una herramienta de negociación automatizada , meticulosamente diseñado para aprovechar las características únicas de la volatilidad diaria del mercado. Este sistema de vanguardia aprovecha el método de ruptura de precios, capitalizando los movimientos del mercado durante las horas de baja liquidez para ofrecer resultados consistentes y fiables. Características principales: 1.
    2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
    The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close   - minimum account equity triggering loss prevention measures Check day limit to cl
    Adam FTMO MT5
    Vyacheslav Izvarin
    5 (2)
    ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Trade copier MT5
    Alfiya Fazylova
    4.48 (27)
    Trade Copier es una utilidad profesional diseñada para copiar y sincronizar operaciones entre cuentas comerciales. La copia ocurre desde la cuenta / terminal del proveedor a la cuenta / terminal del destinatario, instalada en la misma computadora o vps. Antes de comprar, puede probar la versión de demostración en una cuenta de demostración. Versión de demostración aquí . Instrucciones completas aquí . Principales funcionalidades y beneficios: Admite la copia de MT5> MT5, MT4> MT5, MT5> MT4, incl
    Risk Manager for MT5
    Sergey Batudayev
    4.53 (15)
    Expert Advisor Risk Manager para MT5 es un programa muy importante y, en mi opinión, necesario para todos los comerciantes. Con este Asesor Experto podrá controlar el riesgo en su cuenta de operaciones. El control de riesgos y beneficios puede realizarse tanto en términos monetarios como porcentuales. Para que el Asesor Experto funcione, simplemente adjúntelo al gráfico de pares de divisas y establezca los valores de riesgo aceptables en la divisa de depósito o en % del saldo actual. PROMO BU
    Discord To MT5 Receiver
    Levi Dane Benjamin
    5 (1)
    Copie señales de cualquier canal del que sea miembro ( sin necesidad de un Token de Bot o Permisos de Administrador ) directamente en su MT5. Ha sido diseñado pensando en el usuario y ofreciendo muchas características que necesita Este producto se presenta en una interfaz gráfica fácil de usar y visualmente atractiva. ¡Personalice su configuración y comience a usar el producto en minutos! Guía del usuario + Demo  | Versión MT4 | Versión Telegram Si desea probar una demostración, consulte la Gu
    Yury Kulikov
    4.93 (41)
    Atención: la versión de demo para revisión y prueba está aquí . YuClusters es un sistema de análisis de mercado profesional. El comerciante tiene oportunidades únicas para analizar el flujo de órdenes, volúmenes comerciales, movimientos de precios utilizando varios gráficos, perfiles, indicadores y objetos gráficos. YuClusters opera con datos basados ​​en Time & Sales o información de ticks, dependiendo de lo que esté disponible en las cotizaciones de un instrumento financiero. YuClusters le pe
    Trader Evolution
    Siarhei Vashchylka
    5 (5)
    " Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
    Copiadora->Interfaz de interacción cómoda y rápida, los usuarios pueden usarla de inmediato       ->>>> Recomendado para usar en computadoras Windows o VPS Windows Características: Configuraciones de copy trading personalizadas y diversificadas: 1. Se pueden configurar diferentes modos de lote para diferentes fuentes de señal 2. Se pueden configurar diferentes fuentes de señal para copy trading hacia adelante y hacia atrás 3. Las señales se pueden configurar con comentarios 4. Si se debe calibr
    Didi Alert Needle Detector
    Alexandre Tadeu Molina
    5 (7)
    Alerta EA DIDI - Detector de agujas del ATM SYSTEMS ¿Está buscando una herramienta que le ayude a aprovechar las mejores oportunidades comerciales en los mercados financieros? Entonces necesita saber que DIDI Alert - Agulhadas Detector de ATM Systems es el único asesor en el mercado que utiliza la poderosa estrategia comercial Needles Setup de Didi Aguiar a través de DIDI INDEX, con una variedad de recursos disponibles, a diferencia de cualquier otro asesor dedicado a esta estrategia. ¡Tan com
    RSI Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the RSI divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->   cli
    El MT5 to Discord Signal Provider es una herramienta fácil de usar y completamente personalizable diseñada para enviar señales de trading directamente a Discord. Esta herramienta transforma tu cuenta de trading en un proveedor de señales eficiente. ¡Personaliza los formatos de los mensajes para adaptarlos a tu estilo! Para facilitar su uso, selecciona entre plantillas pre-diseñadas y elige qué elementos del mensaje incluir o excluir. [ Demo ] [ Manual ] [ Versión MT4 ] [ Versión Telegram ] Conf
    Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
    Otros productos de este autor
    Night channel scalper is a fully automatic trading advisor. The strategy of night scalping in the channel, working hours 2-3 hours. Advisor does not use martingale. does not use a grid, does not use hedging. All trading orders are protected by stop loss, the recommended timeframe for working M5 is M15. It has a setting of dynamic take profit and stop loss. The minimum deposit for work is 10 -15 dollars for one currency pair, leverage 1: 500 Settings Take Profit - Fixed Take Profit Dynamic Take
    This Expert Advisor trades news on any timeframe. The news are downloaded from the Forex Factory website. Make sure to add the URL to the terminal settings. The EA is launched on a single chart and defines all necessary pairs for trading on its own. The robot works with pending orders setting two Buy stop and Sell stop orders before a news release. It determines the time zones of the calendar and terminal automatically. Make sure to add the time.is URL to the terminal settings. The EA can be tes
    Forex Factory News EA
    Aleksei Moshkin
    4.02 (44)
    Expert Advisor designed for news trading. The news are downloaded from the Forex Factory, Investing.com, myfxbook.com websites. Make sure to add the URL to the terminal settings. The EA should be attached to each currency chart. In the Symbol News field, set the currency symbol for searching news in the calendar. Example: if the EA is attached to the AUDUSD chart, set Symbol News to AUD; if USDCAD, Symbol News - CAD, XAUUSD Symbol News - USD, and so on. Change the magic number for each chart, an
    Day Breakout EA
    Aleksei Moshkin
    3.71 (7)
    The automatic advisor works according to a simple strategy for the breakout of the previous day's high and low. In the settings there is a function to reverse orders Reverse, when the maximum is broken, instead of buying, a sell will be opened, and when the minimum is broken, instead of selling, a buy will be opened. Real monitoring https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/833080 Settings Reverse - when the level is broken, orders will be opened in the opposite direction The maximum number of limit o
    Gold pips EA
    Aleksei Moshkin
    1 (1)
    The Gold pips EA breakout advisor works from levels with Buy Stop and Sell Stop pending orders, for price changes at a certain point in time, the maximum and minimum of the bar act as levels. The advisor does not use dangerous strategies such as martingale, grid and averaging. To achieve the best results, it is very important to use LOW SPREAD accounts! Recommendations: Currency pair: XAUUSD, but you can use any. Timeframe: M5, M15 Minimum deposit: $50 Account type: ECN, Raw or Razor with ver
    Copier MS MT5 Netting Copyist MS is a fast and easy-to-use copier of trade orders; it works as an advisor in the form of a single file with switching between the Master and Slave operating modes. The current version of the adviser works only on netting accounts. Settings Type of work - selection of the operating mode: Master or Slave; Master account number - number of the trading account of the master terminal; Selective copying currency pairs - individual selection of currency pairs for copyin
    Copyist MS
    Aleksei Moshkin
    4 (4)
    Copyist MS is a simple and easy to use trade copier. It works as a single-file Expert Advisor with toggled Master and Slave operation modes. Configurations Type of work - work mode selection: Master or Slave; Copy by magic number - copy trade orders by magic number (configure in master terminal) Will not copy currency pairs - list of unwanted currency pairs to copy (configure in master terminal) Master account number - master-terminal trading account number; Selective copying currency pairs - i
    Nfp EA
    Aleksei Moshkin
    Автоматический советник предназначен для торговли новости Nonfarm Payrolls. Торгует советник один раз в месяц при выходе новости, новость ищет и скачивает с сайта Investing.com. Советник мультивалютный устанавливается только на один график, валютная пара любая, таимфрейм любой. В настройках советника установлены для торговли эти валютные пары (USDJPY, GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD, AUDUSD) список валют можно редактировать добавлять либо удалять нужные валюты для торговли.  Для работы советн
    Automatic advisor locker. It opens a buy and sell order and then opens a grid with a martingale, while each grid order will be locked by an opposite order. The order grid is closed upon reaching a certain profit value in the deposit currency. For one currency pair, the minimum deposit is 5000 usd. For 50 usd cent bills. Trading leverage 1: 500 and higher. Settings Start time - Start of trading Number of trades per day - Number of trades per day Number of locking orders - Number of locking g
    GAP Hunter EA
    Aleksei Moshkin
    4 (1)
    GAP Hunter EA The expert's trading strategy is based on finding a gap (price gap) that occurs after weekends and holidays. Basically, the majority of gaps closes on the same day or within several days, the expert tracks such price gaps and when it arrives opens an order in the opposite direction in the direction of closure. There are settings to search for gep only on Monday, search for gep every day on the shift of days, and 0-24 gap search around the clock. In the settings there is a sprea
    The EA trades at the beginning of the London session. This non-indicator trading strategy is based on the price movement of a currency pair during that day, the previous day and the entire previous week. The Expert Advisor is equipped with partial closing of a trading lot, a spread filter.                                                                                                                                                                                                    The recommend
    Daytime Equilibrium is a completely safe EA, does not use martingale, does not use hedging, all orders are protected by stop loss Take Profit - take profit Recommended currency pair USDJPY   Take Profit - hide the take profit setting Stop Loss - stop loss Fixed lot - a fixed lot that will be used in trading Using margin,% - selection of the type of trade, fixed lot or percentage of free margin Percentage of margin for trading - percentage of free margin for trading Trail 1 - true / false Traili
    Channel scalper EA Live signal:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2282924?source=Site +Signals+My The EA trades in the SMA channel based on price change rate and volatility. Trading starts 1 hour before rollover and 1 hour after rollover, from 23:00 to 01:00. Trading settings from 23:00 to 01:00 are suitable for brokers using GMT+2 in winter and GMT+3 in summer. If your broker uses GMT-0, the trading start time must be set between 20:00 and 22:00. The EA does not use dangerous strategies, all
    Super helper
    Aleksei Moshkin
    5 (1)
    The expert utility is designed to automate the trading of most arrow indicators. You do not need to wait for the indicator signal in order to open an order manually, the utility will handle it for you. When a signal arrow to buy or sell appears on the chart, the EA opens an order itself. To connect the indicator, you need to add the signal arrow buffer number to the EA settings. Settings.  INDICATOR SIGNAL SETTINGS Name of the indicator - the name of the indicator Subwindow number - subwindo
    Channel scalper EA The EA trades in the SMA channel based on price change rate and volatility. Trading starts 1 hour before rollover and 1 hour after rollover, from 23:00 to 01:00. Trading settings from 23:00 to 01:00 are suitable for brokers using GMT+2 in winter and GMT+3 in summer. If your broker uses GMT-0, the trading start time must be set between 20:00 and 22:00. The EA does not use dangerous strategies, all trading orders are protected by a stop loss. Currency pairs for trading eurusd,
    JJair 2022.05.13 09:56 

    Geralmente nas primeiras ordens do dia, quando eu encerro a operação no master, as contas slaves abrem e encerram imediatamente uma outra ordem na direção contrária (do mesmo par de moedas), gerando algum prejuizo de comissão ou spread.

    Eric. 2021.09.09 19:57 

    Does EXACTLY what I need and HOW I need it. I can sleep peacefully knowing that my trades will be copied according to my trading plan. Even when the currency pairs have different pre/suffixes. Responsive to DM support. Highly recommend!

    Aleksei Moshkin
    Respuesta del desarrollador Aleksei Moshkin 2021.12.24 08:50
    Thank you!
    Md. Shahadat Hossain
    Md. Shahadat Hossain 2021.08.04 09:00 

    only good thing of this product is it copy trades almost 99% time. all other things are horrible. sudden close in slave, wrong tp sl placement on slave, or not coping sl tp on slave.

    provided all the necessary data to the seller - making video of live trading so that issue can be understand properly, providing log files. images of expert tabs msg etc.

    but according to seller problems is in my end so he asked me to share my trading platform details .

    anyway dont purchase any product without seeing reviews and contacting with its real user, bcz once u paid , u wont get any refund . mql dont have that option. bcz they dont refund they money once they get into their pocket.

    Aleksei Moshkin
    Respuesta del desarrollador Aleksei Moshkin 2021.08.18 21:19
    You forgot to attach our last correspondence.
    I hope that the moderation of the site will judge us.
    I am ready to provide the code for verification to the site moderators.
    Then you will publicly apologize for all the insults!
    Svetlin Popov
    Svetlin Popov 2021.04.22 22:23 

    Does the job and it's reliable and fast. No complaints so far. 5 stars from me.

    Aleksei Moshkin
    Respuesta del desarrollador Aleksei Moshkin 2021.04.23 08:08
    Thank you!
    DerBesteVerlierer 2018.03.28 09:45 

    El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

    Respuesta al comentario
    Versión 2.8 2023.04.05
    Fixed control of setting stop loss and take profit.
    Versión 2.7 2023.04.04
    исправлена ошибка
    Versión 2.6 2022.01.12
    Added Reverse setting.
    Added spread filter.
    Added the ability to copy orders by magic number.
    Added the ability to create a list of unwanted currency pairs for copying.
    Versión 2.5 2021.07.12
    Added the ability to copy volatility 75 index
    Versión 2.4 2021.06.25
    Added new parameters.
    Added copying of a trade order with a delay.
    Added copying of only opening an order, for the ability to use individual take profit and stop loss settings.
    Added the ability to copy Comments.
    Versión 2.3 2021.06.08
    Fixed reading and definition of the suffix.
    Versión 2.2 2020.10.29
    Fixed calculation of the lot for Volatility 75 index.
    Versión 2.1 2020.08.20
    Fixed compatibility with MT4 terminals.
    Versión 2.0 2018.12.19
    Добавлено копирование стоплосса и тейк профита с мастер терминала.
    Добавлен расчёт коэффициента копируемого лота.
    Добавлена возможность копирования на разные валютные пары.