NO MARTINGALE, NO GRID, NO ARBITRAGE, NO NEURAL NETWORKS 10+ YEARS TEST Index Daily breakout is an EA that trades the US30/DowJones daily breakout; it doesn't use martingale or grid; It uses a real strategy and just makes a simple trade with a trailing stop loss. You can set the desired risk per trade, using a flat amount in USD or using a percentage of the account equity. I recommend using the percentage risk and not using more than 2%. Keep in mind that a higher risk means a higher reward but
NO MARTINGALE, NO GRID, NO ARBITRAGE, NO NEURAL NETWORKS 10+ YEARS TEST Index Daily breakout is an EA that trades the US30/DowJones daily breakout; it doesn't use martingale or grid; It uses a real strategy and just makes a simple trade with a trailing stop loss. You can set the desired risk per trade, using a flat amount in USD or using a percentage of the account equity. I recommend using the percentage risk and not using more than 2%. Keep in mind that a higher risk means a higher reward but