AO Time Trading
- Asesores Expertos
- Chi Sum Poon
- Versión: 5.0
- Actualizado: 8 abril 2024
- Activaciones: 5
MEDIAN = (High + Low)/2
TYPICAL = (High + Low + Close)/3
WEIGHTED= (High + Low + Close + Open)/4
附上自己用緊的 Setting, 不代表是最好的, 還需大家反饋
附上真倉紀錄, 全部EA入市, 但出市我成日手動, 但手動的效果欠佳, 應該信EA的...
附上今日2024/2/23的Cap圖, 16727.44追升, 16819.28手動平左, 高位~16895, 有進步空間的
Min distance 係咩 ?
Check time同Ordertime相距的距離
原意係, 兩個價差唔多即係冇方向, 就唔開單
最少距離10000 <- 100點
Ordertime 16100以上/15900以下先會開
Yes, the price at that reference time
check the hsi price at the order time again, if higher, buy; if lower, sell
it need to depend on your broker time, in my backtest 04:15 is 09:15
the orginal idea is check at ao time which is 9:21, and order at 9:30/9:35
but we can find the better time by backtest, my e.g. is just an e.g.
大家可以睇玩, 有什麼意見. 同埋個程式可以點樣改 . Please share
嗰啲TP S L呢,要熟嗰個指數會容易啲
During the auction trading session and market opening, the Hang Seng Index tends to exhibit a particular direction. We can utilize a trend-following approach for trading.
This program can be applied to index trading, whether it is during the morning or afternoon session. It can also be used to take advantage of the volatility changes in the trading sessions of the foreign exchange market.
If any of you have found out effective trading times in any market, please share them with me. Thank you!
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