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Indicadores técnicos para MetaTrader 5 - 61

icon Usando como base las señales de los indicadores técnicos, usted podrá tomar decisiones sobre la apertura y el cierre de transacciones en fórex y los mercados de valores. La esencia de los indicadores consiste en la transformación matemática del precio y/o el volumen de un instrumento financiero para pronosticar los cambios de precio en el futuro. Ponga a prueba los indicadores técnicos para predecir mejor el comportamiento del mercado y ganar dinero con ello.
El indicador dibuja niveles potenciales que podrían convertirse en niveles significativos de soporte y resistencia en el futuro. Cuanto más larga sea la línea, mayor será la probabilidad de una reversión del precio o una ganancia en el movimiento del precio después de un desglose de este nivel. Con la disminución de la probabilidad de formación de nivel, la longitud de la línea se acorta. El indicador no requiere ajuste. En la configuración, puede cambiar la apariencia del indicador. El grá
[ Versión MT4 ] Order Block Indicator MT5 Order Block Indicator MT5 es actualmente el indicador más preciso y personalizable del mercado. Ha sido desarrollado para facilitar el análisis de operativas basadas en Bloques de Órdenes y Zonas de Oferta y Demanda. Estas zonas son posibles puntos de reversión de un movimiento. Order Block Indicator MT5 resalta los bloques de órdenes activos de hasta 4TFs simultáneamente. A su vez, Order Block Indicator MT5 provee de un sistema de alerta visual que per
Alert Up Down MT5
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
ALERT  UP - DOWN PARA METATRADER 5 Este indicador genera una alerta cuando el precio sale de la zona que se encuentra entre las líneas UP y DOWN. Se puede generar alertas de varios tipos como son: > Sonido > Caja de mensaje > Mensaje en la caja de expertos > Correo (previamente configurado) > Notificaciones PUSH (previamente configurado) Las líneas se deben configurar desde las propiedades del indicador y no desde las propiedades líneas, ya que si se hace desde las propiedades de las líneas , s
This indicator has good trend malleability and a good trend resistance support line. Index characteristics The color changes, following the trend of different levels . The support and resistance line means that the price follows or reverses. Basic display A price tag showing historical support and resistance. Shows the approximate recommended range of historical entry positions, as well as take-profit and stop-loss recommendations, and target forecasts. Display the judgment of the current direc
with JR Trend you will able to enter and exit every trade with just a signals appear no need for any strategy just flow the indicator it work on all pairs and all Timeframe i usually take a look on higher timeframe and return to the lowest  timeframe and make an order with indicator signals you can see the amazing result so you can depend only on it intraday or swing as you wish 
Bar Size Pro
Makarii Gubaydullin
Calculates the price change on each timeframe: floating or last closed bars. My   #1   Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |    MT4 version You can select the   shift   of the calculated basr: Floating (current) bars; The last closed (previous) bars; The type of price value   can be selected using the blue switch on the top row: Pips; Market points; Percentage value (%); Price value; The   method of calculating   the bar size can be selected using the bl
Большинство профессиональных трейдеров декларируют строгое соблюдение управления рисками. Этот простой инструмент разработан для быстрого расчета размера лота, чтобы торговать в соответствии со следующими базовыми правилами риск-менеджмента: Максимально допустимый риск устанавливается как фиксированный процент от общего количества средств на счете (например, 1-2%). Риск измеряется расстоянием в пунктах между открытием ордера и установленным стоп-лоссом. Так как для новичков всегда затруднительно
Bars Volume Color
Vyacheslav Ustinov
Все знают какую большую роль играют объемы в трейдинге. Основной индикатор объемов чаще всего находится в дополнительном окне и визуально плохо воспринимается. Этот простой инструмент разработан для быстрого и наглядного представления заданного объема непосредственно на графике с котировками для лучшей наглядности. Можно сразу оценить в каких местах на графике сконцентрировались большие объемы. Индикатор подкрашивает свечи по заданному объему от хая или лоу свечи до цены закрытия свечи. Если све
MACalcAuto MT5
Tatiana Savkevych
As you know, the main invariable indicator of all traders is the moving average; it is used in some way in most strategies. It is also obvious that this indicator is capable of showing good entries in every local area. For which it usually needs to be optimized or just visually adjusted. This development is intended for automatic optimization of the indicator. Once placed on the chart, the indicator will automatically re-optimize itself with the specified period ( PeriodReOptimization ) and dis
Tatiana Savkevych
The QRSI indicator is one of the most important and well-known indicators used by traders around the world. All signals are generated at the opening of the bar. Any closing price or zero bar prices are replaced with the corresponding price of the previous bar in order to avoid false results. This indicator is suitable for those who are interested in the classic calculation method but with improved functionality. There is a version for both MT4 and MT5. By its nature, the QRSI indicator is an o
VSA target
Evgenii Bazhenov
Objetivo de VSA El indicador identifica a un comprador profesional o vendedor profesional en el gráfico utilizando el sistema VSA (Volume Spread Analysis) y construye una zona de soporte de tendencia en relación con estas barras (velas), así como los niveles objetivo.  Particularidades: 1. En este indicador, puede seleccionar un modo en el que solo se definirá un comprador profesional o un vendedor profesional, y ambos participantes profesionales se determinarán simultáneamente. 2. Puede establ
Flex Channel MT5
Aleksandrs Butrims
Flex channel - indicator plots channel using Hodrick-Prescott filter. Hodrick-Prescott filter is the method of avreaging time series to remove its cycling componets and shows trend. Settings HP Fast Period - number of bars to calculate fast moving average HP Slow Period - number of bars to calculate slow moving average Additional information in the indicator Channel width - channel width in pips at first bar MA position - fast moving average position in the channel in persentage Close position -
Binary Options Assistant (BOA) KAM Signals Indicator provides signals based on gkNextLevel Binary Options Strategy. Indicators: 3 Moving Averages & Stochastic Stop missing trades, stop jumping from chart to chart looking for trade set-ups and get all the signals on 1 chart! U se any of the BOA Signals Indicator with the  Binary Options Assistant (BOA) Multi Currency Dashboard .  All BOA Signal Indicator settings are adjustable to give you more strategy combinations. The signals can be seen vis
FMC Alert
YBM Capital Markets
I have been trading and designing indicators and EAs for the last 5 years, and with great pride and excitement, I am honored to present FMC Alert(Forex Market Conditions Alert) to you all! If you are a fan of the traditional indicators like the stochastic indicator, macd and moving averages, but if you would like a complete indicator that can utilize all these indicators, and some others, then the F.M.C Alert is the indicator for you. F.M.C Alert is an indicator that allows traders to customize
Melhor regra de coloração pra RENKO no MT5. Lucre de forma simples no mercado Brasileiro e também no Forex. Gatilhos precisos, indicando ótimos pontos de compra e venda no mercado. Pode ser utilizado no Mini Dólar e Mini índice Pode ser utilizado no mercado Forex. O indicador contém a regra de coloração aplicada ao RENKO. O indicador permite a alteração dos parâmetros: período e tamanho do renko O indicador permite a alteração das cores dos renkos.
Anton Polkovnikov
MultiVWAP A radical reworking of the well-known VWAP, which is in fact a completely new unique tool. It gives you the opportunity to put 5 types of different VWAPs on the chart: Volume - standard VWAP calculated based on volume No volume - no volume in calculations, which allows using the indicator on the charts, for which the broker does not supply volumetric data Volatility - new development, the calculation is based on unsteady volatility Buyer - VWAP calculation is based on current market bu
The QRSI indicator is one of the most important and well-known indicators used by traders around the world. It is also obvious that this indicator is capable of showing good entries in every local area. For which it usually needs to be optimized or just visually adjusted. This development is intended for automatic optimization of the indicator. Once placed on the chart, the indicator will automatically re-optimize itself with the specified period (PeriodReOptimization) and display the chart wit
MQL4 has also been converted to MQL5 exposure info for friends using iexposure. It shows the total number of positions that have been opened, how many buy or sell positions there are, the net amount of position numbers and their order prices, the profit and loss status of all total positions. I didn't write their code, it's open source, but I wanted to share it with everyone because it's an indicator I like! https://www.mql5.com/en/charts/14801856/usdjpy-fix-d1-idealfx-llc
Pentagram MT5
Andrey Ziablytsev
5 (1)
Automatic marking of the chart with Pentagram models. This model is based on the Expansion Model from Adversa Tactics. Designed to determine the trend and predict possible levels and targets of price correction in the future. The model describes a developing trend. The trend is relevant until the price crosses the trend line of the model in the opposite direction. Levels of rays of the pentagram, level of HP, distances of 100% and 200% of the distance between points 1-4, levels of HP are possibl
Elayari Abderraouf
This is an indicator for MT5 providing accurate signals to enter a trade without repainting. It can be applied to any financial assets:   Forex Cryptocurrencies Metals Stocks Indices   It will provide pretty accurate trading signals and tell you when it's best to open a trade and close it. How do I trade with the Entry Points Pro indicator? Buy and install the indicator in your terminal Start trading by receiving signals from the indicator telling you about the ideal moment to enter a trade. E
HLC bar MT5 Wyckoff
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
El indicador "HLC_bar_MT5 Wyckoff" para MT5 se creó para facilitar el análisis en el momento de la negociación. La barra HLC fue utilizada por Richard Wyckoff y actualmente se usa ampliamente en operaciones "VSA" . Wyckoff descubrió que el uso de High, Low y Close hacía que el gráfico fuera mucho más limpio y fácil de analizar. El indicador " HLC_bar_MT5 Wyckoff " permite: # Cambiar el ancho de la barra; # Deja la barra del mismo color; # Y resalte la barra que abrió y cerró al mismo precio. Los
El indicador construye un semáforo de tres periodos y un patrón de inversión 123 desde el extremo. La señal se produce en la apertura de la segunda vela. Este patrón se puede negociar de diferentes maneras (punto de prueba 3, ruptura y otros). La salida del canal o la ruptura de la línea de tendencia es el principal desencadenante para encontrar un punto de entrada. Los iconos están coloreados según los niveles de Fibonacci. Los iconos amarillos indican una prueba de un nivel en el que la señal
SL Sniper
Chalin Saranga Jayathilake
SL Sniper I coded. to trade with the trap system of the main market with vsa   for more information and you want vsa system  please  pm me Suggested timeframes to trading : M1- M2- M3- M5 - M15-M30 -H1  Wait london and newyork markert open after wait best then select the best strong index and weakest index by sniper Histogram is indicated by one arrow at a time. The signal in the end direction of weak and strong All red and green mean trending index,natural market is displayed only in white SL
Indicator finds swing highs and lows, which are located between x bars to the left and y bars to the right. It plots such high and lows in form of continuous lines. Here is description of inputs. High Left Length  - count of bars to the left for finding of swing high High Right Length   - count of bars to the right for finding of swing high Low Left Length   - count of bars to the left for finding of swing low Low Right Length   - count of bars to the right for finding of swing low
Segmented Volume MT5
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
El indicador de volumen segmentado MT5 se creó para facilitar a quienes operan utilizando análisis de precios y volumen, VSA, VPA, método Wyckoff y Smart Money System. El volumen segmentado funciona en cualquier mercado (Crypto, CFD, Forex, futuros, acciones ...) y funciona en cualquier momento del gráfico. Vea lo fácil que es su interpretación: #Verde: Volumen mucho más alto que el promedio del mercado #Rosa oscuro: volumen más grande que el promedio #Azul: Volumen normal positivo #Red: Volumen
Volume Zone Fractal
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
VZO Plus es un indicador que muestra las regiones de sobrecompra y sobreventa en función del volumen negociado. # Cuando la línea del indicador está entre -40 y -60 está sobrevendida #Cuando la línea del indicador está entre 40 y 60, hay sobrecompra. Fuera de estas regiones, el mercado sigue su camino natural por inercia. Por encima de la línea verde, significa que el mercado es positivo, Otra forma de analizar el indicador es a través de regiones de divergencia. Cuando tenemos la parte inferior
VSA Smart Money
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
El indicador VSA Smart Money rastrea el movimiento de los comerciantes profesionales, los intercambios institucionales y todos los movimientos de hombres compuestos. El VSA Smart Money Indicator lee barra por barra, siendo una excelente herramienta para quienes utilizan VSA, Wyckoff, PVA y cualquier otro análisis que utilice precio y volumen. Hay 10 indicaciones que encontrará en su gráfico: *No Demand *Climax *UT Thrust *Top Reversal bar *Stop Volume *No Supply *Spring *Bottom Reversal *Shakeou
Infinity Indicator MT5
Luiz Felipe De Oliveira Caldas
Infinity Indicator MT5 1.0 Panel Asset Rate % EURUSD   96.0% GBPUSD     94.1% AUDCAD     90.5% USDCHF     87.8% BTCUSD     78.4% Panel Win Rate based on CandleMT4 Exit Button Calculates the StdDev standard deviation indicator on the RSI data, stored in the matrix similar to the keltner. input int HourCalculate = 12; RsiLength  = 5; RsiPrice   = PRICE_CLOSE; HalfLength = 4; DevPeriod  = 100; Deviations = 0.9; UseAlert   = true; DrawArrows = true; TimerWork=300; LevelUp = 80; LevelDown = 20; MoreS
Bollinger Prophecy is a multicurrency trending tool for technical analysis of financial markets. Draws 3 lines on the chart that show the current price deviations of the currency pair. The indicator is calculated based on the standard deviation from a simple moving average. The parameters for the calculation are the standard double deviation and the period of the moving average, which depends on the settings of the trader himself. A trading signal is considered when the price exits the trading c
Jac Trend
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
El indicador de tendencia JAC para MT5 fue creado para facilitar la identificación de la tendencia del mercado de una manera fácil y ágil. # Cuando el indicador JAC Trend es verde , tenemos una pre-tendencia al mercado de tendencia alcista. # Cuando el indicador JAC Trend es rojo , tenemos una pre-tendencia al mercado de tendencia bajista. # Cuando el indicador JAC Trend está gris , tenemos un mercado lateral sin fuerza. De esa forma tienes todos los lados a los que el Mercado puede dirigirse de
Boom and Crash Trend Detector is a  Non-Repaint   MT5 trading system usually being sold for 50 0$ . Most people use this for Deriv but can be used to forex too. The boom and crash spike indicator is a spike detecting software, with Multiple features, these features include. Spike Alert ( from 10 to 100-second warning before spike) Continues spike Alert (for double or continuous spikes at a time) supports all Boom/crash Indices M6 time frame works best here . Bigger time frame trend pointer for
Z Score Plus MT5
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
En finanzas, las puntuaciones Z son medidas de la variabilidad de una observación y los comerciantes pueden utilizarlas para ayudar a determinar la volatilidad del mercado. Los puntajes Z le dicen a los comerciantes si un puntaje es típico para un conjunto de datos específico o es atípico. Los puntajes Z también permiten a los analistas adaptar puntajes de múltiples conjuntos de datos para hacer puntajes que puedan compararse con mayor precisión entre sí. # En la práctica, tenemos el ZScore con
Fillipe Dos Santos
BetterVolumeTick it is a volume indicator. It marks the volume regions where there was a great aggression, also shows the volume intensity. Yellow means low volume, normal activity. Orange means activity with a pretty amount of volume. Red means ultra high volume. This indicator combined with the price chart will give you another view of the market context.
Master Calendar Osw
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
MASTER CALENDAR OSW Este Indicador fue creado inicialmente para mi uso personal, pero lo he ido mejorando poco a poco e implementando funciones para ayudas de mi trading del día a día y se seguirán implementando funciones si son de utilidad. DETALLES DEL CALENDARIO. >Calendario móvil y detallado de las noticias cercanas a la fecha actual, con datos como: fecha, País, Moneda, Sector de la noticia, Nombre de la Noticia, y datos Previo, Predicción y Actual. >El Calendario se actualiza automáticamen
The indicator defines a trading corridor, a flat market, and corrections. Allows you to compare the significance of different flat and trend areas (by time of existence and by volatility). This makes it possible to assess the market cycle and its mood at a glance. That is, how long does the flat last on average, and how long is the trend and what kind of volatility they have in points. As a rule, the longer the flat lasts, the more likely it is to accumulate the potential for a strong movement
BeST_ Elliot Wave Oscillator Strategies is an MT5 indicator which by default is the difference of two SMAs displayed as a histogram fluctuating around zero while a Signal Line generates Entry Signals either in a Reverse or in a Normal Mode and it is a very powerful tool that very often exploits huge market movements. Signal Line comes in 2 types: Advanced Get Type – like the corresponding one used in the homonym analysis package Mov. Average Type – as a Moving Average of the Elliot Oscillator
Signal Eskiya, in addition to channel lines, reflects entry signals in the form of arrows. Trading strategies using the channel indicator belong to the classic methods of technical analysis, are easy to execute, and therefore available even to beginners. Price ranges work equally well on any trading assets and timeframes, they can be used both independently and with additional confirmation from oscillators and market volumes. American traders say: “Trend is your friend”, which means “Trend is
Jacket MT5
Andriy Sydoruk
Jacket is an arrow indicator for forex, futures and binary options without redrawing. Tracks the market trend, ignoring sharp market fluctuations and noise around the average price. Works only at open prices. Therefore, it is reliable and without redrawing. This indicator uses its algorithms to analyze previous periods and predict further market behavior. It is based on the calculation of levels with a certain period, which allows you to more accurately assess the situation. Often, signals that
America is a global trend indicator. If you do not have your own trading strategy yet, you can use our ready-made trading strategy. The indicator will help in finding entry points when analyzing the price chart. The program first receives a "snapshot" of the graph, then analyzes it. The results are communicated to the trader in the form of signals. The main purpose of this indicator is to determine the moments of entries and exits from transactions, therefore the indicator displays only the tre
Market Fractal Analysis, Fractal Swing, Market Flow Fractal Cycles looks for Similar Patterns in the Market that repeat themselves because of the Market Fractal Nature. These patterns are displayed with help of Graphical Objects and Alerts can be received on their arrival. Read the   Blog   for full information. Features:- Auto Detection of Patterns Customization for Color and Line Styles Alerts, Emails & Push Notifications
K线极点轨道UD 【input 参数】 InpMyMagic: 幻数 InpShowPanel: 是否展示面板 InpOneLot: 开单量1份[最大99.99](=0最小手,>0固定手,<0>=-1净亏比,<-1净余最小亏比) InpAllLot: 总净单量,100%(=0最小手,>0固定手,<0>=-1净亏比,<-1净余最小亏比) InpLotMaxMoney: 开单量计算的最大金额(=0不管,>0超过该值即限制为该值,<0超过整数值即限制为小数倍数) InpLot1Dot1Money: 开单1手变化1点时金额变化值。(<=0自动计算(美元),>0指定) InpDotBig: 大间隔点值(>=0点值,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比) InpDotSml: 小间隔点值(>=0点值,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比) ==========   UD   ========== InpUDType: 类型(=0不开,=1常规,=4偏极,=6平台,=8慢跟,=10超前,=12跟随) InpMinWidth: 上下轨宽度最小值(>=0点值,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比) InpHTurnThr
Supply demand zoning
Oluwatosin Isaac Omotayo
After forming a New Structure High the market will retrace creating a higher low. When this movement occurs, that NSH's now become an area of structure called  resistance . As price action pushes up from the newly created higher lows, that resistance level becomes the last stand for sellers to stop the buyers from rallying.    IF the resistance level cannot be penetrated, THEN it's likely that we'll see either a period of consolidation or a reversal in trend. IF price action breaks through t
Volumes Direction MT5
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
VOLUMES DIRECTION MT5 Normalmente el indicador de volumen trae predeterminado un cambio de color cuando el volumen actual es mayor que el anterior, es importante pero no es muy útil. Por esto se creo este indicador que además del volumen normal, cuando la vela es alcista o bajista, las pinta de un color diferente, como predeterminado esta el azul para alcista y el rojo para bajista, pero estos colores se pueden personalizar al gusto del Trader. No olvides revisar mis otros indicadores que te ay
Liquidity Oscillator
Paolo Scopazzo
5 (1)
A powerful oscillator that provide Buy and Sell signals by calculating the investor liquidity. The more liquidity the more buy possibilities. The less liquidity the more sell possibilities. Please download the demo and run a backtest! HOW IT WORKS: The oscillator will put buy and sell arrow on the chart in runtime only . Top value is 95 to 100 -> Investors are ready to buy and you should follow. Bottom value is 5 to 0 -> Investors are ready to sell and you should follow. Alert + sound will appe
¡El   Indicador de Fuerza de la Moneda para MT5   es una solución innovadora para cualquier operador principiante o experto! Lleva el concepto de fortaleza de la moneda a un nivel completamente nuevo, ya que lo combina con la acción del precio y se puede aplicar en cualquier símbolo / par, aparte de las 28 combinaciones habituales de las 8 monedas principales. Eso significa que puede negociar la fuerza o la debilidad de cualquier par, incluidas todas las monedas, mayores, menores y exóticas, ma
Laguerre SuperTrend Clouds   adds an Adaptive Laguerre averaging algorithm and alerts to the widely popular SuperTrend indicator. As the name suggests,   Laguerre SuperTrend Clouds (LSC)   is a trending indicator which works best in trendy (not choppy) markets. The SuperTrend is an extremely popular indicator for intraday and daily trading, and can be used on any timeframe. Incorporating Laguerre's equation to this can facilitate more robust trend detection and smoother filters. The LSC uses the
Institucional Pivot
Jean Jacques Huve Ribeiro
Institutional Pivot is a result of 5 years of research on order flow analysis in the Forex market and Nasdaq, seeking mounting and defense positions. The one of the best support and resistance points you can have right now available to everyone. You can opt for the Forex, CME and Brazilian markets in the settings Choosing the market just plot on the chart to make your trades
"The VIX Fix is a powerful indicator that detects   market bottoms for any asset " The VIX (volatility index) is a ticker symbol of implied volatility of the S&P 500, calculated by the Chicago Board Options Exchange. VIX is a popular measure of market risk, and is one of the best measures of market bottoms that currently exists. Unfortunately, it only exists for the S&P 500... The VIX   Fix   was published by Larry Williams in 2007, and it synthesizes a VIX volatility index for any asset (not j
POC Auto
Anton Polkovnikov
Auto Point of Control Indicator for those who use the Market/Volume Profile in their trading, who are familiar with the concepts of POC and VAH/VAL. I often noticed that it is inconvenient to change the zone of POC level calculation. Also it is not always convenient to use periodic areas, such as Day, Hour, etc. So I decided to develop a fully automated POC, where the zones change each other through the algorithm in the script. How to use POC - everyone decides for himself. They can be stop-loss
This tool monitors Stochastic indicators on all time frames in the selected markets. Displays a table with signals to open a BUY trade (green) or SELL trade (red). You can set the conditions for the signal. You can easily add or delete market names / symbols. If the conditions for opening a trade on multiple time frames are met, you can be notified by e-mail or phone message (according to the settings in MT5 menu Tools - Options…) You can also set the conditions for sending notifications. The li
This tool monitors MACD indicators on all time frames in the selected markets. Displays a table with signals to open a BUY trade (green) or SELL trade (red). You can set the conditions for the signal. You can easily add or delete market names / symbols. If the conditions for opening a trade on multiple time frames are met, you can be notified by e-mail or phone message (according to the settings in MT5 menu Tools - Options…) You can also set the conditions for sending notifications. The list of
This tool monitors RSI indicators on all time frames in the selected markets. Displays a table with signals to open a BUY trade (green) or SELL trade (red). You can set the conditions for the signal. You can easily add or delete market names / symbols. If the conditions for opening a trade on multiple time frames are met, you can be notified by e-mail or phone message (according to the settings in MT5 menu Tools - Options…) You can also set the conditions for sending notifications. The list of s
This tool monitors CCI indicators on all time frames in the selected markets. Displays a table with signals to open a BUY trade (green) or SELL trade (red). You can set the conditions for the signal. You can easily add or delete market names / symbols. If the conditions for opening a trade on multiple time frames are met, you can be notified by e-mail or phone message (according to the settings in MT5 menu Tools - Options…) You can also set the conditions for sending notifications. The list of s
This tool monitors WilliamsPR indicators on all time frames in the selected markets. Displays a table with signals to open a BUY trade (green) or SELL trade (red). You can set the conditions for the signal. You can easily add or delete market names / symbols. If the conditions for opening a trade on multiple time frames are met, you can be notified by e-mail or phone message (according to the settings in MT5 menu Tools - Options…) You can also set the conditions for sending notifications. The li
True Choppiness Direction   determines if the market is choppy (trading sideways) or if it is trending, as well as the trend direction and strength   (green=up, red=down, grey=no trend) . The underlying algorithm is designed to detect trend movements even in the presence of noisy market data, please see screenshots. Trend strength is indicated by taller or shorter red/green fill. Choppiness index is range-bound between -50 (very trendy) and +50 (very choppy). This is a custom algorithm designed
This indicator shows you the higher high and lower low of a certain period of time. It is easy to use - select your desired time frame (current, 15Min, 1H, 1D) and the corresponding number of candles. The indicator measures the highest and lowest point within the specified range and automatically draws the two corresponding lines. The design of the lines is up to you! Should the trend break one of the drawn lines with a closed candle, a message will be sent to you by the built-in alarm funct
SL Trend Scanner MT5
Chalin Saranga Jayathilake
HI guys this my developing indicator 1st version alert logic work well.. this indicator using can you stronger currency and top weaker currency find well,this;s indicator multy MTF time frame strength work.very good for SL trend screener intraday trader and long time trader, very easily can you watch stronger and weaker index.I hope to more improve this future further,thank you if you want more information please  pm me
Trend Everest
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
Trend Everest MT5 indicator is a trend following indicator that aids in decision making. It is based on the calculation of ATR that assist and the average hull. A key issue is that the Trend Everest MT5 nominee does not repaint, so you can backtest with greater confidence. When it is Green, UpTrend When it is a Red downtrend. Not that the Market is fractal, so the longer the graphic time, the greater its degree of assertiveness.
Looking for a quality pivot point indicator?   So Prosecution is what you need!   To identify pivot points, the Prosecution indicator analyzes many conditions, as the aggregate analysis provides a more accurate picture of the market situation. What are pivot points? Pivot point analysis is often used in conjunction with the calculation of support and resistance levels, as is the case with trend line analysis. When analyzing pivot points, the first support and resistance levels are calculated u
TTM Squeeze Momentum is a volatility and momentum indicator introduced by John Carter of Trade the Markets (now Simpler Trading), which capitalizes on the tendency for price to break out strongly after consolidating in a tight trading range. This derivative Squeeze Momentum indicator attempts to identify periods of consolidation in a market. In general, the market is either in a period of quiet consolidation or vertical price discovery. By identifying these calm periods, one has a better oppor
Price reach indicator. It also serves as the perfect term for supports and resistance. I use it in two experts. The basic tool for professional trading. The indicator analyzes the last 500 bar and uses this to determine the levels ( but it doesn't predict the future ) . Personally, I use it on TF H1.  It is very simple. Four lines on chart and that's all. Only two input parameters.  Thousands of indicators. Why this? Is good ? No! Is very good. Please test the indicator prior to purchasing. You
Native Channels
BeeXXI Corporation
5 (1)
This indicator recognizes all support and resistance levels. A number of unique high-performance techniques have been applied, which made the existence of this indicator possible. All formed channels are naturally visible: horizontal linear linear parabolic cubic (Polynomial 3 degrees - Wave) This is due to a bundle of approximating channels. The formed channels form "standing waves" in a hierarchical sequence. Thus, all support and resistance levels are visible. All parameter management is i
53% OFF until December 31 (Normal price $125)! Don't miss the opportunity to have this invaluable tool!  This is a totally automated multi timeframe support and resistance levels finder on every MT5 chart. No manual work! Just drop this indicator on a chart and you will have the S/R levels always up to date. It is very convenient and helps the trader to anticipate possible stalls and reversions in price movements. The levels are displayed as lines and each timeframe has a different color. The i
Это классический вариант реализации экспоненциальной скользящей средней с коррекций ошибки, какой используется в индикаторах DEMA и TEMA. Соответственно названию, глубина коррекции ошибки увеличена до 33. Индикатор оптимизирован. Потребляет минимально возможные ресурсы. Достаточно быстр, учитывая объёмность вычислений. Может накладываться на другие индикаторы. Как и обычные скользящие средние, nEma_33 не перерисовывается (за исключением нулевого бара). Требуется история > Период*33*33. Согласно
Channel Creator
Ross Adam Langlands Nelson
The auto-channel indicator creates a top line and bottom line that encloses a channel within which the symbol has been trading.  The channel is created by finding high points for the top line and low points for the bottom line, these points are shown with arrows. A line of best fit is then plotted through these points and extended until the end of the chart. This indicator is useful for trading both within the channel and for breakouts. Inputs: MAPeriod - The moving average period over which the
Solomon K Han
Es la herramienta más completa disponible para los usuarios de patrones armónicos derivados de Fibonacci. Totalmente personalizable: nivel, color, tipo de línea y grosor. Elija los niveles de Fibonacci que se utilizarán de acuerdo con sus estudios. Por defecto, la herramienta ya tendrá niveles de Fibonacci que han demostrado ser respetados, pero que el usuario puede cambiar libremente. Seleccione el color, el tipo de línea y el grosor de cómo se dibujarán los niveles de Fibonacci, los rectá
Ivan Simonika
The intelligent algorithm of the Ikiru indicator accurately detects the trend, filters out market noise and generates input signals and exit levels. Functions with advanced statistical calculation rules improve the overall performance of this indicator. A convenient indicator for technical analysis and is suitable for trading binary options. All entry points are ideally optimal points at which movement changes. Entry points should be used as potential market reversal points. It is a hybrid tre
Andriy Sydoruk
The indicator connects the price in a cyclical-wave relationship. Thus, all intersection points will be optimal points at which the movement changes taking into account the indicator period. Crossing points can be used as potential market reversal points. But do not forget that the approach must be complex, the indicator signals require additional information to enter the market. Suitable for forex, futures and binary options without redrawing. It gives a lot of signals, which requires additio
Hola , Para operar de forma segura en Forex, todo lo que necesita es el indicador" Pro intradía trading MQL5". Este indicador analiza el "valor más bajo y más alto del día" de este instrumento en los períodos de tiempo que ha establecido, declara las puntuaciones de "compra/venta segura" y le da el "precio objetivo" en el gráfico en vivo. Ofrece Comprar 1-Comprar 2-Comprar 3 como puntos de venta seguros. Ofrece Ventas 1-Ventas 2-Ventas 3 como puntos de venta seguros. De acuerdo con su análi
Modified MACD, for technical analysis of charts, with color backlight of histogram signals. The indicator highlights, the direction of the histogram movement, the change in the direction of the histogram movement, the histogram peaks, the interaction of the histogram and the signal curve. Also, the indicator makes it easier to find convergences / divergences between bars and the histogram (which serve as a powerful signal in some trading systems using the MACD indicator). Color designation of Ad

¿Sabe usted por qué MetaTrader Market es el mejor lugar para vender estrategias comerciales e indicadores técnicos? Con nosotros, el desarrollador no tiene que perder tiempo y fuerzas en publicidad, protección del programa y ajustes de cuentas con los compradores. Todo eso ya está hecho.