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Solar Winds - indicador para MetaTrader 4

2016.03.25 15:09
Solar_Winds.mq4 (2.8 KB) ver
MQL5 Freelance ¿Necesita un robot o indicador basado en este código? Solicítelo en la bolsa freelance Pasar a la bolsa
Author: Yura Prokofiev

The only catch is that the indicator is, so to say, dynamic. That is it can redraw more than ten (!) bars. And what is seen as green was red before. And it became green only because the trend went up.

Traducción del ruso realizada por MetaQuotes Ltd
Artículo original: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/7176

Pattern Pattern

Displays the type of candlestick or small pattern in accordance with the general setting.

Pattern Alert v1.1 Pattern Alert v1.1

A more advanced patterns analyzer. In addition, it generates a signal.

Instantaneous Trend Line Instantaneous Trend Line

One of the indicators I recommend to novices as the entry indicator.

Time1 Time1

The idea of this indicator is quite simple: draw lines to remember the current phase of the market and who "rules" the market.