Rustamzhan Salidzhanov
Rustamzhan Salidzhanov
Published screenshot
DemoCL-DEC22., M1LBLV Ltd
Added topic What, again?
All statistics - ratings, reviews, downloads, purchases - are gone
Added topic How do I disable the display of the balance in the header?
I couldn't find it in the settings. It would be better if the messages were fixed at last
Added topic Apply the template programmatically?
Need the most efficient way possible in source code, using winapi exclusively. A library is not an option. Emulation of user actions too. Help plz, I've got some cool stuff on my mind
михаил потапыч
михаил потапыч
Added topic from Bears
Someone does not like the work of the moderators. Suggesting in private to take part in moderator ranking. I suggest not getting involved in this bullshit. The usual ways of contacting Roche or Renate to offend don't seem to work
Bretan Mychel
Bretan Mychel 2022.05.03
Added topic Which is more important - the entrance or the exit? Is the entry point even important? Is the exit point even important?
Sat ) Interested in an opinion on all three questions, preferably with an intelligible explanation of why. The answer should not depend on the trading system used. I will give my opinion later) if necessary
Added topic Has anyone wondered why and how much the trend building "walks"?
As you can see from the image, by at least a few points. There is no history paging, shifting or other nonsense. The pictures are simply obtained by scrolling. At first I thought it was just inaccuracy of plotting (+- pixel or something), but on the
Added topic Doing interesting things for free
If you have something interesting to implement in terms of -- visualization -- panels -- turkeys -- plotting -- upgrades, aids and utilities, Not directly related to trading and signal generation , throw your suggestions and ideas in here. The
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012)
The previous episode is here . The rules are the same
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic [Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012)
The previous episode is here . The rules are the same
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic [Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012)
The previous episode is here . The rules are the same
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic [Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011)
The end of the previous episode is here . The rules of the series remain the same
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic [Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011)
The end of the previous episode is here . The rules of the series remain the same
Added topic Free lectures from Stanford University
If you have a good command of English and a desire to improve your skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI -- http://www.ai-class.com/ IO -- http://www.ml-class.org/course/auth/index AI lectures include data mining if anything
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic [Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011)
We're starting a new episode. The old one has been archived
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011)
It was decided, after a bit of delay, to create another "eurowetwork" with a slightly modified name. Monthly numbering will make it easier to find the information you want. The address is here . Now for the main points. It is strictly
Sceptic Philozoff
Sceptic Philozoff
Added topic [Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4)
The link to the last page of the previous episode is here . The rest is posted here
Added topic A sub-workshop to fill in the FAQ (frequently asked questions). Let's help comrades!
This is a working thread, created to generate a list of frequently asked questions and to prepare answers to them. The second post in the thread contains a list of questions. This list will be created by the moderators from users' posts in the
Added topic Neuromongers, don't pass by :) need advice
Greetings :) . The situation is as follows: about half a year ago, I got seriously involved in neuronics. And gradually, step by step, not without help of some forum users, I reached such a picture: Here is my masthead, if anyone is interested