• Information
9+ years
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I started Forex trading since late 2013. From 2014 I put my most energy and time on researching and developing automatic trading robots and strategies. I've developed a full featured trading and backtesting system (names ftap) in C++.
Wang Qi
Added topic Can I post indicators for sale in "Commercial Trading Systems and indicators"?
Hi, all, I've read a lot of high quality content on TSD and recently I decided to register and join the forum. My question is, what's the forum "Commercial Trading Systems and indicators" for? Can I post my commercial indicators there? I don't see
Wang Qi
Added topic Cutomze indicator, how to get indicator level value?
For example, in a RSI indicator, we can use IndicatorSetDouble to set the levels to, e.g, 70 and 30, but how to retrieve the values from the code? There is no IndicatorGetDouble... Thanks
Wang Qi
Added topic OrderType() returns wrong in a complicated EA while it's correct in another simple EA
Hi all, I have two pending orders for test purpose. One is buy limit ( OP_BUYLIMIT is 2), another is sell stop which is OP_SELLSTOP 5. There are only those two pending orders, no any other orders or trades. I put the following code in an almost empty
Wang Qi
Added topic Global scoped variables don't reset after changing time frame?
Hi all, I'm coding an EA. I have a global scoped variable. The pseudo code looks like: bool hasDoneSomething = false ; int OnInit () { blah blah } void OnTick () {    if (! hasDoneSomething) {     hasDoneSomething = true
Wang Qi
Added topic Can't MT4 run in VirtualBox XP/Win7?
Hi, I tried to run latest version MT4 on XP and Win7 in VirtualBox, it crashes on startup. Can MT4 run in VirtualBox? Or it "detects" the virtual machine and kill itself for anti-debug purpose? I need to run MT4 in virtual machine to do some test
Wang Qi
Added topic How to cause OnTick called from a DLL?
I download FX Blue QuickChannel library, seems it can make OnTick called whenever a new message is sent, from a DLL (indeed from another process). in QuickChannel pdf document, it says, ============= Once an EA/script has called QC_StartReceiver()
Wang Qi
Added topic How to know if an indicator is first run
Hi all, Before all, let me define "first run". From MQL documentation, https://docs.mql4.com/runtime/running Loading and Unloading of Indicators Indicators are loaded in the following cases: an indicator is attached to a chart; (This is first run)
Wang Qi
Added topic Type casting reference to object to derived class?
class Base { }; class Derived : public Base { public :      void MyFunc( const Base & obj)     {          // how to type cast obj to Derived
Wang Qi
Added topic Questions on selling MT4 indicators with DLL
Hi, I developed a bunch of indicators in C++ to use in my private trading/backtesting system. Now I'm thinking to wrap them in MT4 indicator so I can sell or publish them. But I have a few questions, 1, Seems MetaQuote market doesn't allow DLL, thus
Wang Qi
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