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Added topic MT5 APP: No ringtone for notifications on the phone
Good morning, Would someone be so kind to try this? e.g. SendNotification (_Symbol); in MT5-Desktop Application it will SendNotification via MetaQuotes ID to the android phone. But unfortunately there is no rington e for notifications on the phone
Added topic MT5 Refresh all open charts
Hi, i try a refresh for all my open charts, i.e. have 4 EUSUSD charts open: H4, H1, M30, M15. But after running the script void OnStart () { long id= ChartNext ( 0 ); while (id>= 0 ) {
Added topic Print output from multiple indicators to one shared file
Hi, I have different indicators that run on different MT5 instances with different _Symbols. These indicators provide printouts. Is there a way to output these printouts in ONE file shared by all MT5's? Do I have to regulate the access to the file
Added topic how to convert MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_TICKVALUE) to MT5 version?
I used MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_TICKVALUE) in MT4, but can not found equivalent in MT5
Added topic Daily trendline at a fixed price between two candles
Hi Folks, i'm quite newbie to MQL and i try to draw a trendline in MQL4. The trendline should have a fix price, start at the time which i only have in a string (i.e. "06:05") and end at the time which i only have in a string (i.e. "10:45"). It should