Since the dollar and euro are not traded on the MOEX, it cannot be said that the ruble is not traded. People traded it on FOREX before, but quotes from Moscow guided players. Therefore, USDRUB and EURRUB on Forex were unreliable sources of information...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 77
20 June 2024, 12:41 #USDRUB, forex
Here is an excellent example of an absolute monopoly. As you know, producing commercial airliners is an expensive and hazardous business. For these reasons, the world market is actually divided between two companies: Boeing and Airbus. For decades, outsiders have been prevented from entering...
Company News
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2 June 2024, 21:26
Best trading tips will help you combine your strategy with your trading symbol. Some steps of this algorithm can also benefit investment strategies. The first of the trading tips Keep your strategy as simple as possible...
Trading Strategies
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8 March 2024, 21:31
When fishing, you should choose the tackle to catch something significant. The same is true when you trade. You must correctly compound a financial instrument and your strategy. Otherwise, you can ruin even very good trading results. Here’s an algorithm on how to avoid this...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 144
27 January 2024, 14:53 #stocks, forex
Archaeologists have uncovered a cluster of lost cities in the Amazon rainforest. You can see the LIDAR image from the Copueno site, Upano Valley, in Ecuador. Mapping by laser-sensor technology has made this possible. Image source: The Guardian...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 137
20 January 2024, 22:00
Quantum computers look like the picture below. How long will it take for quantum computers to become as widespread as regular computers today? You may consider this question too bold. In any case, you better prepare for their sudden appearance...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 198
11 January 2024, 18:58 #Google
In the Year of the Dragon, let’s pay attention to the Chinese yuan. It seems there is not something interesting about it. But don’t you know, there are actually two yuan? And both of them are Chinese. This is a rather strange and atypical monetary system. Interesting? Read on...
Analytics & Forecasts
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8 January 2024, 21:35
Interbank loans are short-term loans that financial institutions, such as banks, lend to one another. These loans are typically used by banks to manage their daily liquidity needs and to meet their regulatory reserve requirements. Here’s how interbank loans work...
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23 August 2023, 16:07
Arbitrage traders are individuals or entities that engage in a trading strategy known as arbitrage. Arbitrage is the practice of taking advantage of price discrepancies for the same asset or security across different markets or trading platforms...
Trading Strategies
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14 August 2023, 11:25
Continuous futures refer to a type of financial derivative contract that allows investors to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price, with settlement occurring at a future date. As you know, traditional futures contracts have specific expiration dates...
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29 July 2023, 16:32