
MQL4 - Incomplete screenshot

I have a simple code to take a screenshot, but the problem is that the screenshot is incomplete. It doesn't matter the time I use in Sleep() after the redraw. Here's the code: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Global constants

ChartApplyTemplate removes the EA

Hi, The code below removes the EA after X seconds (if you try to debug it, it closes the current chart). Just create an EA with the code, run it and press T key: void OnChartEvent ( const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const

Change a pending order to market order

Hi, is it possible to change a pending order to a market order? I tried to do it, but I receive a "no changes" return. Thank you

FileOpen() and CFilePipe::Open() do not create a pipe

Hi all, I have this simple code trying to write some text on a pipe using 2 different ways for it (using FileOpen() and CFilePipe::Open() ): #include <Files\FilePipe.mqh> //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|

Using named pipes

Hi, I'm trying to use this article to create a named pipe, but it is not working. Actually the problem happens when I try to create it. Here's the simplified code: cnamedpipes_simple.mqh: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|

[No prices] and [off quotes] at market order

Hi, I need help to understand why do I get [No prices] and [off quotes] returns when opening a position at market price, and the symbol ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION is SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION_EXCHANGE. 2021.01.05 10:17:40.203 Trades '999999': failed exchange buy 1 WING21 at market sl: 117900 tp

OnTradeTransaction() in Service

Hi, is it possible to have OnTradeTransaction() in Service? I have a service that buys and sells (with TP and SP, and I don't need to attached it to a chart ), but I am not able to check how the position was closed. It should have the same behaviour OnTradeTransaction() has in EAs (even if it is

CTrade::PositionClosePartial() does not keep the position comment

I believe this is more a comment than an issue. .\MQL5\Include\Trade\Trade.mqh line 601, function PositionClosePartial() when calling it, the function does not keep the current position comment . I just added the line below before the return: m_request.comment= PositionGetString ( POSITION_COMMENT

Terminal deletes MQL5\Logs files automatically?

Hi, I'd like to know if Terminal deletes MQL5\Logs files automatically. I read the help site below, but I could not find anything about this. Thank you

MetaTrader VPS - migrate MQL5\Images folder?

Hi, I'm migrating all my terminals to MetaTrader VPS and the EA send me a current graphic window screenshot with a background image loaded from /Images folder. Even using "Migrate all" option, EA can't load this image to populate the screenshot background. Is there any alternative to have this