
Other platforms

Before finding this forum, I had concluded that MetaTrader is the best platform. Obviously, with the programming capabilities and all. Some brokers charge for API support. There is Gain that has free API support, but, you are locked into Gain if you go that route. But, I have seen a few mentions of

My idea for an EA...

Since I'm new here, I'm just getting my proverbial feet wet. But, this is what I have for an idea of an EA. Not written a line of code yet, just an idea. First off, based on what I've read on scalping and doing very short time frame techniques, they sound to be impossible in practice. I want to work

So, how many people actually make money?

I'm reading through some of the threads here and on other forums. Some things sound astonishingly promising, other things sound totally discouraging. I see that Newdigital has posted a fantastic amount of data here. Must spend much time, very appreciated. Looking at the EA results, some fantastic

Close half a position - newbie question

I tried asking this once already, and the admin moved the post to the programming forum. Its not a programming question, it is simply a question on how to use MetaTrader. Is there a better forum for simple MetaTrader usage questions? It should be an easy question, but I can't figure it out. Say I