
Game Mode in Windows 10?

I'd like to know if Game Mode (which is activated in Windows by default) is any helpful with MetaTrader5? Does Windows see MetaTrader in any way as a game? So is Game Mode good, neutral or bad for trading with MetaTrader5 and should therefore be switched on or off? - when you trade manually - when

Discussion: Quantum computers vs. Stone-Age-Backtesting in MetaTrader + how to compete with professionals as an individual trader

Hello, I'd like to share a link about the development of the fastest quantum computer on earth for those who are interested. Think about how incredibly slow creating and backtesing of EAs today is for the average individual trader compared to what's possible in our world. Doing stuff on MetaTrader

Computer Processor, system requirements for MetaTrader 5

Hello guys, I'd like to know if it makes a difference for manual, discretionary trading on MetaTrader 5 how many cores your computer processor has? I don't have a clue, but I'm interested in understanding how the technical aspect works here. Let's say you always have about four charts open in the