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Added topic Signal not showing after move to a different broker
I moved my subscribed signal from FPMarkets MT5 to BlackBull Markets MT4. The signals subscriptions page indicates the move went OK. However it doesn't show as being attached to my BBM account in MT4 and in Tools, Options, Signals, it says: "Signal
Added topic Trading enabled, Signal disabled - VPS not trading
Started about a week ago with Signal trading by VPS only. VPS did one trade on 01Apr22, but missed the next two on 05Apr22. Relevant journal entry below. I'm new to all this, haven't meddled much. What is likely to have caused "signal disabled" and
Added topic Would this increase broker leverage?
A signal provider told me that if I buy their EA rather than simply rent it, it would overcome the leverage limitation that my broker sets. I can't see how that could be, but I'd be interested in the comments of others. TIA
Added topic Australian leverage
Does anyone know of a broker offering 500:1 leverage to Australian traders, without onerous conditions? I have found brokers outside Australia where 500:1 is offered with no special conditions. But as soon as you disclose you are an Australian
Added topic How to match Signal performance?
My subscribed Signal did my first trade yesterday. The return I got was about half what I would expect after allowing for the differences in leverage and balances just prior to the trade. My leverage is 30:1, Signal uses 100:1. I have adjusted my
Added topic Have I set up Signal and VPS correctly?
I believe I've set up Signal and VPS correctly, can someone comment? I'm a bit puzzled by the Journal entries, I would have expected several lines. What does "Cloud servers switched off" mean
Added topic Problem with XAUUSD suffix
Tried to subscribe to a signal which only uses XAUUSD , but the signal warned my broker IC Markets did not have this symbol. In fact ICM does, but it is named XAUUSD.a because it is IC Markets Australia. Any Australian traders run into this problem
Added topic Geting started with copy-trading
Is there a step-by-step guide for this? The 1 min 18 s video is not very helpful. I have a 30:1 account with ICMarkets Australia. It seems I can try to login to various ICMarket servers from the MQL5 webpage, though it won't accept my login on the
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