
where iMA take is data from?

hello, i like to know where the platform take the data when i use iMA function? i delete all my ex4/mq4/mqh files from the platform, but when i call the iMA function from new indicator its still working... where the data is comeing from? tnx

fail to use externalbuffer, please help

hello mql4s ppl, sry for my noob quistion. but im stuck on this for 3 days now, il be heppey to be resque. i have indicador "A" that send exteralbuffer like that: #property indicator_label1 "USD Blue" #property indicator_type1 DRAW_LINE #property indicator_color1 clrDodgerBlue #property

mt4 runing script by tick

hello, i know that mt4 runing the script evry time there a "tick". i like to know if mt4 get tick by "ask/bid/last" or all of them? tnx tom