timmytrade / Profile
Added topic OBJPROP_ZORDER problem
Hello, I'm using z-order in ea for trading buttons but every time I change timeframe it seems that object order is messed up and buttons are still behind other elements in my chart
Added topic Problem with huge amount of levels
Hello, I found very useful Key Levels indicator from codebase here But the problem is that it draws lot of lines to the charts and during rapid price movements, like news, this indicator laggs candles, price and charts overall. So I would like
Added topic Horizontal lines(levels) indicator lagging MT5
I have noticed that this level indicator on chart causes bad price lagging when US market opens and trading activity steps in. How to reduce the number of lines so that lines are drawn only in the active screen? At the moment lot of lines will be
Added topic Fibo based on yesterday high-low
Hi guys, I'm trying to understand one of Mladen fibo indicator calculations and plots. So todays fibo lines are calculated by yesterday range in this simple way: if ( Bars ( _Symbol , _Period )<rates_total) return (- 1 );
Added topic Range Breakout EA MT5 issues
I wrote that code by some youtube programming channel. No errors, compiles fine but in tester DrawingObjects doesn't look right(specially range) and finally it stops taking trades(probably because of that buggy range)
Added topic MqlRates close price for many symbols
I'm using multi symbol ea with classes and need to get close of last bar but through the usual method with MqlRates I get last close only for the 1st pair in list. bool CTradingEngine31::SearchTradingSignals( void ) {
Added topic MQL5: Multi Symbol EA doubled trades
I would like to get that EA to trade only one deal per signal but while testing this EA I noticed that sometimes it opens two trades at the same time or it opens a trade after signal and then another trade comes one bar later
Added topic Indicator disappearing from the chart MT5
I'm trying to use SetSymbol indicator on MT5. After attaching indicator everything seems to work but then suddenly indicator disappears from the chart. Indicator window still shows indicator and also there is no error showing. SetSymbol.cpp #define
Added topic Many custom indicators in one indicator or in EA ?
I have many indicators which I use in my EA at the moment. Could be very stupid question but what you guys are suggesting? Is there any big difference if I call all indictors in EA or I call all indicators in one indicator and then using this one
Added topic Breakeven mystery
I found nice little EA only for modifying SL and TP here https://www.mql5.com/en/code/23037 EA moves positions to Breakeven+profit. Now when I test it I see that if there is 1 BUY position open, TP is correctly where it should be(let say 30
Added topic EA in tester does not trade most of YEN pairs
I tested my EA in tester and suddenly discovered mysterious problem. EA does not trade YEN pairs except USDJPY . But has no problem with live trading, all yen pairs works there. Digits as always: int digits_adjust= 1 ; if
Added topic Can't find right buffer for iCustom MT5
I'm trying to call iCustom from attached volume indicator but no success. Indicator shows Rising and Climax volume. I need to get the buffer which shows red or green bar, it means Bullish and Bearish Climax. Buffers from the volume indicator double
Added topic Graphical panel - expression not boolean
I have working trade panel , code not giving errors but there is a warning: 1st. problem 2.problem Recently I noticed that arrows and lines of closed trades are placed over the panel. Not such problem occured previously
Added topic Copied code doesn't work in tester (MT5)
I don't get it. I wrote EA, tested it, everything works fine. Now I copy the exact code, give new name to it and in tester it just doesn't do what it should do. Tried same thing with many EA's. As soon as I copy code it does not work anymore
Added topic Object move with price MT5
How to move this clock close to price and make it move with price? //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Added topic Arrows not painted in real time
This code wont paint arrow in real time. I know there is one loop needed for checking current running candle but firstly I don't understand what this "void clearmarks" function does? And can I write a new loop into "void CheckNPB" ? double CalRange(
Added topic How to get price of sweetspot level?
Hello, I have one modified version of sweetspot indicator( draws lines after 10 pips). Every line value is actually the price, yes? I'm too dumb of coding and don't understand which variable in this code is the level or let say price? I would
Added topic EMA over RSI EA code help
The code below is RSI indicator with SMA on it. I need a sentence something like this: if (SMA is above RSI) { do whatever } #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_color1 Red #property