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Added topic World GDP Hopes Are Collapsing
Presented with no comment (except to note how different the "fact" in this chart is from the "fantasy" we hear spewed day after day about 'recovery' in the world's economy) ... Chart: Bloomberg
Added topic UK fraud office to launch currency trading probe - Sunday Times
Britain's Serious Fraud Office is poised to begin its first criminal investigation of alleged rigging by traders in the foreign exchange market, the Sunday Times reported. The SFO, which is already conducting a criminal probe into the rigging of
Added topic The Case For Higher Rates Is Looking Weak...Again
Some analysts are again projecting that the age of higher interest rates has finally arrived. The Fed is tapering and the US economy is expanding moderately, despite a first-quarter setback. David Kotok last week wrote that the central bank’s
Added topic NY Fed Slams Deutsche Bank (And Its €55 Trillion In Derivatives)
First it was French BNP that was punished with a $9 billion legal fee after France refused to cancel the Mistral warship shipment to Russia (which promptly led to French National Bank head Christian Noyer to warn that the days of the USD as a reserve
Added topic ECB says website hacked, no sensitive data affected
The European Central Bank said on Thursday its website had been hacked and some email addresses and other contact information stolen but insisted no market-sensitive data were affected. The theft came to light after the central bank received an
Added topic By "Punishing" France, The US Just Accelerated The Demise Of The Dollar
Not even we anticipated this particular "unintended consequence" as a result of the US multi-billion dollar fine on BNP (which France took very much to heart). Moments ago, in a lengthy interview given to French magazine Investir, none other than the
Added topic Yellen Is Flat-Out Wrong: Financial Bubbles Are Caused By The Fed, Not The Market
More of the same from Janet Yellen in her latest speech, but her focus on “resilience” caught my attention as it relates to very recent developments. The taper threat experience last year may have been a warning, but it doesn’t seem like it resonated
Added topic Paul Craig Roberts: "The US Economy's Phantom Jobs Gains Are A Fraud"
Washington can’t stop lying. Don’t be convinced by last Thursday’s job report that it is your fault if you don’t have a job. Those 288,000 jobs and 6.1% unemployment rate are more fiction than reality. In his analysis of the June Labor Data from the
Added topic Is Germany leading the euro zone toward the no-growth cliff?
Bye, bye German growth story. In less than a year, Germany — touted as Europe’s economic engine, the region’s powerhouse, etc. — could be heading toward the no-growth cliff and possibly dragging the euro zone down with it. Manufacturing is weak, it
Added topic Will FOMC Minutes Help The Dollar?‏
Its been a very quiet night of trade in the currency market with the economic calendar very thin and majors tracing out narrow ranges in very lackluster dealing. Cable remained the weakest pair in G-10 as the unit continued to probe support at the
Added topic Genius: IMF Pronounces Bulgaria's Banks "Safe" Just 2 Weeks Before Bank Run
Earlier this summer, IMF bureaucrats went to Sofia, Bulgaria to study the country’s economic progress. And roughly a month ago, they released an official report which stated, among other things, that Bulgarian banks are “stable and liquid.” Talk
Added topic How a Goldman Sachs Ethicist Became a High-Rate Lender
Steven Mandis was working on a book about whether Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) put profit above principles when he hit upon a new way to make money. The former Goldman Sachs banker decided two years ago to get into lending money to struggling small
Added topic Banco Espirito Santo: All The Latest News
There has been an informational overload this morning, when as we reported previously, one after another bank scrambled to issue reports, some full of typos and clearly unvetted by compliance, calming the market and desperate to see all important
Added topic Germany Instructs Its Companies To Limit Cooperation, Procurement Orders With The US
Update: it just got worse. Moments ago Bloomberg followed up with the second, and expected, part of this story, namely that just like China cut off major US corporations from big procurement contracts leading to a collapse in CSCO and IBM Asian
Added topic ECB interest rates too low for Germany, says Bundesbank chief
The European Central Bank's interest rates are too low for Germany, Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann said on Saturday, adding that ECB monetary policy should remain expansive for no longer than absolutely necessary. Speaking at a Bundesbank open day
Added topic How a trader's brain REALLY works
I was a profitable trader for many years and have trained many successful ( and not so successful) traders. I found the recent research about what goes on inside a trader's brain interesting — but not quite right. The findings suggest that successful
Added topic U.S. stocks will be ‘very disappointing’ for 10 years
Opinion: Equities have been overvalued for some time, six gauges show U.S. stocks are overvalued — and have been for months. That is what six well-known measures of valuation show. While that doesn’t mean a bear market is imminent, there is a high
Added topic Bullard Says Economy Strong Enough to Handle 2015 Rate Rise
James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, said the U.S. economy is improving enough to withstand an increase in short-term interest rates next year as growth picks up. “I’m starting to think the economy could tolerate at
Added topic Euro-zone mood worsens despite ECB action
The European Central Bank's new measures to boost growth and the inflation rate across the euro zone seem to have inspired little fresh optimism among businesses and households about the single-currency area's economic prospects. A European
Added topic "To My Fellow Filthy Rich Americans: Wake Up, People. The Pitchforks Are Coming"
Memo: From Nick Hanauer To: My Fellow Zillionaires You probably don’t know me, but like you I am one of those .01%ers, a proud and unapologetic capitalist. I have founded, co-founded and funded more than 30 companies across a range of industries—from