
Carry trading, please explain.

Hi all, I have read so much about traders doing carry trading . I have read an article on carry trading saying if you buy $1,000,000 USD/JPY (US interest rates: 5.25%, Japan interest rates: 0.5%), when you only pay $10,000 because of the 1:100 leverage. After a year, you will collect the difference

Base and quote currency, which is affected

Hi, I am new to forex. I have read about intermarket analysis, my question is,: example: I went long on USD/AUD , a bad Australia economic report just came out, will it affect the currency pair ? which report (base or quote related) will hit the pair harder? Thanks

What is DiNapoli ?

Hi, I am pretty new to FX, still virtual trading. Can anyone enlightened me what is DiNapoli and how it is used? There is this Joe DiNapoli seminar, dunno whether it is worth going