
Object Description character limit

Hi All, I am creating an economic calendar indicator that display the event name in the object description of the vertical line. However if the character count exceed certain limit, the text will not be fully displayed for Object Description. Hence, I would like to seek recommendation on

prev_calculated reset twice when MT4 restart

Hi all, I have the following simplified code: bool init_; int OnInit () { init_ = true ; //--- return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED ); } int OnCalculate ( const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[]

Fill Channel Color

Hi All, I have successfully written the code to paint the zone in between of two moving average channels with 2 different colors. However, I am still unclear about how it actually works. For example, if the array are arranged in the following sequence, then the following chart would produce

Passing array of user-defined-class as reference

Hi, I have a user-defined-class as follow: class setup { protected: MY_ORDER_STATE xOrderState; public : //Parametric Constructor setup( double FrPrice, datetime FrTime, ENUM_XBARS_MODE Mode); //Constructor setup( void ); //Destructor