Stan Berghuis
Stan Berghuis

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Stan Berghuis
Added topic Signal stras differ from real stats
I ran a few strats on a demo account but the results where very different from the results stated on mql. How can this be
Stan Berghuis
Added topic Mql signal stats deviate a lot from my demo account
I have tested some signals but the performance i get are a lot worse then the results on mql. How can this be? 
Stan Berghuis
Added topic Hello guys i want to see the total drawdown each day for the eas publiced on here.
Hello guys i want to see the total drawdown each day for the eas publiced on here. When ever ik go to the page of an ea / strategy and go to the drawdown chart it only shows the drawdown from the last three months or so. Is there a possibility to see
Stan Berghuis
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