
How can I charge monthly subscription for indicators?

Dear fellow traders, i am will have a programmer create a dashboard with indicators and scanners for MT4. I would like to lease the dashboard on a monthly basis. My question is how can I end someone's access to the dashboard, once his subscription has ended ? kindest regards Peter D

>>> Metastock , RDL & MT4 connection <<<

Dear Forum members, I am using Metastock and Reuters DataLink for my data feed, and have created some proprietary indicators / models. Some of these indicators use data not available in MT4 as provided by brokers. I would like to have these indicators into MT4, but I am not sure how to achieve this


Dear Metatrader users, I would appreciate your help, as I am a newbie to MT4/MT5 I have the following in Metastock, but I am not sure if it can be done in MT4, and possibly switch. I have build a 3 indicators in Metastock. These indicators can be -say- "Bullish", "Bearish" or "Neutral". What I would


Dear Members, I would like to find an add-on, or extra software for MT4 that would enable to do market replay (in a faster time than real preferably) and also paper trade at the same time. Could you help me with possible suggestions please ? kindest regards Peter