
How to send message to another system

Dear Friends: Can you tell me how to send message from one trade system to another? Thanks

Is there any function which can get the order taking profit or stopping loss

Dear friends: If the orders have been set taking profit or stopping loss, they take profit or stop loss, how can i get it? thanks

why the value of them is zero

Dear expert: I use history data of auto trade system to test the function ,the value of RSV is zero,Please tell me why? while(i>=0) { MaxHigh=High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,nPeriod,i)]; MinLow=Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,nPeriod,i)]; if (MaxHigh-MinLow != 0)

How to implement the function SMA and REF which is stock interface

Dear expert: Do you know is there any function which has the same function as SMA and REF,if no, how to implement it? thanks