Added topic Harmonic Analyser signaling services
I have noticed several Harmonic Analyser services available to subscribe from $99-200 or even more (per month) and I am currently also following one (with a free preview) and so far I am quite impressed. For this money you get some live trading every
Added topic Need a simple warning "indicator"
Hi, Is there any "indicator" which would give me a sound warning when there is a quick change of the price in one minute (or 2). For example, when the price exceeds change of 15 pips in last 60 seconds, it would give me a sound warning. Is this
Added topic Market opening times
Is there any indicator which would show when the major markets will open (regarding to my GMT)? 10x
Added topic How to decide about lot size when entering a trade?
I am wondering how you, other traders, are deciding about the lot size with regard to your account balance ? How do you know, how much risk is enough? For example, having a $5.000 USD on 1:200 leverage. How do you decide how much margin will you use
Added topic Hedge position- script request
Can somebody create or does anyone has a script that would hedge positions at the same time/level? It would be also good maybe that there is an option that would set SL and TP for both orders. The reason why I need this is because manually hedging
Added topic Indicator that show if market is trending/ranging?
Is there any indicator that would show a.s.a.p enough if the market is ranging or trending? How to read that indicator
Added topic What makes market to move?
What makes forex market to move? I mean, what makes that the graph is moving up/down? Is it, that the graph moves down when most of traders are selling one currency and buying the other? Let's take EUR/USD for example: Today EUR went up over 1.3. Did
Added topic Parameters of this indicator?
Maybe anyone knows what would be the parameters for this indicator shown on the pic? Thanks, Vince
Added topic Is it possible to make this EA?
Is it possible to make this EA work? (see the attached image) So, here we have a H1 chart, Moving Average(10) -yellow line, and Bollinger Band (20) -red lines. Lets focus on the middle BB line and MA line: - When yellow MA crosses the middle BB from
Added topic Runing EA when computer is OFF?
Does the EA require an open application? Will EA run normally although the application is closed (not minimized)? Thanks
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Added topic EA- Cyberia Trader
Hello, We are testing Cyberia Trader and we (me and my friend) would like to know what is the difference between periods; PERIOD_H4 and PERIOD_M1? We ran tests for a period of H4 and M1 and we got totally different results under the same conditions