Suminda Dharmasena
Suminda Dharmasena
Suminda Dharmasena
Added topic How to know if the stop price has been reached in StopLimit Orders
I believe a StopLimit order has 2 components Stop price and Limit price I want to know if the stop price has been reached or not. If it has, what elements of the orders has changed. E.g. Can the StopLimit be modified and how? As this is not a limit
Suminda Dharmasena
Added topic How is StopLevel and FreezeLevel limitations determined for Stop Limit orders
The following document: does not give the limitation imposed for Stop Limit orders. I am using MT5 and I an getting a lot of "invalid order" and "invalid stop" errors. I suspect one of the reasons might be
Suminda Dharmasena
Added topic Saving and loading enums fields in structures to and from the DB
I want to store a structure which contains enums in the DB and later retrieve the same. How are enums mapped to and from the built in DB types
Suminda Dharmasena
Added topic Shared folders stopped working
Shared folders have stopped working. Any fetch, commit at the project or file level fails with "common error"
Suminda Dharmasena
Added topic What is the overhead of calling ArrayGetAsSeries and ArraySetAsSeries
I have seen code like: //--- save as_series flags    bool as_series_price= ArrayGetAsSeries (price);    bool as_series_buffer= ArrayGetAsSeries (buffer);    ArraySetAsSeries (price, false );    ArraySetAsSeries
Suminda Dharmasena
Added topic Setting up a Multi Symbol Multi Time Period EA
I am new to MQL. I am looking for a simple multi symbol multi time period EA template which can be used as a template to create new strategies? Suminda
Suminda Dharmasena
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