Cristi Margaritescu
Cristi Margaritescu
Cristi Margaritescu
Added topic ObjectSetText not working anymore.
#property copyright "Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link        "" #property version    "1.00" #property strict double winrate= 0 ; double totaltr= 0 ; double pf= 0 ;
Cristi Margaritescu
Added topic Indicator problem
So i'm trying to make a new indicator with a histogram that has 2 values. 1 and -1. It is supposed to increase the outcome of trades if you only trade with the trend that's shown by the indicator. Now the problem with my indicator is that if the
Cristi Margaritescu
Added topic int array not working
int c[]; c[1]=1; print(c[1]); it prints c[1] as being zero
Cristi Margaritescu
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