Sergio Gelli
Sergio Gelli
Diretor at Empresário
Sergio Gelli
Added topic hundreds of MQL.LNK files
After an update MetaTrader5 started writing hundreds of .LNK files in the MetaTrader base directory How do I avoid this? Assuming I have the file "name.mq5" in the editor: a file "name.mql.lnk" is created If I delete the file "name.mql.lnk" Just open
Sergio Gelli
Added topic 06/2018 Meta Trader has stopped working with Linux
I use Linux OpenSuse For some time now it is no longer possible to install MetaTrader 5 To solve the problem I have done an installation on an old machine (32 bits) and then I copy the folders to the new machine This worked until yesterday, but today
Sergio Gelli
Added topic How to solve "A debugger has been found running in your system...."
I was using the Meta Trader 5 inside Linux OpenSuse and Wine . Until recently it was working very well, but now when trying to run this program, it does not work anymore. The following error message is displayed "A debugger has been found running in
Sergio Gelli
Added topic "Strategy Tester", stoploss, takeprofit. How to assign values
Please help me understand I use mql5 :) How should I do to make the stoploss values and takeprofit of my EA are used in the " Strategy Tester " No matter the values that exist in my text " ea.ml5 " . They will be ignored. Whenever I run the "
Sergio Gelli
Added topic "Strategy Test" = joke or game?
I did an EA and running it with $ 1,000 between January and July 2015 , using the " Strategy Test" and got the result of $ 2,700,000.00 You will say " Oh ... What a wonderful EA !!!" But, I put this EA also with $ 1,000 in an online account and on a
Sergio Gelli
Added topic Using EA "Strategy Test" with data for the current day: Is it possible?
I have tried to test my ES systematically and compared with the results obtained in a demo account . Invariably , the results have been very different , yet have slowly detected the reasons and I learn about what I expected in fact the results of a
Sergio Gelli
Added topic Find help by text
Where can I find ( if any ) instructions on MQL5 just typing it? Eg: " How close an open long position " ? So if there is this kind of search , here is the question :) : How do I close an open long position ? Thanks in advance
Sergio Gelli
Added topic Custom indicators do not change color in the properties window
I'm using OpenSuse Linux with KDE and MQL5. As everyone knows, to change the colors of an object , simply click two times on it and a window appears that lets you change their properties . Just click on the point indicated by the arrow , will appear
Sergio Gelli
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