
IG Index OrderSend

Hi All, I have been trying to get OrderSend working without any joy, I am sure this is simple but I cannot figure it out. anyone got a good example of using OrderSend with IG Index on the FTSE100? Steve

Populate order box and display it

Hi All, Title says it all, I would like to have a way of populate the order box and display it. so all I have to do is press "OK" to place the order Steve

File path

Hi, Easy one for you guys I am sure, can you give the file path to write a txt file, I have tried loads and I'm just not getting it :-( Steve

Reading values from file

string FileName = "c://report.txt" ; int handle = FileOpen (FileName, FILE_TXT | FILE_READ ); if (handle!= INVALID_HANDLE ){ string MyString = FileReadString (handle); FileClose (handle); } Can anyone spot why this code does not work, I get an invalid handle, the file does exist

Yet another OrderSend idiot ;-)

Hi All, I know, I know!! it's probably the most asked question but I am unable to figure it so please take a look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong as it's not working in backtesting Broker = intertrader minstoplevel= MarketInfo ( Symbol (), MODE_STOPLEVEL ); if (OrderMe

OnTick() time

Hi all, I am trying to back test my EA but when I try to get the time of the tick it keeps returning the actual current time void OnTick () { //--- WriteLog( IntegerToString ( TimeHour ( iTime ( NULL , PERIOD_M5 , 0 )))+ " " + IntegerToString ( TimeMinute ( Time [ 0 ]))); I have tried but

Smoothing indicator

Hi, I have an indicator on a 1min GBPUSD chart and it is created by looping through the bars getting the EURUSD closing price, The indicator works fine but I want to smooth this indicator how do I do it? (example please as I have tried and failed several times using iMA and iMAOnArray) P.S. Sorry I

FTSE / S&P 500 correlation

Hi all, I am tracking the correlation between the FTSE 100 and S&P 500 on a daily basis, I am only playing with demo cash at the moment but it looks really good :) so my question is where is the punch line, at what point does it all go pear shaped? I wait until there is a deviation > 1 (normally

Change chart properties

Hi, how do I change the properties of a chart, things line line colour of GBPUSD in code? Thanks Steve

iStdDevOnArray help

Hi Guys, I am new to writing experts and need some help, I am trying to get the standard deviation for closing prices from a EURUSD 1min chart but I do not understand what the MA parameters are used for or what to set them to! Here is what I have so far: Array of iClose values for EURUSD from a 1min