
Market Closed?

Please help, How can I find out wether the marked is closed

a Serious BUG!

double myarray[]; if (poss<0) { int count=0; //Alert("Copying"); switch (bla) { case 1: // count = CopyHigh(symbol, PERIOD_M1, sdate, TimeCurrent(),myarray); break; case 2: count = CopyLow(symbol

How to get highest and lowest position since specified time effectively?

What Im trying to do, or what I have to do, is to find out an openening price on some symbol as of specific time, and then to find out a highest and the lowest price since then. The problem is, I need to obtain these values almost every second and keep these three parameters up to date, for couple

how can I sort 2d array?

How? ArraySort works only with one dimension it says

How can I find out if a position on an opened order has already opened?

I'm using pedning orders Sell Limit and Buy Limit. I open both orders at once, but if either position has been opened, I have to close another. The problem is i cannot find out wether my pending order has already opened a position or not. Because I send a pending order I can get a ticket number from